
Nov 11, 2008

I am copying this with permission from Kathi C (KMMC).  Thank you Kathi for writing this.  Whenever I am second guessing my decision to move forward with WLS I will read this and remember why I need to do it now, and not in 20 years from now.

This is copied from the profile fo KMMC:

When I was in my thirties, my doctor said I need to lose weight because it wasn't healthy.  I said, but I am healthy.  He said you won't be when you get into your fifties.  I thought that he didn't know what he was talking about.

Periodically, I would lose a lot of weight on a crazy fad diet and not keep it off long enough to pay for all the new clothes.  Then the weight would pile back on plus more.

When I was in my forties, my doctor said I needed to lose weight because my blood pressure was high.  I said, but the rest of me is healthy and the pills work.  She said, but it will be worse in your fifties.  I thought she didn't know what she was talking about.

Again, I would lose a lot of weight on a crazy fad diet and not keep it off long enough to pay for all the new clothes.  Then the weight would pile back on plus more.

When I was in my fifties, my doctor said I need to lose weight because I had type II Diabetes.  I said, but my sugar isn't THAT high.  No, I won't take pills, exercise is too hard and I don't really care anyway.  I developed Neuropathy.  My feet either tingle or burn ALL of the time.  Thank the good Lord for Lyrica, which gives me some relief.  I still can't feel my toes and my feet up to my instep.  This is serious, this is for real and this ain't going away.

Now, I am in my sixties and have a 20 month old grandson who lives 2500 miles away.  Flying there is difficult, anyway.  Even worse because of the size of luggage I need to take for the size clothing I wear.  It tires me out and I can't get down on the floor and play with him.

As I was preparing myself for this surgery; I practiced chewing my food 25 times each bite and actually lost close to 20# before the 2 week pre-op diet.  I was down 27# the day of surgery.

I asked myself if I thought I could do this without surgery and the answer is:  Of course I can lose weight, I have done it a number of times.  But what tools do I have to maintain the weight loss?  Evidently none because I always gain it back plus more.  Surgery is an option to give me the tool I need to be healthy and active.

I second guessed myself up until two days before surgery when I had overwhelming peace that I was making the right choice.  (Thank God for praying friends.)

I realize it has only been a little over a week since my surgery, and in a few weeks, I will be celebrating my 62ND birthday and thanking God for a second chance to take care of this body He provided for me. 

Regrets?  Absolutely, I regret not having done this 10 or 20 or ?? years ago.

God Bless,


About Me
Tampa, FL
Surgery Date
Aug 19, 2008
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