Here we go now. First I want to give a shot  out to all my Blue and White Fam out here in OBH land. And to everyone else out here trying to get your body under your control. My new tag line is: "Eat to live and not live to eat"  Its an old saying but I'm a old dude... 51 in case you want to know. 

My problems started way back in High School where it was a battle to keep my good looks in order,  I was able to fend off the fat with a few close calls in wt gain now and then. Girls made it easier to work to keep the pounds off but it was hard and took a toll on me in other ways I was able to keep inside. We wont go into thoughs things because I know that most of you have more then likely had some of the same trials as you grew up and out... 

My outlook about myself was always good even for the most part. It was like there was two of me one was all that and a bag of chips and the other a guy who was worried about faqiling at everything and somehow I know it had something to do with my body battle. I lived with the inward pain of having to feel like I would never be able to relax and feel normal like skinny folk seem to do. 

I had to be different then everyone else in how I lived my life and represented myself in everything I did  to insure myself some attention and to feel like I was somebody regardless of how i felt inside concerning the daily battle I was having with my body. 

I went into the Navy in 1975 and made a career out of that for 13 years of my life. I enjoyed some of the time I was on active duty and hated the rest of it because it kept me away from my wife and children. That is why I only stayed for 13 years. On the same tip this is where I was also able to fend off the fat as they kept me doing PT sometimes against my will. It was do the PT or lose a stripe. The money and pribelage of rank kept me working out. I wanted and needed to be in charge so I worked hard to push myself to stand out in every way I knew I could control the outcome. Perhaps that might be hard to understand as to what I mean by that but it dont matter if you get it or not because all these things and ways of mine where and are tied around my Wt problem. 

Part of my problem is all on me because I hated working out and I still do. 

(That must and will change along with the coming change in my life on July 28th the beginning of my new self and the completion of my happieness once and for all.)

I know this to be so because I already have everything else a Man of God could wantt in my Wife Jan my  family, friends and people who show me much love and respect. I have a business I love doing even for free and most of all my relationship with God and the work I do for Him in Ministry under the leadership of my Spiritial Father and Pastor Bishop Jason Martin. 

After I left the service it was the beginning of  totsl war with my body. 

Since then I have went from 210 pounds (Navy Wt) all the way most recently to 398 pounds. I may have went over the 400 mark but I dont know for sure and do not want to conceed that in my mind. I still cant see how I got this far out of shape even now as I write this. Strange ha? 

I recently started experienceing bouts of depression along with every health disorder known to fat people, I knew I had to do something. I knew if I did not I was going to die. And I still might no body is promised the day will come for them. But I also know we dont have to help it along... 

So now I am ready to fight and I like all of you have found a tool and weapon to help me to win my life back for as long as God needs me here to continue to do what I love. Hang with me " Big Pops" soon to be Big only in the name. I will keep the name as I am known by it in the Music Business industry but lose the body Big Popst was my nick name becaue I ran things and took care of my people and because of that and my size That started people calling me by that name. 

No brag just facts. If ya don't know now you know! I look forward to being blessed by getting to know as many of you that would like to get to know me. Stay tooned the show is about to start... I am going to be one good looking old man. But all for my wife of 31 years so don't get it twisted... Peace, The Endless Blessings of God and Best Regards.
