Do you need a push to get you started?

May 20, 2009

I started loosing weight and being serious about it only three months ago. My supervised diet started in January but I didn't start doing right till February.I've lost 26 pounds on my own and I am maintaining it. If  I step on the scale and there is extra pounds I just tell myself ok what didi I eat  to put on the two or three pounds and then I take it from there.I've come a really long way. I started at 266 and now I weigh 240. I cannot believe it!!! 40 more to go then I will be at 200. The day that I weigh 199 I think that my whole town will hear me shout with joy.If anyone out there needs inspiration or just a push to get you motivated let me know. Walking has helped me alot. The next mornig after walking if I step on the scale there is always a 1 to 3 pond difference. You have to be consistent with it though. Once you start exercising and get into a routine you will not feel right skpping the routine. I had someone get me started my angel Renee so I want to pay it forward and do te same for someone else.If you need me just let me know!!!

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Surgery Date
Mar 16, 2009
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