New Support Group in Berrien County

Aug 01, 2010

So there are several of us in Berrien County who have had WLS with GHP out of Grand Rapids.  We needed a support group here.  GHP was great about getting us started.  We meet the second and fourth Tuesday every month from 7-8 pm in Baroda at the Village/Township Hall.  We have had a few meetings and are now up and running.  Our meetings are great and helpful.  We have 6 people, so far, and are hoping for more.  We all need to stick together and support each other.  Come and join us sometime!!!!

Another Goal Achieved!

Apr 18, 2010

Friday marked the day I lost 100 pounds!  Wow.  That was a tough goal.  The last few months the weight has not wanted to get off of my body.  It played a game with me.  One week I was down a pound, the next week up a pound.  I am 14 months out from my surgery and I feel awesome! 

Stay strong in your quest for health and weight loss.  Be true and honest to yourself about everything you do along the way.  Don't play the old mind games with weight loss, which leads to weight gain.  YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!

Thank you to all who showed support along the way.  My next goal is to lose 10 more pounds.  It was my original goal when I had the surgery.  I hope to make it and will keep you posted on my progress. 

Best wishes to all traveling on their own journey

Almost there

Jan 21, 2010

I am about 3 weeks from my 12 month anniversary.  It's hard to believe it has already been a year.  I am down 97 pounds total.  My goals have varied depending on where I was at with my weight or size.  My first goal was to be the weight I was when I left Weight Watchers the last time.  My next goal was to be the weight I was when I got pregnant with my first child.  Then it was to weigh what I was when I graduated from college.  Then my lowest weight since high school.  Then it was a size 14.  And then a size 12 by Christmas.  My last goal is to be down 100 pounds by my 12 month appointment.  That is a goal I am having the hardest time reaching.  The scale has been fluctuating!  Ugh!  Frustration! 

I'm working toward stepping it up at the gym and maintaining my food log - which can be my lifesaver. 

Since my surgery several people I know have had surgery with Dr. Foote.  Everyone is feeling such great success with WLS.  It is a life saver for many of us and one I don't regret.

I am currently wearing a size 10 (which I made it into before Christmas).  I can't believe I wear a size 10 and a medium.  Me!  The chubby girl.  Wearing a size 10.  How awesome is that? 

You know the funny thing?  I still have to take several pairs of pants with me in the dressing room.  Kind of like when I was heavy.  All pants do not fit the same.  There are even some 8's that I can wear.  You would think finding clothes is easier now.  Not really.  It's just challenging in a different way.  Oh and it feels great to look in the mirror and go "wow, that's my butt!  I look hot!"

My self-confidence is incredible.  There is a difference in me at my job and my personal life.  My husband loves my self-confidence as much as my sexy body.  He tells me I was always sexy, but now I actually show him I believe it.  I don't know how much of this is true, but I'm not going to argue with compliments

At my 12 month anniversary I plan on taking new pics and posting them here, along with new measurements.

Best of luck to everyone on their journey!  Talk to you in a few weeks!

9 Months Out

Nov 09, 2009

It has been a long time since I have journaled here.  A lot has happened in the last few months.  I joined a gym and still focus on journaling my food daily and exercising on a daily basis. 

At my 6 month appointment my doctor gave me advice to get me through the 6 months until I would be back there again.  That advice was to exercise 4-5 times per week, journal my food, and include strength training a few times per week.  I'm trying to adhere to it for a success when I go back at one year. 

The weight loss continues, but at an extremely slow rate.  It came off so easily at first.  Some of my old habits have tried to make their way back into my life.  The muchies (carbs) are trying to take over!  Today I started back at no carbs.  It feels good and reminds me of how I don't need them in my life. 

I do wish we had a support group in my area.  I do have several people in my life who have or will be going through WLS.  Maybe we should just start our own group!  This summer I went to see a psychiatrist to help me with any eating issues.  There is no one in this area who deals with bariatric issues and I ended up at a dead end.  So, I am turning back to OH for support and to see out advice from others.  I love to read comments on the topics.  They are insightful and helpful. 

To date I have lost 90 pounds and would like to lose another 20-30.  My next goal is to be down 10 more pounds before my 1 year anniversary. 


3 Month Check Up

May 22, 2009

I went for my 3 month check up this past Tuesday.  It is great fun seeing the same women each time I go for a check up.  We always compare notes and laugh as much as we can while we're there.  I'm down 56 pounds, officially.  I'm feeling great and the doctor is pleased with my progress. 

Two weeks ago I started an aqua aerobics class with a friend.  We have the best time exercising!  Any exercise that keeps you cool while you're sweating is awesome.

Everything else is going well.  It's difficult getting my protein and water in every day, but I take it one day at a time and try to focus on that day.


Meeting goals feels great!

