New Goals for May and June 2009

Apr 22, 2009

I think I need to set my new goals to reach a weight of between 230 and 240. I am now 247 and when I look at myself I think I can even get down to 225 Lbs and not look like an old skinny man. LOL. My wife hates the idea of me dropping any more weight. She likes me where I am. I am not happy with where Im at yet. We will play it by sight and how I feel and by me taking it one day at a time useing my tool and diet till I am happy... Then we ajust to hold where we are at that time. Where ever I end up as my goal weight under this present 247 Lbs  the wife will get over it and like it after she sees what happens as I tone everything up. This is getting hard. But I love it. Its the best hard thing I ever did... LOL.God is Good!

