I'm Like Oprah Now...."What am I really hungry for?"

Apr 02, 2010

Well, OH Family...I have been on a hiatus for a minute now, but I am back.   Well, let's see I have lost over a 100 pounds now, but I had a stall for like 2 to 3 weeks, but the scale is up and moving again.  I finally took my first jog about two weeks ago and it felt absolutely terrific.  I walk and I jog...I walk and I jog.  That has got to be the best feeling in the world; running and not feeling like you are going to pass out.  For the first time in my life, I jogged and boy was I proud of myself.  I even got my husband in on the action. 

Here lately, though, I have had these strong cravings that hasn't bothered me before.  A craving for something sweet...  Has anyone else had these issues and how did you deal with them?  Like right now, I am having one of those moments, so I decided to just blog away.  I am even in the process of charging my IPOD so I can go exercise and get my mind off these cravings.  So, I am being Oprah today....What am I really hungry for?  I am not hungry.  I feel full.   I am sipping on my favorite...Crystal Light Grape as I type.  I am going over and over in my head about the things that are going on in my life.  Nothing I can't handle.  I am getting ready to start grad school in May.  I have been putting that off for quite some time, but I finally sat down, did my application, and I am pushing myself to go through with it.  Nothing is better than learning more than you already know.  The family and I just moved in a beautiful home and we are a little strapped for cash, but we are surviving.  My mom is going through her own trials and tribulations, but with faith and God, our families will be ok.  I want to buy some more clothes, but I don't want to feel like I am wasting money because I am continuously losing weight, so I continue to put off buying clothes...Not to mind you, I absolutely love clothes. 

I guess right now I am discovering all that seems to be on my mind, but I just wasn't  saying it out loud.  I remember when things like this would happen before and I would just pig out on all the favorites....chips, ice cream, cookies...you name it, I had it.  But, now I have to find alternative ways to deal with things that are happening in my life.   Well, that's it for now....I finally let it out.  And, I feel much better.  So, OH Family how do you deal with the minor issues that tend to plague us every now and then or better yet, what are you really hungry for?  Until next time.....see ya!

