Hi, my name is Abby :). I'm 22 years old.  I'm here to document my journey on Gastric Bypass (Roux-en-Y). I'm really excited, but somewhat nervous. Like most people, I have tried soooo many ways to lose weight only to gain it all back plus more. Many of the women on my family have metabolic issues, but they were not diagnosed until later in life. So far, nothing has been found with me. I have tried Nutrisystem, Weight Watchers, Atkins, low glycemic diets, Calorie Counting, two nutritionists, personal trainer, etc. At one point in High School, I lost 70 lbs. through diet and exercise alone. However, my calorie intake was at a very low level and I exercised excessively. Obviously, that was not maintainable for the rest of my life and I gained it all back plus more :(. I'm really excited to start my journey! Currently, I am 5'4" and approx. 255 lbs. My BMI is 43.8 and I feel like Shamu. I feel I can no longer do vigorous exercise and therefore, my weight is creeping up faster before.  I felt like my life was spiraling out of control. I'm ready to start living again!

About Me
Centerville, OH
Surgery Date
Mar 02, 2008
Member Since

Friends 14

Latest Blog 17
8 months post-op
5 months 3 weeks. ONE-derland :)
4.5 months...Another Plateau!
12 weeks post-op
2 months post-op
6 weeks post-op
