I spoke too soon...

Aug 30, 2009

Okay- well, the other night, I experience the worst night I have ever had since being banded. On Thursday night, we had cream can for supper....sausages, potatoes, onions, corn...I decided to try some corn on the cob. Hadn't had corn at all since before being banded. Was always too scared because I know it isn't a food that breaks down. But I thought, "I bet I could eat corn on the cob, though." What was I thinking? LOL I have no idea...but the weird thing is that I DIDN'T have any issues. I felt fine after eating it. But then Friday morning, I felt a little more tightness than usual. My husband and I went to the coffee shop and I got my sugar-free chai with skim. This was about 7:30 in the morning. At 11am, I was finishing it up. At noon, I went and met my husband and father-in-law at a restaurant. I ordered the special which was a turkey bacon wrap thing. I was only able to eat about three bites and couldn't eat anymore. So I got a box to take home. But I wasn't feeling miserable. Just satisfied with a little bit of tightness. But when I got to work, as the afternoon went on, I felt more and more tightness in my chest. I tried drinking water but could only take little sips at a time. And felt heartburn which I haven't felt in a very very long time. But I just figured that it would end up passing and then I'd be fine.

We had to go to my oldest son's first football game that evening. It was against the school that I graduated from so I was actually looking forward to it. But soon after we got there, I was feeling more tightness and pain in my chest. At one point, I walked my youngest son to the concession stands and got food. Maybe it was the smell of the food, I don't know. But when we got back, I had to walk to our van because my saliva was on overdrive and I wasn't able to swallow it. So I was spitting it up and ultimately, ended up throwing up. And throwing up. And throwing up. And throwing up. And throwing up. When we got home, I decided to try and take one of those anti-nausea pills to stop the vomiting. But it worked in almost reverse. I immediately started throwing up VIOLENTLY. It was horrible! I took a hot bath and that seemed to help. I wasn't throwing up anymore, at least. And I was so tired. I went to bed and soon after falling asleep, I was awoken suddenly by choking and coughing. Since I wasn't able to swallow, my saliva was causing me to choke in my sleep. It was NOT a fun experience and happened constantly through the night. I finally got some sleep probably about 5am-10am. But when I woke up, I decided that I better call my doctor to get some help.

Dr. Forney had me come in to the ER in Scottsbluff where he took out 2 cc's. I was sad that he had to take out that much (but thankful that he didn't take it all out) but I instantly felt the difference and was able to easily drink a cup of water. He gave me instructions to stick with liquids for the rest of the day and soft foods for today and wait until Monday to really go back to solids. That way, I give my stomach and throat time to heal. And since my next appointment is in just a little under two weeks, he said that it would be enough time to heal so I should be able to get another fill at that time, since he took so much out.

Yes, it was a horrible horrible ordeal. And I don't know what I can say for sure caused it...if it was the corn on the cob or the wrap or ? But in any case, I did learn a huge lesson from it all. I really did. And despite this ordeal and the pain that went with it and praying to God all night to please give me relief, I have no regrets having the band. I knew of the risks involved before getting the band and should have been a little more careful, I realize. And compared to all the good stuff that I have gained from having the band done, I have no regrets. One little setback like this won't change my mind.

Tomorrow is a new day in which I will work harder at being a better bander. :)


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Aug 17, 2007
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