Starting Out

Apr 16, 2013

Hello All!

I am so new to this blogging that I am not sure what to write. I hope you read my history to get some insight as to why I am having surgery.  The reason I chose VSG is that 2 of my cousins have had it, and they look amazing.  Not to mention I was just really worried about re-routing my insides. 

I do have family that have opted for the bypass, though.  They all look great, and are off of a lot of medications.  I have begun to change some of the things I eat regularly.  However, I must be honest  I am having food funerals.  This is my way of having the bad food I shouldn't before the infamous 2-week Liquid Diet..dunt-dunt-dunnnnnnn.......,(sorry took DD to see the Croods)

So I guess that is it for now!  I cannot promise that I will make you laugh, or look deeply into your soul, but I hope that you can relate to my joy and pains during this journey.  No matter the starting weight, we are all starting somewhere to have healthier, better, and more satisfying lives.

Until Next Time,




About Me
Surgery Date
Jan 24, 2013
Member Since

Friends 19

Latest Blog 2
