Jul 09, 2009

I had my year anniversary yesterday.  To date I have lost 115 lbs.  I was on quite a stall there...for several months.
I finally called my Dr's office last week, talked to someone who had had surg as well. She said, you prob have gotten lax about what you are eating..and need to exercise more.
I hung up the phone and felt somewhat insulted...I was thinking...I know what I can eat!  So I got on and put in eveyrthing I had eaten the past couple of days..and lo and behold I had been eating too much!

So the moral of the story is NEVER quit tracking your sneaks up on you!

Now I am starting to lose again..I just started tracking again, and upping exercise I am hopeful to get the rest of this excess weight off..and even healthier!!


102 lbs!!!

Jan 19, 2009

I finally broke the 100 mark! I am so pleased, this surg has been worth every penny!!!
I feel fantastic!  I can fit into EVERYTHING in my closet.....that hasn't happened in YEARS!
I have updated pics....they are so telling!
Tahnks for all the encouragement!


Jan 08, 2009

Wow..what a 1/2 year its been!  I had hoped to lose 100 lbs by this  date..and I have only missed it by 1 little lb!  I have lost 99 FREAKIN Pounds!  I am so excited!  This has been one of the best things I have done for myself in my entire life!  My husband has been so encouraging, and supportive! He has made it a truley smooth ride!
I have so much more energy, feel healthier, and am not BOUND to food....! It is truely a freedom I have never felt!
I hope to lose that other elusive 16 oz in the next few days..and I will post my 100 lb loss pics!
Thanks for all the encouragement! 


Dec 21, 2008

It sure has been slow over the last couple of months..but I'll take long as I am moving in the right direction!
I have lost 90 lbs! AMAZING!  I am so thrilled.  Jan 9 will be my 6 month surgiversary...and I was hoping to be at 100 by then..but I am happy with my progress so far!
This Christmas season is much different than last year...I have so much more energy...and more things are getting done!
Hope everyone has a great Christmas with family and friends...and a VERY Blessed new year!


Oct 30, 2008

I am officially NOT a diabetic anymore! My A1C was 5.9 which is normal!
That is worth the surg alone!
The fact that I have now lost 81 lbs is great too!
My bloodwork did indicate that I am low on Vit I have added a supplement for that, and low on something else.....that I need to eat green leafy I am trying to do that.  Its hard, cuz after you get the protein, theres little room for anything else!
My bad cholesterol was 118....about 90 pts down from a year ago! Thats amazing!
So mostly great news!


Oct 08, 2008

What a 3 months, it has passed quickly. 
I am very pleased with my progress so far.  I have lost 77lbs total since June 1 when my preop diet began. I feel so much more energetic, no hip and knee pain like before.
I barely have clothes left that I can wear, I have some due to the fact that I had multiple sizes, but I am down to the last size of those. That is a GREAT problem to have.
I am on no prescription meds anymore!
I have a wonderful support group of friends and family that encourage me daily. 
I am looking forward to the next 3 months!

75 lbs!!!!

Oct 05, 2008

I can't believe it! I am so excited...what a milestone!  I am very proud and thankful!
Thanks to all on here that have been such a huge support, and my friends and family, esp my husband for being so encouraging!
(Wow..sounds like I just won an Oscar!)


Sep 07, 2008

I can't believe its been 2 months! Tomorrow to be exact.  I have lost a grand total of 61 lbs since the start of my preop diet on June 1.
I feel much better, and have so much more energy. I have had several NSV, but yesterday was full of them!

I was able to ride in a friends car and buckle the seatbelt without the seatbelt extender that I usually needed.

I went to Olive Garden for lunch, and sat in the armed chairs comfortably.

Last night my husband and I were watching TV, I was sitting on the couch and he was in the matching chair. I said...come sit by me..and he said NO come sit with me..and I said...theres no way I can fit in that chair with you! He said..I bet you can....and I did! WAY COOL!

And to top it off it was our 7th wedding anniversary!


Aug 25, 2008

I had my appt actually last Monday.  But things are going well. I was released for any food. That has been quite interesting.  The denser it is the harder it is to get a significant amount. But it is nice to have the variety.
I have now lost 55 lbs. yipee!!!! 1/2 way to 100! How awesome is that!?
I only lost 2 lbs this week, but with starting a different eating program...I was excited that I didn't stall.
I have had to get rid of a lot of clothes, but being a GIRL...I have plenty of stuff that I am shrinking into in my closet. So I should be good another month or so before I will need new clothes.
My energy is finally getting much better, and my husband can tell by how clean the house is....HEHE


Aug 09, 2008

Today is exactly one month from my surg date.  WOW what a month it has and downs.  But by far more UP!  I have now lost a total of 47 lbs...I am so excited. I can' finally tell in my clothes, and starting to get compliments.
I went to a party last night and was able to wear a blouse I haven't been able to button for about 3 years...very exciting!
My husband has been quite a cheerleader! Encouraging me every day, so that has helped a lot.
When I lose 3 more lbs  I will be to 50! Then I will take some new pics.
It feels so good to be a loser!

About Me
Grand Prairie, TX
Surgery Date
Jul 19, 2003
Member Since

Friends 43

Latest Blog 24
75 lbs!!!!
