I'm Like Oprah Now...."What am I really hungry for?"

Apr 02, 2010

Well, OH Family...I have been on a hiatus for a minute now, but I am back.   Well, let's see I have lost over a 100 pounds now, but I had a stall for like 2 to 3 weeks, but the scale is up and moving again.  I finally took my first jog about two weeks ago and it felt absolutely terrific.  I walk and I jog...I walk and I jog.  That has got to be the best feeling in the world; running and not feeling like you are going to pass out.  For the first time in my life, I jogged and boy was I proud of myself.  I even got my husband in on the action. 

Here lately, though, I have had these strong cravings that hasn't bothered me before.  A craving for something sweet...  Has anyone else had these issues and how did you deal with them?  Like right now, I am having one of those moments, so I decided to just blog away.  I am even in the process of charging my IPOD so I can go exercise and get my mind off these cravings.  So, I am being Oprah today....What am I really hungry for?  I am not hungry.  I feel full.   I am sipping on my favorite...Crystal Light Grape as I type.  I am going over and over in my head about the things that are going on in my life.  Nothing I can't handle.  I am getting ready to start grad school in May.  I have been putting that off for quite some time, but I finally sat down, did my application, and I am pushing myself to go through with it.  Nothing is better than learning more than you already know.  The family and I just moved in a beautiful home and we are a little strapped for cash, but we are surviving.  My mom is going through her own trials and tribulations, but with faith and God, our families will be ok.  I want to buy some more clothes, but I don't want to feel like I am wasting money because I am continuously losing weight, so I continue to put off buying clothes...Not to mind you, I absolutely love clothes. 

I guess right now I am discovering all that seems to be on my mind, but I just wasn't  saying it out loud.  I remember when things like this would happen before and I would just pig out on all the favorites....chips, ice cream, cookies...you name it, I had it.  But, now I have to find alternative ways to deal with things that are happening in my life.   Well, that's it for now....I finally let it out.  And, I feel much better.  So, OH Family how do you deal with the minor issues that tend to plague us every now and then or better yet, what are you really hungry for?  Until next time.....see ya!

17 lbs. Away from Onederland.......

Jan 10, 2010

Well, here is my first post for the New Year...and I am happy.  I am down 83 lbs. and I am 17 lbs. away from losing 100 lbs. since my journey began.  It has all happened so fast.  I will be honest.  I haven't been to the gym in a couple of weeks.  I have been super busy with work and family.  I was just telling my husband I have to get back on the band wagon and get back in the gym by Monday. I have to quit make excuses like work, the weather, all the other excuses we come up with as a reason not to go.  I do understand that exercise as well as eating right is the key to success and getting the best results with the aid of my tool.  So, NO MORE EXCUSES!!! I vowed that I would make more time for myself and I need to do that.  As a mom, wife, teacher, etc., I need more time for me.  When I decided to have this surgery, this was the first decision I made totally for me.  Yes, it involved other benefits, but it was all about me.  So come Monday, there are no more excuses....no more reasons why I can't work out.  Besides, I am paying for it.  They are getting their money and therefore, I need to use their facilities. 
So, here is a goal that I have to set...because when I set a goal...I try really hard to achieve it.  So, my new goal is to resume working out at least 3-4 times a week.  If I do more, then good, but as they say, baby steps, baby steps.  I am trying not to overwhelm myself this year. 
I also want to "Thank" God for all that he has done for me.  He truly is a wonderful and magnificent God.  He has seen me through all my trials and tribulations, but most importantly, he sent me a wonderful man who is very supportive and helps me through this journey.  God Bless, OH friends and family.....Until next time......

Another WOW Moment....Saying Goodbye to 76 Lbs.

Dec 22, 2009

Good Morning, OH Family......

Well, I haven't blogged in a couple of weeks, but I found the time today to just say that I met my second goal.  I have finally broke the 75-lb. goal.    Yaaay Me!  I knew it would come and I just keep persevering every day to do what is necessary to make things happen.  Although, I have to say that I have fell off exercising some this week during the holidays, but I have made a promise to myself that after Friday....I will pick it back up because, afterall, exercise and eating right makes the tool work, right?  My last checkup with the Dr. on 12-11-09 went well.  I won't see him again until my 6-month check-up and he said that another 20-30 lbs. by March would be great.  Well, I am going to meet that goal and some.  I am kicking it into high gear for the new year.  So my next goal is to be in "Onederland" real soon.  So, another 25 lbs.  here I come and I am coming with a vengeance.  I am coming to kick your door in and say goodbye to you forever.  So, as my girl Laura Izibor says....."From My Heart to Yours" here's wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

I Broke The 50-Lb. Mark

Nov 13, 2009

My Wow Moment.....I finally broke the 50-lb. mark.  It is amazing. I finally did it!    I thought I would never get there, but with hard work and determination, I finally made it.  The next goal is the"75 lb." mark.  I finally got my treadmill that my grandmother purchased for me this week.  Now.......comes the hard part...I have to put it together.  Lord, help me   Pray for me OH family....pray for me.  Well, this will be brief.....I am well on my way on this fabulous weight loss journey and I am having fun doing it.