Apr 25, 2009

It's been awhile since I have written. I spend most of my time on OH in the forums.  Since I last wrote I have reached 2 more goals.  I am under the weight I was before I got pregnant with my 1st child and I am now under 200 pounds!!!! It's almost unbelievable for me.  This is the point where I have struggled so many times in my weight loss adventures.  I always got to 199.  But only one time have I ever been able to get below the 199 mark and below.  My next goal is to get below the weight I was when I did Overeaters Anonymous 4 years ago.  I have to go back to my journal and look it up : )

I'm feeling great and exercising an average of 4 days per week.  There are mornings I would rather sleep in, but I know I will feel better the whole day knowing I exercised that morning.  Funny how our minds work.

Food/protein is not a problem.  I've been able to plan out meals for my family and we are all happy. 

Best of luck to everyone!


Measurement updates - 1 Month Out

Mar 11, 2009

Here are my original measurements:
Chest          46 1/4
Stomach     45 3/4
Hips             54
Thigh - R     32 1/2

One Month Out:
Chest           42
Stomach      42 3/4
Hips             50 1/2
Thigh - R     26

17 1/4 inches GONE!!!!!!!!!!  Woo hoo!  I love numbers.  Especially numbers in the negative when it comes to weight loss. 

I feel great at 1 month out.  Eating is still new to me.  Protein shakes are still a favorite of mine once a day.  I love trying new foods.  Shrimp has been great.  Chicken tastes delicious.  Eggs are enjoyable.  Fish is so light and tasty!

Exercise is good right now.  My goal is to fit in exercise at least once a day.  This week I've been successful each day.  If I can't exercise in the AM before work, I make a point of walking during my lunch break.  I don't want to wait until evening.  It's too difficult to find the time and to get motivated : )


2 Week Post-Op Appointment

Feb 26, 2009

Today was so exciting.  I was able to meet with a nutritionist to discuss the transition to real food.  It is all exciting and a little scary.  The nutritionist was helpful.  There were 4 of us who met with her.  The other women were so funny!  I also  met with the PA to discuss how things are progressing.  He's happy with my weight loss and health and so am I

My weight loss is a total of 25 pounds.  Woo hoo!

As I progress with food, I will probably blog more.  I'm a little nervous about it right now.  The information we received today was great, but I'm scared of trying out my new stomach.  I'm sure this will end over time.  For now, at least my jeans zip up easily!!!!!

7 Days Post-Op

Feb 17, 2009

Today I didn't take any pain meds.   It was an adjustment, but I feel pretty good. 

I was able to walk outside today - no ice or snow to dry to navigate around.  It felt so good.  When I got home I jumped on the bike for 15 minutes.  I hope this energy continues.  It felt great to burn some calories.  This is honestly the first time I have ever paid any attention to the calorie burning counter on my bike!  All I kept thinking was I take in 400 calories from my supplements per day.  If I can burn 100 calories on the bike, that's more fat gone : ) 

This is my mind now.  It sure was different from a couple of weeks ago!


4 Days Post-Op

Feb 14, 2009

It's my first Valentine's day my husband and I didn't go out for a nice dinner.  At first I felt bad we couldn't spend that quiet time together over dinner.  But then my husband is so understanding, he didn't mind.  We spent the day with our girls playing, painting, napping, watching movies.  It was a fun day.

Fluid wise - I had success today.  I actually got in more water than the last few days.  I was able to drink about 54 ounces of water today.  My PA suggested setting out six 1 ounce cups, filling them every hour, drinking them, and them re-filling them the next hour.  I tried it for the first couple of days home and it didn't work for me.  Today I carried around a water bottle for the first part of the day.  The second part of the day I put ice and water in a cup, chopped up the ice in the Magic Bullet, and held onto the cup until I finished it.  I also had a cup of tea after my family ate their dinner.

Another success - my protein.  I was able to get in 3 supplements today and 1/2 of the fourth one.  YEAH!!!!

Exercise - we took our kids to Lowe's to do the "build-it" activity and I walked the aisles while my husband worked with the girls.  I held a cart and was able to maintain a good pace throughout the store.  It felt great!

I went grocery shopping today for the first time in a while.  Weird!  I usually do the shopping while my husband takes the girls to look at toys.  Today he did the shopping and I took the girls.  How awesome!  I actually was able to look at things.  I mean really look!  I love it.  My husband even made the girls hamburgers for lunch and followed a recipe for dinner.  I'm so lucky to have him.  This process has really brought us together.  I think it's because I have always put pressure on myself to provide everything to my husband and children.  Well, I just can't right now.  We're really learning an appreciation for each other and I'm loving it!

I'm hoping to get on my exercise bike tomorrow.  Even if it's just for 10 minutes.  My doc told me no arm work on the bike because I would use my abdomen too much.  That's fine.  There's plenty of time for that.

I had a great day with my family and with the Sleeve!

About Me
Baroda, MI
Surgery Date
Aug 18, 2008
Member Since

Friends 18

Latest Blog 21
