
Oct 10, 2007

Well, I'm still trucking along on this journey of getting to know my band.  I have lost 26 lbs since the pre-op diet (7 weeks ago) so I'm happy about that.   I've starting using FitDay everyday so that I can journal my food and my exercise.  That has really opened my eyes.  While I have been pretty good about eating a lot less, I realized that I wasn't getting enough calories in and I was getting way too many carbs in.  I'm still trying to find foods that I can eat that will give me protein without the fat and carbs.  I can't have dry meat yet and so I haven't tried any chicken or beef.  I've mainly been eating Tilapia, Salmon, and chicken/tuna salad.  But, I get added fat with those.  I do use low fat mayo and fat free cream cheese and thought I was doing good.  But, FitDay has shown me that I need to watch the combination of foods that I'm choosing throughout each day.

I have been riding my stationary bike every night and have only missed 4 days in the last 3 weeks.  But, I go twice a day on the weekends.  That has really, really helped me to lose what I have lost so far.  I'm one of those that loses in the face and boobs first but I need to lose in the stomach first.  lol....  My gut looks really big now and I'm smaller on top.  Hopefully, it will all even out soon. 

Well, take care on your own journey and I hope to see you on the loser's bench. 

Post Op Check Up

Sep 17, 2007

Well, it's been 3 weeks since surgery and I had my post op check up today.  The doctor said I'm doing really good.  I've lost 13 lbs since surgery and 10 the week before surgery.  So, 23 lbs gone forever.  WooHoo.

I have to admit, it's been tougher mentally than I thought it would.  Of course, it hasn't come off fast enough for me.  But, in honesty, I haven't been exercising like I should either.  I'm going to change that starting today.  I just rode my bike for 30 minutes so that is a start.  I'm journaling everything I eat so hopefully, between the two, I can figure out how to lose the most weight. 

I know the toughest part is coming up as I can now move on to softer foods for a week and then real foods.  So, I have to stay away from the temptation of having my "last meals" again before I begin getting my fills.  Wish me luck!

I'm struggling....

Sep 05, 2007

Well, I knew the time would come but I thought I'd last a little longer.  I'm really wanting something besides liquids.  It's been 8 days since surgery and this is the first day that I really want something besides soup.  I can have strained soup and pudding and popsicles but they just don't do it anymore.  I'm being good so that I can heal but it sure is tough.  Next Tuesday I can move on to mushies and I can't wait.  I'd love some potatoes or oatmeal just to have something different.  Bandster Hell has started early for me. lol.  But, I have to focus on re-training myself as that is what brought me here to begin with.  I can do it.  I know I can....

3 days post op

Aug 30, 2007

Well, I am 3 days out and I have to say it wasn't as bad as I thought.  i remember being wheeled into the surgical room and then being in recovery.  They woke me up pretty fast and had me swallow barium to make sure everything was going through okay.  It was. The doctor said my surgery went great.  The gas pain in my chest and back has been pretty bad but the heating pad helped quite a bit.  I'm just now feeling like I can sit up without getting nauseous.  I have been trying to walk as much as possible and sip water thanks to everyone's advice on the board.  I know that I would be worse off if I didn't do this.  I just don't see to have an appetite for anything else yet.  Soups all taste to salty.  I did have sf pudding and will probably try a sf popsicle in a bit.  But, I really can't stand the thought of soup right now.

Hope I'm going according to plan and that it is smooth sailing from here.  :-)

Thanks to all of you for your support and well wishes. 


6 more days

Aug 22, 2007

Well, my surgery is in 6 more days and I'm really getting nervous now.  I've never had surgery or been under anesthesia before.  In my heart, I know I have angels watching over me and I'll be okay.  I just have to keep telling my head that.    My doctor requires 5 days of a liquid diet and 1 protein shake a day before surgery.  But, I started yesterday so I'm going to do 7 days.  I know some will think I'm crazy but I figure, if I can't handle 2 more days, then I won't do well with the band as I have to be more disciplined.  Plus, I'm hoping the 2 extra days will help me lose more weight.  If you are reading this, say a little prayer for me.  I can always use it.

About Me
Kennedale, TX
Surgery Date
Apr 09, 2007
Member Since

Friends 25

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Post Op Check Up
I'm struggling....
3 days post op
6 more days