Moving On Up.....

Oct 31, 2009

So far...so good....Well let's see....I have been kicking butt in the gym.  Yesterday, I walked a mile on the treadmill and rode a mile and a half on the bike.  The bike is a killer....I wanted to stop so bad, but I pressed on.  I kept talking to myself and saying "You can do it...You can do it!"  And indeed, I did.  My grandmother also purchased a treadmill for me for the house.  Can you say Yipee? I was very excited about that.  So now, I have absolutely no excuse for not working out...that's including the cold and rainy days when you just want to come home and just curl up under the covers.  I have been following the Dr's orders...I am eating protein only and I am finding many different things I like.  So far...no problems with introducing new things back into my diet.  I am just loving my tool.  I am loving fitting into old clothes that has been definitely too tight before.  I am getting compliments (not like I didn't get them before) cause I was and still am "one hell of a diva."  I am also seeing significant improvement with my health.  I can walk without giving out of breath.  I have endurance and strength.  I feel like a brand new woman.  Now, I know that I have a ways to go, but all in due time.  I am patient.  I will reach my goal.  I will succeed.  I will do this.  I will update my progress as far as how much I have lost.  I just haven't weighed myself since the last time I went to the dr.  But, I did finally break down and bought a scale for the house.  I keep it in my closet and I am only allowed to weigh myself every two weeks.  But so far, so good.  Until next time.......


Gotta Get Moving.......

Oct 22, 2009

Well, let's see....since I have returned to work I have been super busy.  My students have definitely been keeping me on my feet which is essentially why I haven't posted anything in a while.  
So far, I think I have adjusted well back to my schedule.  I have to try really hard to make sure I eat and get in all my fluids during the day.  I make sure that I am prepared for the next day by packing both my breakfast and lunch at night so that I am not rushing the next morning and making unhealthy choices. 
Introducing new foods back into my diet has been great.  I did have one episode when some chicken I was eating got as you would call it "stuck" and you know what happened after thatbut, I knew it was because I was rushing and I have made sure to never do that again.  On Monday, I had my first official eating out experience and it was great.  I took some advice from an OH member who posted a discussion topic on eating out.  I researched Applebee's nutritional information on-line before we went.  I made my decision of what I was going to have before even getting there so that when I went in, I didn't make any impulsive choices.  I had the garlic herb chicken with roasted herb potatoes and seasonal veggies.  I told the waitress to bring me a salad plate and a to-go box.  I went ahead and cut up my chicken and took out about 1/4.  I tasted a potato and a piece of brocolli, but didn't want anymore of that.  What wonderful flavor the chicken had!!!!!!!!!!Need  I say more.....the meal was wonderful.  The BONUS:  I had lunch for the next 2 days. 
I know I need to beef up on my exercise though.   I haven't been doing as much as I could.  I could do more and I have made a personal commitment to myself to change that.  I don't want to begin to make excuses like I have in the past.  I guess I have to use the motto I give my students......"No Excuses, No Exceptions!."   Well, OH family, just wanted to keep you updated on my success...until next time....Be Blessed.

I Have Never Been So Excited.......

Oct 02, 2009

Ok, today is the day where I can incorporate soft foods.....I had the best tuna salad with tuna, light mayo, and eggs...Can you say "Packed with protein."  And, I must say that it was dee-li-cious.  I have been waiting to get to this stage.  I never knew that tuna could taste so good.  I have been doing really well.  But, the pain in my left side still remains and sometimes it can kick butt if you know what I mean.     But, overall, I have had no problems with keeping the foods in each stage down and thank GOD I haven't had any nausea or episodes.  I am managing to get in my 64 oz of water each day and I have even found new flavors by Crystal Lite that I enjoy.  I also had a strong craving for grape juice and Welch's makes a grape flavor that is out of this world.  I have my 4-week Post-Op visit on 10-9-09 and I can't wait to see how much weight I have lost since my last visit.  Like I said once before, I refuse to buy a scale and become obsessed with the numbers.  I can see my progress everyday especially in the way I eat and look at labels now all the time.  I am loving my new life.  Don't you?  Until next time..........Be easy my OH family.

Yay Me................

