$Refund Please$

Mar 31, 2011

I see Dr Salameh tomorrow for my 6 weeks check up.  I must admit the thought of asking for a refund did cross my mind.  Who knows what will come out of my mouth once i step on his scale.  The plot thickens...

Only thing worst than the scale not moving...

Mar 29, 2011

I tripped over my scale, NOT KIDDING.

I took out my scale with good intension (60% were good). Something told me "do we really need to know that WE have not lost an ounce?".  I walked around the scale got in the shower.  As I was drying my face I forgot all about the scale (FINALLY), only to trip over it( no one was hurt, some fat cells jiggled, but fell back into place).  I am guessing the scale does not want to be ignored

What are the odds...I am buying a lotto ticket today!!  I need to win at something

Happy scale tripping Wednesday


Help, I've fallen....not really

Mar 27, 2011

I'm stuck.  Is there a weight loss Superman or woman that I can call? 1-800-fat-loss perhaps? Or even 1-800-lose-now?  I know it happens to everyone, and I promose to appreciate my Stall/Stuck when my scale starts moving. 

My next step may well be making a deal with....


Mar 23, 2011

I was gonna title this "Whatever Wednesday", but I noticed that my last couple of post were negative.  Far be it for me to let that stop me.

I am glad I lost a dress size so far but for some reason I woke up realizing HOW FAR I STILL have go.  I know I did not gain the weight in one month but damn

I have been taking the Activia challenge.  I am pretty certain the commercial says 14 days.... its day 40something for me  and I am still constipated, Jamie Lee Curtis(used as a curse word)! I am about to leave work and go buy some culturelle probiotic, not kidding. 

So I am not ready to ask for my stomach back (it weighs too much), but damn, help a sista.  I am trying desperately to get under 250.  I am NOT asking for world peace, just some damn weightloss (and fluid bowels and the winning Mega Millions numbers), PRETTY PLEASE???


Dreary Monday

Mar 21, 2011

I am really low on energy today.  I notice when I dont eat enough carbs I feel like my legs are made of lead( ok cellulose). 

I will try adding some friendly carbs this evening.  For the record I take vitamins.  I have taken more vitamins than any other point in my life EXCEPT pregnancy.


One Month Post-op

Mar 17, 2011

 One month ago I got my sleeve.  I have to admit its been an adjustment especially with portion sizes and the speed at which I eat.  The good news....I am adjusting and losing weight.  I cant complain.  Yes I will do it again.  I have lost pounds since Feb 7th and 20 pounds since surgery.  Yeah me!!

Mighty Pouch 3 - Fay 0

Mar 15, 2011

Damn... when will I learn.  I ate too much again.  Been miserable for 40 mins I am sick of myself for real

Naming my sleeve

Mar 14, 2011

 I have been thinking about naming my sleeve.  I figure anything that occupies this much of my time should have a name.

So here goes nothing:
  Its small
  powerful (can inflict pain)
  makes a big impact (changes your life)
 rescues me (when I try to eat to much)

So I am thinking "Mighty Pouch" and its slogan "Respect the Pouch"



Mar 08, 2011

things are getting back to normal...new normal.  I am feeling alot better today. Thanks for all of your well wishes and motivation. I am not sure what triggered my spiral, but better now so its all good!!

1 comment


Mar 06, 2011

I drifted off course mentally over the last few days.  Out of no where I stated thinking that I will NEVER loose weight.  I know that it does not make sense but some where in my warped mind that was my thought process of the lack thereof.

I have never been a patient person.  I know that all of life is a process and that I have to go THROUGH it, but DAMN!!!!

Okay so its Monday...new week and according to Oprah, new me .... BULL.

I am off to search for a new attitude.  i am starting with Google.


About Me
Laurel, MD
Surgery Date
Jan 03, 2011
Member Since

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