It's official

Jul 22, 2011

I've got 11lbs to go and I'll be at 199!!!  I haven't seen that # since 1988!!! 

I was never a skinny kid but really started packing on the pounds when my mom passed away (I was 13)   By the time I was 17 I was 199 - my heighest ever was about 15yrs ago... a scale-crushing 310Lbs

I can't say enough about my RNY @ 6 months and -75Lbs my life is already soo different... I'm hoping to lose another 35-40Lbs I can't even begin to imagine what that's going to be like!!!

My only regret... not doing this years ago!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Down 50Lbs in 16 Weeks!!!

May 14, 2011

Down 50 Lbs... and still going strong!!
1 comment

Been a while!

Jun 22, 2010

So lots of back and forthe with the insurance company - that was not all that fun, why couldn't they just make VSG approval as easy as Lap-Band or RNY - bahhhhh politics! All that this time has given me opportunity to think and ready and consider what avenue I should journey....  I haven't been able to 100% commit to a procedure - so many pros/cons for each!! I refused to get a surgery date until I was at 100% certain. My fiance who I call my "hubby" and I have had many of lengthy discussions and he's supportive no matter what - whatever gets me to "healthy" he says.  He has been so involved which is nice, he came with me to almost all of my appointments and drove Dr.Robinson crazy with questions!

Anyway - RNY it is! 

I have to go back to his office July 19th so he can hear it from me that I'm certain I want RNY -  I'm hoping to have my surgery at the end of August/September ish.

My struggle now is telling my boss... she's super cool but I don't want to have to divulge the details. We're pretty close - I mean, we've seen eachother every day for the past 9years! But she loves gossip and drama... I was thinking of just using some of my vacation time (I have 4+ weeks) but would much rather save vaca time for vaca!!!  I think I'm gonna just keep it vague and say I have to have a procedure - hopefully she will respect that I don't want to divulge the details!  We shall see!!

Stay tuned!



Jan 02, 2010

Ughh Thanksgiving - Christmas - New Years = FOOD - FOOD - FOOD!!!!

I've been fortunate enough NOT to have gained these past weeks but I did make sacrifices when it came to partaking in the customary holiday gorging!!

I'm NOT waiting until Monday to get back on track - I started Friday (01/01/10) so far so good!

New habbits:
In the past few months, I have developed a new love for tea!  My favorite is the Celestial Season Peppermint...tea just takes so long to drink if you get it boiling hot, it helps pass the time between meals and reduce the cravings.

I keep a gallon of water in my office at work and know that I must finish it before I go home! Yes I use the ladies room a LOT!

I've been going to the gym more steadily - even if for 45mins but it's usually a good hour of cardio then a little nautalis here and there.

Grocery shopping has been better too - Frank (my finace) has a New Years resolution to lose weight so we haven't bought any snack food. We've loaded up on vegetables, lean protiens, and very light on the carbs. I'm a self proclaimed carb-a-holic!!

I'm well on my way to losing the 11 lbs that I've promised myself I would try to lose before seeing Dr. Robinson on 01/11/10

12/14/2009 Psychiatrist & Nutritionist Appointments

Jan 02, 2010

Been there done that... 

So today I had my appointment with Psychiatrist - I think I just went thru the motions, answered this long list of questions… I wonder if I would have answer them differently if I knew no one was going to read them. Of the 100 questions I’m pretty sure 25 of them asked if I’d consider taking my own life - not that directly just in a round about way! Kind of strange but there were no right or wrong answers.

When I finally sat with the psych she did ask me questions about my life and my family and the people who are around me. She was very nice but it seemed a bit rushed - again really just felt like we were going thru a motion, not going deep into my head to see the source of who I am and why I am here. Towards the end it was determined that she and I had sat together once before back in 2007 when I went thru round one of wls. I was a bit flattered that of all the people she had seen day in and day out for the past few years somehow she remembered me!  I could tell the appointment was almost over - I asked her "so how'd I do" and she said you'll be fine Christine and I could definitely see me doing great with this tool. As she saw me to the door into the lobby she took my hand and smiled at me and said "I wish you well". I was touched... what a nice lady - I'm sure she'll see me again. I think a few sessions with her maybe together we can figure out why I am who I am.

Once I finished up with the pshcy appointment I walked down the hall for my next appointment… the Nutritionist! 

Another very nice woman - she seemed warm and caring as she had a true compassion for obesity and helping me and others learn to live a healthy lifestyle. She started by telling me that she had read thru my medical chart and got an idea of my surgical history with Dr. Robinson. We got to talking and sat for a good thirty/fourty minutes or so and went thru some routine questions. We went over the procedure and what I could expect. She also gave me some paperwork outlining the my pre-op diet and then the importance of what to consume post-op. She gave me her card as we walked toward the lobby and said I could call her any time for advice or help pre or post op and that I should schedule a time to come back whenever I want.

