Surgeon's visit

Feb 06, 2007

Saw the surgeon last Friday--it went pretty well.  I was very nervous, he seems to me to be very arrogant at times.  He was cordial though, he said as far as he is concerned, I should have the surgery.  He did express he was worried about my arterial o2 being so low--82-83, he said I would probably go home on oxygen.  He also said I would never  lose enough weight with the band to not be over weight, he says his goal is 160--Heck I said, if I could weight 160, I would shine all the shoes in his closet!  My goal was 150--that is only 10 lbs less--hopefully, I will be able to be agressive enough to reach that.  Will add more, when I know more!

still waiting

Nov 21, 2006

still waiting, month #4 in this 6 mos diet journey--I have been on an emotional roller coaster with everything that has gone on this month--trying to do better!  Eating lots of protein, only had a couple of grazing incidents--the next demon to conquer is Coke--dont drink or smoke, never ran around on my husband--I have held steadfast to what I call my vice.  Thank heavens I haven't gained any weight, I have lost 6 but that is a long way from what they wanted me to lose for the ins co. filing (30) Heck! if I could lose 30 lbs by myself I would probably be able to do the rest, keeping it off of course is another story.  Gonna try the pool
tonight-hope I don't embarras myself or my family too much.  Will post more later when I know more. 

New Updates

Oct 31, 2006

You may also update and journal here.  Please remove this one..;-)

About Me
Surgery Date
Aug 03, 2006
Member Since

Friends 63

Latest Blog 23
Its November
16 months and relapse
14 months and Onederland
eleven months gone
