
Oct 03, 2008

Finally Approved!

Oct 03, 2008

Well it finally happened. Yesterday (10/02/08), the ins. specialist at my surgeon's office called, and said that UHC had approved me for the RNY. I go for my pre-op testing and  possibly  the stress echo on Wed (10/08/08), and my surgery is scheduled for Wed. (10/21/08). Fast huh? Now I just have to get all my supplies ready. Some money would probably be really great for that (lol).
WOW! Finally! I'm excited and nervous, but not nearly as nervous as I was when she told me over the phone. I'm better now.
Ok- Three Cheers! Ready? Hip hip hooray.....Hip hip hooray.........hip hip horray!!!!!!!

Turn about

Sep 27, 2008

I'm in a very emotional state right now, and not really sure what to think or feel.
With the new code I had to use, my insurance company denied me for the VSG- because of it's experimental status. So I thought about for a day or so, and went ahead and told the doctor's office to shoot for approval of the RNY instead.
To be honest, I'm not happy about it, because that's really not what I wanted, and (I don't know why) I'm a little scared of the RNY.... probably because all of my research has been on the VSG, and I'm not as educated about the RNY......YET. I'm working on that now though.
So my emotions are on edge, and I'm really shaky inside about it all.
If anyone has any words of wisdom on the RNY they want to offer, I'm all ears .....well- clearly, and visibly... not ALL  ears(lol), but my ears and mind are open anyway!
Keep me in your prayers, that I will go where He leads.

Now- frustration number 2....I started my PRE-op liquid diet a week ago, because t he surgeon told me I'd have to lose 25 lbs beforehand (A Cinch...lol). I got the Whey Protein drink from Walmart- that has only 2 - 4 carbs/sugars, 26-52 gm protein and has 110-220 calories( depending on if use use one or two scoops).
Do you know TODAY (7 days later) is the first day my scale has moved, and only moved 2 (yes I said 2) pounds down. Uggghhhhh. I'm ready to scream.
It would be so easy just to say FORGET IT ALL!  
But this WILL NOT BEAT ME!!!
I will succeed at this... you just wait and see.

Wow- I was full of all kinds of venting to get out today huh?

Coming Soon

Sep 01, 2008

Well - my first appt with the surgeon for the seminar and whatever follows is this coming Friday (09/05). I'm kind of excited- kind of nervous.

But I did find out some VERY interesting news. One of my friends on this site also used the same doctor... and also already GOT the VSG, She also used the code that the rep said I would have to use (43659)- the one she said was never ins. approved.... and this friend WAS INSURANCE APPROVED!! Ahha- another ray of hope falls from the sky! I'm holding onto this ray of hope as tightly as I can. This WILL work out! I know I'm supposed to have this procedure... it's just in God's timing. That's all. But it WILL happen... soon!
I know it.

Thoroughly Disgusted and Frustrated

Aug 21, 2008

I am SO frustrated! I get to work the other day after having been off for a day, to find that a rep from the surgeon's office had left me a message and an email. I called her back and was told that they HAD gotten the approval letter for me, BUT that because the insurance had listed me as approved for the surgery with the doctor, before the doctor had even approved me...... The doctor cancelled it! Now I have to start completely over again.

Please don't tell me you told me so, or anything like that. I'm frustrated enough. I went in the bathroom at work and just cried and cried. It took me three months to get approved, and now it's been canceled.

I made an appt with them to meet with the doctor, etc. on Sept 5th, to try to get approved all over again. The only thing is the rep told me that the 43843 code WAS wrong,... that it was a fraudulent code, and the code I would have to try to get approved for is 43659... which is described as  "unlisted laparoscopic procedure, stomach"... and that it more than likely would not get approved. Then she said " BUt who knows, maybe you'll be the landmark case to get approved".

I am SO Tired of all this.. I can't believe this. Oh well-  next chapter....

I just don't know anything right now, I'm so sick of it all!

(Just had to vent)

On to the next chapter!

Aug 15, 2008

(This is a copy of my recent post on the VSG board- wanted to share it with all of my friends here!)-sorry it's so long. It's necessary for my emotional well being right now I think.

Good grief. I posted  (yesterday?)...Losing track of time.... about a vague ins. letter....here's the update.

