November 16, 2006-2 Weeks post-op

Nov 15, 2006

I had my post op appt. with Dr. Cirangle. He says I'm doing fine and I'm target with my weight loss. I can now eat soft foods. I had 4 oz of cottage cheese which went down easy. I also tried a half of a cup of vegetarian refried beans and those went down ok too. I ate very slow since I need to get used to the new stomach.

Current weight: 246 (12 pounds down since surgery)

November 9, 2006: 1 week post op

Nov 09, 2006

Well it's been one week since I had the surgery, and I feel really good still. I have to say though staying on liquids has been kind of tough for me. It's not that I'm really hungry, but I just miss the variety and options of having some "real" food. I was at Costco yesterday and it was a bit tortureous going up and down the aisles and seeing all the food. I did sample some Progesso soup from one of the Demo Dollies (or in this case a Demo Dan! ha!) and decided to buy some of it. I later put some in my bullet and pureed it. It was very good.

I also had a major pickle craving, which is kinda weird (and no I'm not PG! haha!). I used to eat pickles daily as a kid, but as an adult I have not eaten them so much. Anyway for some reason I had a craving, but since I can't have solids yet I knew I couldn't have one. Then my brilliant youngest daughter said "mom why don't you just have some pickle juice?"...ok that may sound weird, but as a kid my sister and I used to drink pickle juice. So last nite I poured a small amount of pickle juice in a wine glass and sipped on it for a good 15 mins or so. It hit the spot and my craving!! :)

This morning I was happy that I was able to do my 3 mile hillwalk. I have been walking the hill by my house for a while, and in recent months I've been doing it about 5 days a week. I feel really good getting my morning excerise routine out of the way and enjoying the sun and fresh air. Gotta love our weather!!:) I hope someday after I've lost a significant amount of weight that I will be jogging the hill!!

So here's my stats of my weight loss progress....

10/4/06: Consultation appointment: 266 lbs

11/2/06: Day of surgery: 258 lbs

11/9/06: 1 wk after surgery: 249 lbs

This week I've been weighing myself everyday, but I will now probably weigh once or twice a week. I also measured myself the day before surgery, and I will continue to measure myself as time goes on.

November 6, 2006: 4 days Post Surgery

Nov 06, 2006

Well I'm 4 days out post surgery and I feel really good. I'm still feeling a bit bloated and don't feel I have all my oxygen capacity yet, but I know that will change soon. I'm not really hungry, and learning to adjust to my new stomach. Having a hard time getting in all the protein, but doing the best I can for now. I know getting thru the first month is going to be the toughest, but I'm looking forward to this journey. I have no regrets so far. My surgery went pretty smooth. Dr. Cirangle said he got it done in 1 hour. The staff at Ca Pac Med Center were awesome. Best nurses and services I've ever experienced. I'm so glad I decided to do this as a self pay and just get it done with and move on with my life!!!!

I have been getting a bit stir crazy being at home. Yesterday I went for a 30 minute (level) walk. That felt good. Today I went and got a facial and then walked around an outdoor mall for a bit. Then tonight I got the urge to go walk again so I did another 30 min walk, flat level again. It's too early for me to start doing my hill walks or hikes. I just want to keep busy during this liquid phase. I had planned on taking 2 weeks off from work, but at this point I may just take 1 week off and not burn all my sick time. I'm surprised at how much energy I have. I stopped taking all pain meds 2 days ago.

About Me
San Jose, CA
Surgery Date
Oct 12, 2006
Member Since

Friends 25

Latest Blog 13
So I had a Tummy Tuck and Breast Lift!
August 2007 update
July 1, 2007-- 194 pounds.
April 20, 2007
February 26, 2007- 3.5 mos since surgery
January 20, 2007-- 11 weeks post op
January 4, 2007 - 2 months post op
December 27, 2006
December 7, 2006- 5 Weeks post op
November 23, 2006- Thanksgiving! -- 3 Weeks post op
