Hula Hoop!!!

Mar 23, 2012

 So today my children and I went to the park.  I told myself I was going to walk around while they play...but I ended up doing my usual sit down and watch.  Along came this hippie looking chic...(very thin, cute and nice) with a hood full of hula hoops.

Well she's from a group called Baltimore Hoop Love and they go around the city to different communities, farmers markets etc. and they teach people to hula hoop.  They also sell great hoops for pretty affordable prices...check them out on facebook.

Any who---as a child I never learned to hula hoop because I was self children immediately ran to her eager to learn.  Once my 8yr old caught on immediately -- she yelled mom come try!  So I said what the heck...

Bottom line is, I had a ball and I hula hooped for atleast 30 mins straight...but heres the great part....I was using a 92inch hula was huge and heavy...needless to say I burned 227 calories and my tummy feels super tight as if I was doing crunches or sit ups.

So my intentions to work out happened and I had a ball doing it!!!  Lets justs say it was a hoop!

Chow Friends!

4lbs down!

Mar 22, 2012

 So I am absolutely excited.  I have not completely changed my way of eating but in the last week I definately made smarter choices.  I also did some excersising.  And guess what?  It paid off...I weigh in every Thursday and I lost 4 lbs in seven days!

I think that is awesome...and I dont even care how far I have to go...I am just taking one week at a time...!

I just took me 29 years of living this way -- and its not going to change over night...but I will spend the next 29 years eating and living right!

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Mar 21, 2012
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