Half the Woman I used to BE!!!!!

Oct 11, 2008

Well It is official.  This morning the scale was at 157 pounds which is half my body weight.  I have lost 157 pounds.  I am half the woman I used to be!!!  I am so excited.  I used to tell myself that I would be happy at 175 and have passed that.  My goal then was 157 because that was half the weight I was at the beginning.  Now my new goal is 145.  I so excited.  I haven't been this thin since middle school (LOL!!!)  Some days are harder, some days are easier.  But with God I know I can get through anything.  What a blessing!!!!

Hate this slow up and down game I have been playing

Oct 01, 2008

Well I have been putting on and taking off the same 5 pounds for the past month.  I fully believe that I am not going to get to my goal weight.  I have noticed old behavoirs of mine sneaking in.  I am eating more often, bigger portions, and snacking alot.  It really scares the hell out of me.  I don't want to go back to the old Cheri.  I don't want to gain the weight back.  It scares me because I gain 4 pounds and lose 3 pounds and gain 3 pounds and lose 2 pounds.  I have been stuck between 165 and 160 for the past month.  It is frustrating and really disappointing.  I really wanted to be at 150 for my wedding.  The wedding is now 57 days away and I don't see it happening.  I would be happy if I could get to 157 then I would be half the person I was....but at this rate.  I am not sure if I will ever get there.  I have to stop eating.  I have to stop snacking.  And I have to make healthier food choices.  I HAVE TO!!! 

Off the pill for a few days, but still eating alot more

Sep 08, 2008

I have been off of the birth control pill for about 4 days now.  I dropped 3 pounds almost instantly.  I have been eating more now though.  My portion size has increased and I have been eating more times per day.  I really have to get ahold of this thing again.  I even woke up in the middle of the night and ate 2 pieces of cheese.  These are old behavoirs that I am picking up again.  Today I am going to commit to eating protein only.  I am going to exercise big time.  I am going to drink my 64 oz. of water.  I have to get back on the band wagon otherwise I fear I won't reach my goal.  I was at 171 this morning.  I am 21 pounds from my goal and I swear I WILL GET THERE!!!!! 

Going off the pill to the Nuva ring

Sep 03, 2008

I called my OBGYN today. I had to see another one because she was gone last month. My real OBGYN stated that there is a theory that most people have that the birth control pill is not absorbed right due to the gastric bypass. She told me that she did not want me taking the pill and that the pill is what probably has caused my weight gain in the past week. She said that the pill causes our bodies to retain even more water during that time of the month.

So with that being said she told me to stop taking the pill and to come pick up some samples of the Nuva ring. I am hoping that it works for me and that it doesn't cause weight gain. I did waste some money on a few months of birth control pills, but that is o.k. I would rather throw money away than gain weight or get pregnant too early.

So bye bye picked up pounds ( I HOPE) and hello to birth control that you insert once per month and don't have to remember to take a pill each day to be effective....YEAH

Weight gain????

Sep 01, 2008

I started birth control pills for the first time in about 1 1/2 years about 8 days ago.  I talked to the OBGYN about the possible side effects and expressed my concern about possible weight gain.  She told me that a possible side effect is increased appetite and weight gain.  So...I have been taking the pill for 8 days and have gained 4 pounds.  Since having my surgery I have not gained like this and I AM NOT TOO HAPPY ABOUT IT.  I am not sure what to do. I want to lose another 20 pounds by the wedding and here I am going up.  I have not been eating more food.  I am still exercising.  There is no reason the scale should have gone up like this and stayed there.

I posted a thread about it on my other support group www.dailystrength.com  The women there all told me that weight gain can happen and that it has something to do with the absorption rate of the pill and changing that.  I still don't understand the whole concept.  I am going to call the OBGYN tomorrow and ask her to call me.  I cannot have this weight gain, especially now 2 1/2 months to my wedding.  Maybe she mis understood my concern.  Maybe she can switch it to another dosage.  Maybe she can give me some other birth control options that won't cause this problem.  I am so close to my goal and will NOT ACCEPT this.  I CANNOT ACCEPT THIS. 

