Month 11

Jan 28, 2009

It's been a long time! the past 6 weeks have been really hard. I've been stuck on this plateau. I was losing and gaining the same 4 lbs.!!! Frustrating. I think I finally broke through it this week though. It's the lowest weight I have been so far! :) I am 76.4 lbs. down and I am currently at 178.6 lbs! :) It feels good to be out of the 180's. I feel like I was there forever. So, hopefully this plateau is broken and I can continue on my journey. 

It takes a lot more work to lose the weight now since I have lost such a significant amount. I've been working out and watching what I eat more closely. I notice I can eat a lot more too now. Not a large amount of food, but a lot more since my initial surgery. I've been trying to make healthy choices without being Extreme...I know when I do anything extreme (extreme exercise, extremely cutting down calories) it is not realistic and I won't be able to maintain that the rest of my life. So, I am trying to focus on realistic expectations of myself and have realistic goals. I still want to lose about 25 more lbs. at least...if more, that's even better! But, I would definitely like to be in the 150's if possible :)!

Hope everyone is doing well. Will update again in a while :)!



About Me
Centerville, OH
Surgery Date
Mar 02, 2008
Member Since

Friends 14

Latest Blog 17
8 months post-op
5 months 3 weeks. ONE-derland :)
4.5 months...Another Plateau!
12 weeks post-op
2 months post-op
6 weeks post-op
