April 24, 2007

Hello, good people of OH!  This is where I am at...

September 1, 2006
Hello family, all is well. Still very busy and enjoying life. Take care of U...peace & blessings!

July 2, 2005
My family, I know it's been a long time but life has certainly been keeping me very busy. I've movwed to Atlanta and am taking life by the horns. Peace & Blessings!

September 3, 2004
Hello to all my brothers and sisters in the struggle. Hope all is well with you. Please check out my website on Black Planet and take care of you.

July 2,2004
Hello to all. I know it has been more than a year since my last update. Life has been moving at a faster pace than I can remember. All is well!! Peace & Blessings!

April 17, 2003
Hello everyone...hope all is well. I am still loosing...at a slower pace now. I will post a new picture soon. To those just starting out, I urge you to never give up on yourselves...Peace & Blessings!

January 22, 2003
Hello to all! Everything is going so well. I posted a new picture. Take care of yourselves...Peace & Blessings!

January 8,2003
Happy New Year to all!!!!!! I apologize for not updating sooner. Needless to say, I have been terribly busy. I have so much more energy now and I am constantly on the go now-a-days. Anyway, all is well. I continue to get smaller. I will update in another month with pictures. Peace & Blessings!

October 25, 2002
It has been too long.....I am doing well and still shrinking! I average about 1.5 pounds per week. I really need to purchase new clothes. I can eat almost anything without worries. I suffer from terrible leg cramps. I know water and potassium will help and so I try to double up on both. The only exercise that I do is walking. I have been telling my self that I would join a gym now for a while. I will, soon.... Update.....143.9 pounds lost! Peace & Blessings!

September 9, 2002
Hello my sisters and brothers in the struggle against obesity. It has, once again, been a while. I have been dealing with some serious issues. My husband and I are no longer together...I am getting a divorce. I know that, through it all, I've got to learn to trust in Jesus because He is the only one who can help me through this trying time. On a happier note...I am really loosing inches now. Size 18 is a little too loose on me!!!! The last time I wore size 16 and under, I was in High School. Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Update: 112.9 pounds gone forever!

August 14,2002
Oh no, it's been 21 days since I last updated! Well, I have not felt like sharing, however, this forum is my "support group" so here I go. I have discovered that the times when I neglect to drink plenty of water, my weight loss slows down. So, I try to drink as much water as I can. I never thought there would come a time when drinking water would be a problem for me. I just have to learn to adjust. Emotionally, I have been going through the wringer. I think I'm mourning for my old self. I see how much different I look now and how differently people look at me and my heart hurts for the old me. I really don't know how to explain what it is that I'm feeling and for me that is a rarity. I love words but when it comes to expressing myself on the issues of the old Christine, I'm speechless! I ask that all of the true children of the Most High God-Jehovah-pray for me please. Update....down 107.8 Lbs Peace & Blessings!

July 23, 2002
Hello everyone. I have been so very busy. I thank God Almighty daily for this second chance at life. I have so much more energy than I ever did before! My clothes are hanging on me, however, I do not want to purchase too many new clothes. I just have to cope with looking somewhat like a raggamuffin for now (*_*). I am not complaining though. My hanging clothes signify more weight loss....update--Down 97 LBS!
Peace & Blessings.

July 3, 2002
Update--Down 89 LBS!
Happy 4th to all! Please be safe out there....Peace & Blessings!

May 10, 2002
Hello to all. I need help from anyone who may have gone through this. I am 13 weeks post-op and I cannot eat any kind of meat, chicken, pork, etc. The first time I tried to eat some chicken I got sick. I tried again a couple weeks later and still couldn't. Now, I chew my meats and spit them out. I think I am afraid to swallow; even though I take my time and chew, chew, chew. Help..............
P.S. Total weight loss-69Lbs.

April 26, 2002
I finally made it to my second post-op appointment. I am very please to announce that I have lost...may I have a drum roll please....53LBS!!!! That's 53LBS in 11 weeks. I keep telling you all that God is good. I hope all of the unbelievers are starting to believe that He is indeed very good. I will try to weigh myself every month and post it. So far, it has been very interesting. I am still not on solid solids as yet. I was very excited when, last week, I could eat eggs! I am not complaining, for now, I'm enjoying lots and lots of soup made especially for me by my godmother...........yummmmm!(May God continue to bless her and keep her safe.) I drink allot of water(I've always loved water, so for me, this is an easy feat). I take a Flintstones chewable vitamin daily, and walk, walk, walk. WALKING IS THE KEY! I am only walking for about half an hour every day. I cannot wait for the day when I'll be able to do more. Well, that is all I have to say about that for now. Take care of you and....Peace & Blessings!

February 25,2002
I made it safely on the other side. My surgery went well. Yes God is real! At my first post-op appt. I'd lost almost 11 pounds. Today is my first day back to work and I've received nothing but positive support from my colleagues-God is good. I just want to say a big THANK YOU! to everyone who blessed me with kind words, thoughts and prayers. May God, our father, richly bless you all. I will keep everyone posted on my weight loss progress...until then.....Peace & Blessings!


January 21, 2002
I HAVE BEEN APPROVED!!! I was approved after my first letter to Aetna. I found out the day that my hematologist give me his clearance for surgery--isn't God wonderful? My anemia is finally under control. I am schedule to have my surgery on the 6th of February, 2002. I am so very excited and grateful to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for his grace and mercy and favor. To all of you who have been praying for me, thanks and God Bless: keep following as my journey continues......Peace & Blessings!

December 27, 2001
I met with Dr. Naaman and he seemed to be a very confident person. For some reason, that had a serious calming effect on me. (This was a good thing.) He took his time to explain what the procedure would entail. Asked if I had any questions and answered them all. There is a snag...I am very anemic and Dr. Naaman has refereed me to a hematologist. He wants to make sure that I am fit enough for the surgery. In the main time, my request for the surgery has been submitted to Aetna. ( I know that God is in control and I expect to hear from them shortly.) I've already made an appointment with the hematologist. I will see him on the 4th of January in the New Year. I will update on my progress after my meeting with him. Merry Christmas, Happy Kwanza, and Happy New Year!! Peace & Blessings!

December 14, 2001
I am scheduled to have a consultation with Dr. Naaman on the 20th of this month. I am very excited!!!!! The gathering of all of the information that I needed took a little (okay, a whole lot) longer than I expected. I am just glad that I am finally moving again towards my dream. I will update you all as soon as I get back from meeting with Dr. Naaman. Until then...Peace & Blessings!

November 1, 2001

I turned 29 years old October 4, 2001! I am excited about the possibility of, finally, being more than just a 'pretty face': I've heard that almost all of my life. I am ready for a permanent change. I was blessed with a beautiful voice and, due to my obesity, I've shied away from sharing my gift with the world. Now, I believe I shall have the courage to come forth. I've been inspired by Carnie Wilson and several others (including a very good friend of mine). You are more than welcome to follow my journey from fat to fab. I've included my web site address. I will keep updated pictures of this wonderful journey on my site. Please visit as often as you'd like. Peace and Blessings!

About Me
Gainesville, GA
Surgery Date
Oct 24, 2001
Member Since

Friends 13

Latest Blog 1
No Longer Invincible!
