Mary R. 21 years, 5 months ago

Hi Jennifer, I love your page, it looks great and you are absolutely beautiful. Congrats on the weight loss and progress. I am hoping to have surgery next month rny open proximal. Thanks for having such a great and informative page on your journey, Mary

brenda B. 21 years, 10 months ago

I was referred to have the weight loss surgery but I have heard so many risks that it has discouraged me.I just need some reassurrance. I really need to have this surgery and I really want to be healthy but when I think about the risk I also think about my children and I don't want to leave them here alone. I know I could also leave them here alone if I don't have the surgery. I don't know I'm confused and tired of feeling bad,looking bad and being unhealthy. My doctor told me about a patient that died because the staples corroded and from that point on I have been so discouraged but I still want to do it. Can someone please give me some insight on this? I read all of these websites and I am so thrilled about how everyone has reached their goals and are very healthy. You guys are great and I am so proud. I only wish I could be on the other side with you.......(THE HAPPY SIDE) My referral has been submitted but I haven't heard anything yet. Sincerely, Fat,Unhappy and Unhealthy in TEXAS!!!

Rochelle B. 21 years, 10 months ago

Jennifer, I just read your profile. WOW you are such an inspiration and you look great! My big day is coming and I'm getting a little nervous. I hope to have as much success as you. Chelle

L. Brown 21 years, 10 months ago

Jennifer, you look awesome! Thanks for sharing your success, you are an inspiration to those of us just beginning the journey!

kylakae 21 years, 10 months ago

Jennifer, I somehow missed your anniversary so I wanted to stop in and congratulate you on your awesome success!! Your pictures tell the story of how well you've done. Woman, you look absolutely gorgeous! I hope this next year proves to be your best ever!

Jeannette B. 21 years, 11 months ago

Jennifer...Congratulations on your one year anniversary tomorrow...You look great!

perezrdh 22 years, 1 month ago

Hey Jenn!! Miss you so much girl! I'm subbing in the nurses office this week so I'm typing this from work. I gather you made it safely back to the states...where are you now? I'll bet your inlaws are tickled to death with your gorgeous self!! Love and hugs and have a blast! Love you girl, Victoria (aka Queenie :)lol)

Lori L. 22 years, 10 months ago

Hey Jenn, it's me Lori in Germany!! Congratulations!!! You made it!!! I am so excited for you and glad you come through complication free. Can't wait for you to get back to your computer so I can update you on my situation. Talk to you soon. Take care. Hugs, LORI

Jennifer Lynn J. 22 years, 11 months ago

Hi everybody, it's me! I'm downstairs in the Patient Library! Julia came and got me and she's spending time with me to keep me up and running! She's already lost 17lbs in one week! I am very grateful to all my buddies on line! Thanks for all the phone calls, and Jennifer, thanks for the fax! It was really nice to wake up from anesthesia with a card to read from you all! My pain meds are sooooo goooood! I sound like a junkie! But this epidural has become my best friend... or at least the pca has! I should be released today or tomorrow... that's what they said everyday now! LOL, I'm a LOSER now!

perezrdh 22 years, 11 months ago

Hello: Just wanted to let everyone know I spoke to Jennifer yesterday and she is doing really well. They removed her NG tube and she was dying for something to drink. She has been up and walking several times and the docs are talking about releasing her today or tomorrow. YOU GO GIRL!! We are all really proud of you! Your Friend from Italy :)*********
About Me
Surgery Date
Feb 23, 2001
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
Pre Op / Surgery was 7/17/01
Post Op / Two years later!

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