Oh, on a good note...I did squeeze into a size 8 slacks yesterday.  I could barely breathe, but hey I got them on.  I have not been that small since heck probably middle school.  This is why I am so upset about the weight gain. I have worked so hard to get to where I am at I cannot let a daily pill cause me to move away from where I want to be.  150 or BUST...

Stuck Like Chuck

Aug 29, 2008

Well I have been stuck at about 169 for a few weeks now.  My weight loss has definately slowed down.  I am 7 months post op today and down 146 pounds.  Over the past month I have only lost 10 pounds.  And this past week my weight has not changed at all.  I still am exercising and toning, but not seeing the same results.  I am not surprised.  This was to be expected.  I knew that it wouldn't be easy forever.  I shouldn't say that because it hasn't been easy at all.  I have had to work out on a regular basis and really watch what I am eating.  I don't see me getting to my goal weight of 150 by the wedding.  It is 89 days away and I have to lose another 19 pounds.  At the rate I am losing I won't be there.  I have to bump up the exercise, water, and protein.  And really my prayer.  Because it is going to take alot of that and faith to get to where I want to be.....

Gallbladder is finally GONE!!!!

Aug 17, 2008

On Friday I went it in and had my gall bladder removed.  I am very happy about it too.  No more Gall stone attacks!!!!  I was hoping that my gall bladder weighed a pound too, but found that I actually gained 5 pounds after the surgery.  I am hoping it is from the i.v. fluids and gas they pumped into my stomach.  I am very sore right now.  I feel like I was stabbed, punched in the gut and did about 100 sit ups all at one time.  But I know the benefits will out weigh the pain I am having right now.  Maybe it will help with my constipation too.   Constipation is a side effect of gastric bypass and having the gall bladder out leads to diarhea (did I spell that right???).  So maybe the 2 will balance each other out and I will be normal again.  I can't work out for at least a week or two, but I will get back into the groove a.s.a.p.  I have another 25 pounds to lose before the wedding.....


Aug 14, 2008

Well my weight loss has really slowed down.  My appetite has increased and I do find myself eating late at night sometimes.  Old habits die hard.  I have struggled over time with certain foods.  I am really trying to 12 step the food reminding myself that "1 is too many and a 1000 is never enough".  But I really have to work on reminding myself that old behaviors will lead back to the old me.  I cannot be eating late at night.  I have to watch my portion size.  I have to continue to work out.  I have to do protein first.  I have to drink water.  Everything else should come easy???  I am down 140 pounds and feel great.  The last thing I want to do is put it back on. 

Like I said my weight loss has slowed down.  I have only lost like 2 pounds in the past 2 weeks.  The scale has been yo yo ing.  I hope it is water weight due to my upcoming monthly "cycle".  Only time will tell.  I am about 100 days from the wedding with 25 more pounds to lose to reach my goal.  I am determined to get there.......

All Work and No Exercise makes Cheri a Fat Girl

Jul 21, 2008

Well not literally anymore, but I sure do feel fat when I don't work out.  I was sick this whole week with a chest cold and really wasn't motivated to do much.  Today was the first day I came close to exercise and still I was sluggish compared to my old "get up and get going" self.  I guess it didn't help that 'Ol Aunt Flo' came to visit and I am bloated and irritable.  But hey maybe that means I gained water weight and will drop a few pounds in the next few days....boy that sure would be nice.  I haven't lost anything all week because I have been so sick and congested.  So lets just pray when Aunt Flo leaves that she takes some of the fat with her....LOL.  And lets also pray that I can get up off my ass and get back into the swing of things.  I like working out now and can feel it all over when I don't. 

This up and down game stinks

Jul 13, 2008

It is hard the days you step on the scale and go up.....I think "Down Down Down" before I get on it and then it goes up up up.  I can totally see how what I eat and how often I exercise can affect the scale.  But from now on the scale had better listen to me and do what I tell it to do.  From now on, It is only allowed to go "Down Down Down".....

About Me
Aurora, IL
Feb 02, 2008
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Latest Blog 28
Half the Woman I used to BE!!!!!
Hate this slow up and down game I have been playing
Off the pill for a few days, but still eating alot more
Going off the pill to the Nuva ring
Weight gain????
Stuck Like Chuck
Gallbladder is finally GONE!!!!
All Work and No Exercise makes Cheri a Fat Girl
This up and down game stinks