I was told by a fellow OH member (thank you- by the way)  that what I got was NOT an approval letter ((confusion and frustration sets in once more)).......SO...I called UHC again this morning, (TWICE!).

The first care coordinator I spoke to told me that YES I had definitely been approved, but that was the only letter I would be getting, even though there should have been a listed CPT code on it, but for some reason there wasn't one on my copy, because she could see it on her copy. She said to  just tell the doctor this certain reference number if he wanted to verify my approval for the VSG. (ok.......?).

So I wrote down her name and what she said, and then proceded to call back to speak with someone else (THANK GOD!)... The care coordinator I spoke to this time told me that YES I have been approved, but that the letter I received was only the predetermination letter- confirming coverage, but was not the approval letter,...........and that YES there was another letter that was sent out that I have not received yet, that DOES have the CPT code and procedure listed on it.

WOW!!! These people just exhaust me. So I'm waiting ONCE MORE (should be used to it by now, huh?) for the other letter, with the definite wording of approval for the VSG code 43843.
You know, I do not regret having done things the way I have done them (backwards... not having even talked to a doctor yet. I've done all of the leg work myself- and it has not been easy.)... because I know in my heart that God told me do it this way so that I, and everyone else, would know beyond a shadow of a doubt - that my future, and my provision is in HIS hands and not in the hands of a doctor or insurance company, and that HE would be breaking the red-tape mold with this!  But, goodness it has been so emotionally hard.  But He shows me over and over again that GOD IS GOD, and GOD is GOOD!  (sorry for the preaching. I just have to give honor where honor is due!)

I am now just shaking in tears of joy and exhaustion.

Sorry this was so long. I had to vent. Thanks for listening, and thanks to all of you for your encouragement during this ordeal..(Now I just have to receive the other letter, and then  contact the doctor...... on to the next chapter)


Jun 26, 2008

June 15th- a Special day

Jun 14, 2008

Tomorrow is June 15th. It is my 23rd wedding anniversary as well as Father's Day. So it is a very special day to me - dedicated to the two most special men in my life.
My husband and I have definitely had our share of troubles, in addition to probably about 20 other person's share of troubles too. But I love him with all of my heart.
I know sometimes it feels like there is a lot less of my heart left to love with, after putting the pieces back together again time after time... I think some of the pieces have been lost in the process.
We have gone through 2 different long separation periods in our marriage.He has had 2 different affairs- one leading up to our 2nd separation, and the other- right after the first, while we were in the middle of our separation.
My husband is an alcoholic and deals with his own issues of depression and self loathing. It's kind of like the chicken and the egg... did the alcoholism come first, or did the depression and self-loathing come first. They revolve around each other, just as do our issues of emotional eating and weight gain don't they?
Last year at this time, I thought we were over for good. My husband (once again) wanted a divorce... and then after many months of of drama and emotional torture, he changed his mind ( again).I have had so many people ask me why I put up with it... why haven't I left him. That's just not a cut and dry answer. I love him, and believe God allowed us to be together for a reason.
Even if my daughter were the ONLY reason... then it has been worth it. She is the love of my life, and I would be lost without her. She is 14 now.
So... the drama continues. Where we will end up, only God knows. I'm still STANDING ( granted, not as straight and tall, and with more difficulty than before), but still standing. Why... many do not understand (me included, many times). But STANDING.
Of course- yes- I am an emotional eater, and have a lot to work through. But this is my journey, as long and uphill as it seems at times.
I don't share much, very often, but I thought it was time I begin to open up, and let others in more. So there's a little information - just a little at a time.But there you go, that's a little of My marriage, my life, MY JOURNEY.

The beginning of Chaper 2

May 23, 2008

I am calling this chapter 2 of my life. The first chapter is coming to a close, and the rest of the book is going to be better... much better!

I sent off my paperwork to attempt to get pre-approved, before I start with the surgeon aspect of it. I don't know if I'm going about this right. I've never done anything like this before. So I am just going to pray, pray pray, and ask God to give me favor with the insurance board. I'm going to need his help with this one.

When, not if, ...WHEN my approval comes through, I want to get an appointment with Dr. James Davidson- Dallas. I've heard lots of good things about him.

I'm getting very anxious and excited. I can feel the change in the air. It's MY TIME now!


About Me
Irving, TX
Surgery Date
May 23, 2008
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