When I left these appointments I had a new appreciation for wls and my decision to do this again. I've said it before and I've said it again... I truly feel blessed to have an opportunity to go thru this again. I'm a firm believer in not making the same mistake twice.



11/16/2009 Follow Up and review Upper GI

Jan 02, 2010

Back to Dr. Robinson's office I go! He reviewed my UGI on the screen in front of me, he explained what he was looking at and said everything looked good and that we should continue.

We spoke more of the VSG but also reviewed RNY - again agreeing that the sleeve would be the best avenue. VSG is the first step of a two step surgery of which I would probably not need the 2nd step. He did re-iterate that approval for VSG would not come without an appeal. Unlike Lap-Band or RNY which is much easier to have approved.

Keeping with the common insurance requirements I must schedule my appointments to meet with both a Psychiatrist and Nutritionist.  Once completed he would write the letter of recommendation and medical necessity, and that gathered with the completed insurance requirements he would submit the findings package to BCBS. If/when denied - we will appeal, if denied again he will have an outside specialist contracted to pursue the approval. He seemed confident it may not have to go this far.

Some have asked why I don't just get RNY - well which ever procedure is chosen by any individual is their decision and while I'm NOT against RNY I would prefer VSG for a number of reasons which is why I am willing to pursue it. Meanwhile I will continue to diet, exercise and lose weight so when my day comes I will be that much more prepared. I couldn't imagine not getting my head into the "post-op" mind set prior to surgery. Watching what I eat and making the right decisions is not an overnight lesson it's not just physical it's psychological. Sure it would be easy to eat whatever/whenever between now and then but why... my life will not be over after surgery it will just be the beginning. I can still eat!

I've googled Dr. Robison several times over the years, he's a brilliant man. He's written several articles in the renowned New England Journal of Medicine and many other publications and participated in several other surgical studies so there's no doubt he is viewed as a highly intelligent man in the surgical community.

11/06/2009 Upper GI

Jan 02, 2010

Diagnostic Radiology Level L1 - de ja vu!!
I signed in and I got into my oh so attractive johnny and took a seat on the one single orange chair at the side of this room that was very stark and white. White walls, white machines etc. The technician entered the room (kind of cute), he had me stand on this platform and aimed this big camera imaging box at my upper body. "Here put this fizzy powder on your tongue then drink this liquid" eiwwwww yuck was all I had to say about that!! I was handed another cup but this one one came with a straw... "here" he said "sip this and swallow, keep going until I say stop" this too was eiwwww yuck - kind of like sucking concrete mix thru a straw. All the while the hydraulic table positioned me from vertical to horizontal - I kept hearing this clicking noise like from a camera. Once I was on my back I was asked to turn this way and that, back and forth etc. not fun but before I knew it, it was over and I was back in the vertical position. I was given yet another yucky beverage to sip from a straw. I had my head turned just right so I could view the video screen that the tech was looking at and recording. As I sipped this seemingly radioactive liquid I watched it go from my mouth, down my esophagus, and into my stomach.  I'm pretty sure I saw exactly what Dr. Robinson wanted to see... there was no obstruction and I was swallowing and digesting with no problem.

11/02/2009 2nd Attempt/Revision - Surgical Consult

Jan 02, 2010

On Friday 10/30 I called and scheduled a consultation with my surgeon, on Monday 11/2 I found myself in his office. It was weird at first - I got so sad because my entire Lap-Band experience was all coming back to me. Of course he remembered me so he was very compassionate as we started to talk and I shed a few tears. One of the first things that he said was that I was not able to get a new Lap-Band. When I had my band removed he performed a "partial gastrectomy" basically removing a small part of my stomach that was sutured up over my band holding it in place. This was really a non-issue since I knew I didn't want a new band anyway. Having a 2nd chance at this, I am pursuing a more aggressive form of wls. Knowing wls is only covered once in a life time thru BCBS, I feel blessed to have a second chance. My band slipping was not a preventable occurrence (rather than me just not losing weight) so I will be covered. 
Going into the appointment I really wanted to talk with him about VSG, well ironically before I even said it, he suggested I research it. When I told him I already had and that I was most comfortable with this procedure we went over it step by step. He also said this procedure will not be approved without an appeal which I knew and I'm completely willing to do so in the long run I'll have the best result!

Dr. Robinson requires his patients lose 10% of their body weight prior to surgery and the standard insurance requirements of a nutritionist and psychiatrist appointment. I'm fine with losing 10%... I have to get my head in the game and NOT go in the wrong direction and gain weight. I've got to train my brain to eat less and make better decisions between now and the day I have my surgery.

Oh I also have to have an upper GI so he can check out my anatomy since having my band out and my partial gastrectomy.

About Me
Franklin, MA
Surgery Date
May 16, 2007
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