Lost my babies

Aug 26, 2010

Well I found out that I lost my babies on 8/20/10 had DNC on Friday and again on Monday.  I was awake on Monday.  I am a mess emotionally and physically.  Lost faith in OBGYN office.  I do not know what to do at this point.  I know I want to have surgery more now than ever because they could not get a vein so IV had to go in my neck which feel like crap.  I am ready to go back to putting all my time on weightloss surgery.  I need support and looking for meeting in my area.

A hold on my weightloss journey

Jul 18, 2010

Well I wanted to let all my OH friends know I will continue to support you in your weightloss journey however, I will not be having surgery as planned.  I found out on July 9, 2010 that I was pregnant.  Pregnancy was a shock I was taking a birth controll  and did not have a cycle.  I am sad I can not have surgery however god makes no mistakes and he has mapped out my life.  I have a due date of March 28, 20111.  I will continue to call the ones I talk to and checkonline on others.  Good luck everyone and GOD bless. 

Broke a Chair and it broke my heart

Jul 07, 2010

OK yesterday 7/6/10 was a rough day and all I wanted to do is cry when I was sitting in my rolling chair at work and rolled a little bit and chair wheel of chair broke.  It took everything I had to stop crying.  I can not believe I allow myself to get this big.  Now I have to deal with the consequences of my weight.  After I cried I got motivated more because I refuse to allow the devil called fat to stop or take control of my life.  I called my prayer warrior and had her start praying and coming into agreement with me that I will be successful, I will have no road blocks with insurance, and which ever doctor GOD feel should do my surgery will be the Dr.  To do my surgery I am not focusing on anything else.  
I started looking for people in my small town and people close to my area to meet with in person so I can talk to them about their journey so far I have found 3 right here in Rockmart, Ga, 1 Cedartown, and one Dallas.  I am going to support the ones that is on the road to thin learn from their experience and pray that they support me.  I called Dr. Dennis Smith office in Marietta and spoke to Dee who set me up for a Free seminar on 7/22/10 and I will start attending the WL support groups in August.  You know I am very committed to doing everything required for WLS and to maintain weight loss surgery results.

It is amazing how me breaking a chair have made me think about my life and future.

Thanks for reading in advance

1 comment


Jun 19, 2010

I went to my first Weightloss siminar today I felt like I made a great accomplishment but did not get any information about DS  which is the surgery I plan to have.  I found the siminar to be emotional and showing success but not informative.  It was more like a show,  I will visit other siminars soon.  Dr. Titus Ducan is the leader of this siminar nothing agaist him but I believe it should have been more informative he did not even tell people the true amout of supplements they will have to take after surgery. 

2nd Weightloss program apppt

Jun 15, 2010

Today I went to my 2nd weightloss program appointment.  I went from 311 to 307 so I lost but I have to remember to make sure I do not drop under BMI of 50 so I can get my DS surgery.   I have to remember that each day is a journey.

5/18/10 Another thing to remind me I fat.

May 18, 2010

OK today have been a bad day so I got in my huge Jacuzzi and relaxed.  The problems with the tub is that when I got ready to get out of it I had a hard time and was hurting.  I am so pissed with my self how did allow my self to be this big and unhealthy.  I know that I have to take my life back now or I'm going to die.   

Decision on what surgery is right for me

Apr 26, 2010

I made a decision based on nothing but research.  I have chose DS surgery.  I now have to decide on a doctor.  I want to make sure that I make the right decision so that I do not have any regrets.  I want to use a doctor in Georgia however, there is one doctor out of state that is in the running.  I believe I have made up my mind I just have to speak to my husband and go over it with him.  Wish me luck.

4/18/2010 Appt made

Apr 18, 2010

I have taken a step toward weight loss surgery I have found out the requirement that my insurance have prior to approval.  I have started getting materials on RNY and DS.  I made my first appointment with primary physician to start physic an monitored weight loss program.  Apt is on 5/11/10.  I am learning that the more information I have the more prepared I will be for surgery. 

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Apr 12, 2010
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