Post op

Oct 24, 2009

Well. my surgery was Tuesday the 20th of October...It went relatively has been a trial...I was relatively comfortable the first day after surgery however, the second day and the days after have been a test of strength...there was a lot of "old blood" in my stomach and it irritated my new pouch so i was constantly throwing up this "old blood" mixed with bile...But this passed once I came to my home....this experience has been interesting and well life changing...i am looking forward to the day when there is no pain or nausea and i can once again be "normal"...along the way i have lost about 10lbs or so in the 4 days since surgery...anyways, to those who are having or thinking of having it, best of will be a life changing experience i guarantee it!


Sep 13, 2009

i have to start my liquid diet on October 6..just 3 days after my birthday! im soo excited!  Then i have all my pre-op appointments on the 7th!!  Its gettin closer and closer! I'm super excited!
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Sep 04, 2009

i got my surgery date!!!  OCTOBER 20, 2009!!! IM SUPER EXCITED!! 

Waiting...more waiting...

Sep 02, 2009

so i've been waiting and waiting on about a million things concerning the surgery.  at first it was the past due balance and re-assessing things on that bill, then it was on my insurance company to make a decision yay or nay(which was officially YAY as of 9-1-09)!!!  now im just waiting on a call from the patient advocates for my appt. with the surgeon and to get my surgery date/start of liquid diet date...omg, im so super excited!!! i thought it wouldnt happen and now its like within my reach!! :D
1 comment


Aug 07, 2009

I am now waiting on the re-assessment of my previous balance from when i was in the hospital over a year ago...a portion of my surgeries then were not covered because they were labeled "cosmetic" because it was put as "skin removal"...well it wasnt cosmetic and if it was it was the WORST cosmetic job ever and left a horribly ugly scar...anyways, its back in processing...i've had my nicotine screen and it was negative and the NP approved the file for the doc to after all this time, we're just waiting on that damn re-assessment....and to top it ALL off...I HAVE TO HAVE THE SURGERY BY MY B-DAY...OCT.3 because then i turn 25!!! SO IM IN A BIT OF A TIME CRUNCH!!!  GRRR!~~  things need to work out...for real!!


Jun 03, 2009

YES!!!! I start my pre-op appointments on the 30th of this month!!! I'm super excited!!! Its right around the corner!!! IT COULD BE REALLY HAPPENING!!
1 comment

Where I'm at...

May 31, 2009

I am currently awaiting a call from bariatrics about my pre-ops!! I am super excited BUT i also have to see how my previous balance with the hospital will be re-evaluated.  I was in the hospital last year...and they had to remove some abscessed skin...which the health plan labeled as "cosmetic" and denied the $2100 that went with it...well if it was cosmetic, the scar they left is hideous and i deserve my money back!!! So, I have talked to the people in the business office and explained it wasnt "cosmetic" so they are re-evaluating that...but that doesnt effect my pre-ops...i just hope i get the call soon!!! Seeing as i only have til October to have it before i am dropped from my parents insurance

Smoke-free but at what cost?

May 18, 2009

Due to my impending surgery, I have had to quit smoking.  I've been smoking on and off since I was 11 years old.  I quit when i was 19 and then started again when I began working my current job with mentally handicapped.  I've been smoking for 4 years now.  Since you have to be smoke-free for at least 3 months, I have had to stop smoking.  My PCP perscribed me CHANTIX however, i have opted to try it sans drugs and go at it "cold turkey".  I have not smoked in a month, and believe me it has been VERY difficult this time around.  Since I've been unable to smoke, I have noticed I snack a lot more...or at least, I did for the first 2-3 weeks..and I'm nervous that it has caused me to put on a few extra pounds that i so do not need to be gaining!  The cravings and snacking have died down but im afraid the damage has been done...In addition to the food cravings or well, the replacement of cigarettes with food, I have become cranky and moody and easily aggravated.  I have had many arguments with those whom i hold dear to me and caused a great many shouting matches!  It sucks that I have allowed my addiction to nicotine to sabotage the great friendships and relationships I have...but at least they all understand and havent turned their backs on me!  Going through this has shown me who my true friends are and those who REALLY care about me! I'm really lucky to have such a FANTASTIC support system!!

About Me
Surgery Date
May 17, 2009
Member Since

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