My Video Blog at YouTube

Apr 07, 2012

I just wanted to share the link to my youtube playlist where I share my videos concerning my VSG. I started about a month pre-op. I only have 4 videos so far, but I plan to keep posting them on at least a monthly basis to keep track of my progress.

I hope you'll join me and share my progress via video. Thanks for watching!


My Blog

Apr 01, 2012

and Weight Loss Journal can be found here...

Sleeved and Home

Mar 25, 2012

I am happy to report that my VSG surgery went fine this past Friday. I came home the next day around 1 pm. Everything went well and since being home I've been focusing on getting in my protein and fluids. I'm on a liquid only diet for 2 weeks. So, far it hasn't been bad except that even though I take small sips I am having a bit of discomfort in my chest once I swallow. I think that may be due to the fact that he also fixed a hiatal hernia I had. So happy to be on the Losers Bench!

Surgery on for Friday!

Mar 18, 2012

Since I last wrote I had my colonoscopy and everything was OK. He found 3 polyps he removed and said I had a fissure that was healing. I feel so much better! I still haven't gotten the report on the polyps but the doctor didn't think they were anything to worry about.

So, I've seen the anesthesiologist and met with Dr. Pirrello last week and got all of my pre-surgery instructions and prescriptions. My surgery is at 9:30 am at CMC - NE and it's a 35 minute drive to get there. I have to call the day before to make sure of the surgery time and find out exactly what time I need to arrive. I'm expecting that we will have to leave home by 7 am.

Getting excited!


Things are moving so fast...

Mar 07, 2012

I had a little panic attack last night, but finally with prayer was able to calm myself down. Reason? Well, first of all for the last 5 weeks I've been dealing with either hemorrhoids or an anal fissure. I know, gross. I went to a gastroentologist this past Monday and he thinks it's the latter. Anyway, he kindly got me in next Monday for a colonoscopy so that I can make sure everything is OK before my VSG surgery on March 23rd. At least I haven't had any bleeding for over a week and feel like maybe it's getting better. Then last night I tried another fiber additive and it did NOT agree with me. I was up from about 9 pm to 1 am with the runs and each time it seemed as though I would hurt worse! I just want to feel normal again and am so tired of being afraid to poop!

On this coming Sunday I have to do the required tons of fluid and meds to clean me out before the procedure on Monday. First of all it's in 2 parts and to do the second part I have to be up at 1 am, so I'll get no sleep at all. I'm also scared of how much my poor butt will be hurting with all of the bathroom visits. Argh!! I'm just praying that I can endure the pain. Now for things moving so fast... Colonoscopy on this coming Monday, sign final paperwork for surgery this Thursday, on Friday visit the hospital to get instructions for surgery and meet the anesthesiologist, then surgery the following Friday! I just feel like I have so much to think about and can work myself into an overwhelmed frenzy. However, I keep telling myself to stay calm and take it one day at a time.

I am so happy that it is finally surgery time and I am excited...I just have to keep telling myself that. My first meeting with Dr. Pirrello was back on Oct. 17, 2011 and now over 5 months later it's finally surgery time!


Surgery date set!

Mar 02, 2012

 Yay! I got the call this morning. My VSG surgery date is set for March 23, 2012! 

About Me
Surgery Date
Oct 18, 2011
Member Since

Friends 11

Latest Blog 6
