Ummm.... ermmm.... Hi

I have no idea what my highest weight was... scale didn’t go that high but for the last 5yrs I would say I have been 300+ lbs of invisible.

2007 - I finally went to see a doctor I figured I had gained 30lbs (my scale only went to 250 lbs) but I wasn’t sure.  I was tired all the time, my skin was very dry (weird patches), hair was falling out, I stopped getting my period and I was an emotion wreck.  I was crazy angry all the time and would cry over everything.  I didn’t have a family doctor and had been dealing with the local walk in clinic since I finished college (less then helpful most the time).  I figured I was in early menopause or had gotten so fat my hormones couldn’t keep up with my body. 

Tests were ordered and I was told to eat less trans fat... ummm thanks.

About a week later I got a call back to come in go over tests.  My TSH was high meaning my thyroid was low and put on synthroid.  It took months but OMG what a difference and I had hope that the weight would magically fall off.  Not so much but I stopped gaining.  I tried many diets none seem to make a huge difference, exercise was also hard being so big but I found I love the pool and aquafit.

2008 - Over the next several years I continued to lose and gain the same 25 or so lbs still didn’t have a scale that worked that high but I figured I was about 275 lbs (the bathroom scale was not the digital kind so I would guess by how much over the 250 mark and heading towards the 0 lbs mark again) and bouncing between size 20 to 24 jeans.  I and the now ex boyfriend tried to get pregnant with no luck.  The fertility doctor told me I had PCOS and had me do a variety of drug mixtures trying to get knock up.

2010 - The relationship ended... not on a bad note, we still talk.

2011 – Single gal again and actually loving it.  I had not realized just how much time and work the relationship was, I was going to do things I wanted to do and did.  I was feeling pretty good, losing some weight slowly and I was guessing I was about 265 lbs.  So when I got on a scale in Walmart one evening I was shocked to see 285 lbs. I had decided to get serious and work on my health before it was too late.

2012 - First up quit smoking... again.  I had quit before for over 2 years but for some stupid reason still unknown to me i started up again.  So the weight began to pile on again, weight loss surgery had always been in the back of mind, my cousin did it and was successful. So I got a hold of her and started to ask all sorts of questions.  She even took me along to one of her appointments (Dr. Starr) and he told me how start the procedure with the bariatric registry.  I contacted the registry (actually emails).


 Hey there

I was wondering about how to get a referral with out a family doctor.
I have not had a family doctor since 1994; I have been on the on the
Ontario waiting list for a family doctor for about 4 years with no
luck.  Any suggestions?



Hi Michelle,

Unfortunately we do require a referral to be sent in by a physician that is practicing in Ontario. This could mean a walk in clinic physician, or a specialist of some sort as well. Many patients in your situation have had luck with the walk in clinics.

Best of luck!

Jaclyn Kelly
Administrative Assistant, CSii

2013 - To my walk in clinic I go armed with Dr. Starr’s info, I get them to send a referral.  Funny thing a week later I get a call from Ontario health... they found me a doctor. Hummmmmm....

I bought a new bathroom scale (294 lbs is the highest I have seen) and well here I am.

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Aug 10, 2013
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