Been a while!

Jun 22, 2010

So lots of back and forthe with the insurance company - that was not all that fun, why couldn't they just make VSG approval as easy as Lap-Band or RNY - bahhhhh politics! All that this time has given me opportunity to think and ready and consider what avenue I should journey....  I haven't been able to 100% commit to a procedure - so many pros/cons for each!! I refused to get a surgery date until I was at 100% certain. My fiance who I call my "hubby" and I have had many of lengthy discussions and he's supportive no matter what - whatever gets me to "healthy" he says.  He has been so involved which is nice, he came with me to almost all of my appointments and drove Dr.Robinson crazy with questions!

Anyway - RNY it is! 

I have to go back to his office July 19th so he can hear it from me that I'm certain I want RNY -  I'm hoping to have my surgery at the end of August/September ish.

My struggle now is telling my boss... she's super cool but I don't want to have to divulge the details. We're pretty close - I mean, we've seen eachother every day for the past 9years! But she loves gossip and drama... I was thinking of just using some of my vacation time (I have 4+ weeks) but would much rather save vaca time for vaca!!!  I think I'm gonna just keep it vague and say I have to have a procedure - hopefully she will respect that I don't want to divulge the details!  We shall see!!

Stay tuned!


About Me
Franklin, MA
Surgery Date
May 16, 2007
Member Since

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