Sep 25, 2009

Well OH Family, I had my 2-week Post-Op appointment yesterday, and I am down 27 pounds since surgery for a total of 36 pounds.  Yay Me.......  I was so ecstatic when I saw the numbers on the scale. I called all my family members yesterday so that they could share in my success.  There support means the world do me.   All I can say is "Thank You, God" for giving me the courage to go through with this surgery and for giving me such an awesome tool that will aid me on my weight-loss journey and thank you for blessing me with such a supportive husband and family.    I started on soft-foods yesterday which includes eggs, yogurt, cheese, peanut butter, and skim milk.  I am ready to go scramble me an egg with some FF cheese and taste something different other than just protein drinks and other liquids.  I am still out of work for another week due to my left side being very sore, however, my dr. taught me some stretching exercises that should aid in stretching that side out.  He says to make sure I move more and really begin to stretch that side out.  So, of course, I am making sure to follow dr's orders.  Until next time OH Family........like my girl Whitney says....I am feeling like a "Million Dollar Bill" and I definitely have "Nothin But Love" for myself. 


Feeling Like MySelf Again

Sep 21, 2009

Well, everything is going great so far.  I finally got rid of all the excess gas that caused me so many problems.    I am still having trouble getting in all my protein and water, but I am increasing little by little everyday.  I am absolutely loving SF popsicles.  They are really really good.  I am walking everyday and I increase my laps by 2 everyday so I am very proud of myself.  I still feel low on energy after I have completed walking or doing extra things around the house.  But, I can tell with each passing day that I am starting to feel like Tameshia again.  I visit with my Dr. on Friday for my 2-week post-op check-up.  I will then know how much weight I have lost since the surgery.  I am excited to find out.  I have also decided that I won't buy a scale for the house.  I don't want to become obsessed with numbers and I just want to lose the weight without counting every pound.  I think doing that would drive me insane.  I refuse to live like that.  I want to live moment by moment and day by day; taking it one day at a time.  I am ready to begin Phase 2 of the diet and I will begin on Friday after I visit with the Dr.  I am so looking forward to pureed foods.  I am still watching my favorite shows like Rachael Ray and the Food Network and you know.....I have no desire to eat while watching.  That is just too hilarious for me.  I also thank many OH members for their helpful advice and their recipes that look just absolutely delicious.  I look forward to making some of those recipes as I move up in each stage.  I feel like I can return to work on Monday, but the energy issue still troubles me, but I know that is to be expected and I am following the Dr.'s orders to the tee.  So, until next time.....Take Care!
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The Rough Part is Behind Me.....I Am Well on My Way

Sep 16, 2009

Well, this is the first time that I have blogged since my surgery on 9-10-09.  Everything went well.  Thank God!  HE truly had me wrapped in his loving arms shielding and protecting me.  He also blessed the hands and minds of the surgeons to complete my surgery with success and no complications.  I wasn't release from the hospital until this Monday because my heart rate was up, but I tell you what....with all the gas I had, it should have been up.  I was extremely uncomfortable.  So, uncomfortable that I couldn't even eat my diet for the first day or so.  Also, that Friday evening, I was extremely nauseous.  I continued vomiting until I was heaving..can you say extremely painful.  But, I am past that now....Thank God! I can't believe that I am not hungry at all.  I practically have to force myself to get in my daily protein intake and the protein does give me gas.  I am also forcing myself to get in my daily water intake.  It isn't easy, but I continue to proceed on in my journey.  I have to give kudos and props to my wonderful husband who stood right by side the entire time I was in the hospital and even to this day when I am feeling well.  He never left my side.  He helped me walk even if it was 1 or 2 in the morning.  He continued to fluff my pillows even at 3 in the morning.  When I wanted to move from the bed to the chair, he accomodated my needs.  God truly smiled down on me when he blessed me with such a loving and caring man.  I love you, Geno.  I am yours for life.  My mom is here with me for the week since my husband went back to work.  She is God sent.  She has cleaned, cooked, and took care of her first born.  She has even helped take care of my children.  I have such a supportive family.  I am blessed three-fold.  What more could a woman ask for? 

Well, OH family, I am well on my way to losing weight and I am so excited.  This is the beginning of my journey and I am looking forward to every moment of it.  I can hardly contain it.  Thanks to everyone who inquired about me and shown encouragement and kind words during my time.  I go back to see Dr. Pender next Friday and I begin Phase 2 of the diet, but I feel good about this.  This was the first thing I have done for myself in a long time and I thank God for giving me the courage to proceed because there were many times I wanted to turn back, but there is no looking back now.  As Whitney Houston says on her new album, "I Didn't Know My Own Strength.  Until next time.........
