5 months - Hanging in there

Mar 28, 2009

I was getting pretty discouraged lately. I've been working some crazy hours and not getting to the gym much at all. So my weight loss is not as great as it was the first month or so. I went for my last fill appointment expecting to have gained, so imagine my surprise to find I had in fact LOST 5lbs in the last month. Not only that - but after talking to the dr. about how things are going, we pretty much agree that I'm at my sweet spot and just need to keep doing what I'm doing but getting back to the gym.

Even though the weight loss number is not where I would like it to be, I'm within striking distance of Onederland and people are stopping me to say I look fantastic and my face has especially changed - which is a great boost! I cut my hair, bought a few clothes that fit and started wearing makeup which actually makes a difference.

I started back going to the gym this morning and I'm making the commitment to stay on track. DH goes faithfully so I can too.

DH & I will be traveling to see our families soon. They haven't seen us since my surgery and everyone is telling me that they will just flip. DH is also much slimmer and looking good. Speaking of DH - in all our years of marriage, never has he complimented me more than he does these days. We actually have little love-fests telling each other how good the other looks. It's funny because neither of us are used to accepting compliments like that - crazy - but good!

My friend who had the surgery about a month after me is also doing fantastic and we keep each other motivated. The other day at work we sat and each crossed our legs and just laughed because we could actually do it!!! I love those NSV's and it's even better going through this with a friend.

I'm extremely happy I had this surgery. Even though I have a long way to go I am seeing differences, being treated differently (in a good way) by my husband and others, being able to venture out of the Women's department and just plain feeling better.


About Me
Euless, TX
Surgery Date
Sep 28, 2008
Member Since

Friends 17

Latest Blog 11
First Fill
40 Days
Three weeks out
Dancing might be the key!
Two days out
Day before surgery
