Ran my first 5 K yesterday!!!

Jun 03, 2012

 So thrilled!  I ran in my first 5 k fun run yesterday and finished it!  I even beat my goal time by a few seconds!  Felt good to overcome my fears and get out and do this even if I am not at my perfect size.  It felt great to do it and do it slow, even though in the past, unless I could run it as fast as I did in high school, I  wouldn't do it at all!  I am changing things about my body, as well as my mind and thinking patterns!  After all, changing thinking patterns are a huge part of long-term change for our health!  I have 2 more 5 K's planned for the summer and a extreme 5 k as well.  Can't wait to see improvement as I do each one of them!  Loving life!!!I+did+it%21%21%21
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Probs, Probs, and more probs

Mar 18, 2012

 Well last monday I called the Dr because I had been unable to eat or drink for several days without abdominal pain.  He had me come in to get an outpatient scope prodceedure to clear out a stricture.  Long story short, no stricture and a week later, still in hospital.  Tuesday I went into open surgery to fix an adhesion that was causing a bowel blockage, this was followed up by the tummy bug.  Not sure how much weight I am down, but know I lots lots in this ordeal.  just barely back on clear liquids and hope to go home tomorrow......I know I will be grateful, but no walk in park!
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Yummy protein smoothy

Mar 04, 2012

 Want a yummy treat? Try my version of a pina coloda.  Use a packet of unjury vanilla protein, 1 tsp coconut extract and about a tsp of unsweetened pineapple juice.  Blend with lots of crushed ice and milk of choice (I used soy lowfat), it makes a delish treat to sip on!
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I'm home.....again

Mar 03, 2012

 Well, if I never go back to a hospital for care, it will be too soon!  lol.  I just got home from my pneumonia stint, and I am feeling very jittery and READY to get on with life!  I have not been taking pain meds for a few days now, so I should be driving again this next week!  Yay!  I am SOOOO ready to get into my car and go somewhere....anywhere, except the hospital!  

This has been a rocky start to my journey, but I know I am ultimately grateful for the opportunity to change my life in a great way!  Have a great night!  Thank You all for your concerns for me!  

Pneumonia : (

Mar 02, 2012

 This morning I woke up with a intense sharp pressure in my chest.  I had a great day yesterday, up and about, no pain meds, so I was concerned to suddenly have this pain in my chest.  I called my Dr and they told me to go into the ER for testing.  I had lots of tests....I got into the ER with tachycardia, and scared the staff out of their wits.  I did heart tests, another swallow test, and blood tests.  They also did a CT scan to check for blood clot.  Well, thankfully, no heart issues, no leak in my pouch, no blood clots, however, they did find double pneumonia.  

Soooo.....here I am back in the hospital.  I did everything I was supposed to, and overall, I feel fine.  No fever, no coughing, no crackling in chest, good color.  They are thinking that when i had my case of the foamies the other day, perhaps I inhaled some of the fluid, causing my pneumonia.  Anyway.....I will be back up and running very soon!  I sure have had lots of setbacks, and they are concerned about me not being able to get my liquids down, so they put me back on clear liquids for a while.  Hopefully I can stop having issues and get back to feeling normal!  I am in good spirits, and remaining positive, but, still not easy.  Anyway, if you ever have sharpness in chest, or pressure, GO in!  I am so glad I did, I was able to catch it early!  I hope you are all doing well!

TTYL.....  : )


Feb 29, 2012

 All I can say is YUCK!  Last night I was so blessed with a prolonged case of, what others in the WLS community call, foamies!  I have to admit that all the research I did prior to WLS, I don't believe I had seen anything about this event that is common among bypass patients.  This is now the 3rd time I have experienced such an event, and it was by far, the WORST!  What is it, you ask?  Well, lets just say it is your new tummy's way of saying "to much, too fast, I'm confused!"  Basically it starts with a feeling of something being stuck.  Then, you have the feeling you get when you need to throw up, only.....you can't.  Instead as you burp lots of foamy stuff comes up.  I did this first in the hospital when they put me on ice.  I did it again the night I got home, because I failed to realize the sugar free popsicle I was eating would not fit in my new baby stomach.  I did it ,by far the worst, last night because I started on my vitamins, oatmeal and protein.......apparently waaaay tooo much for this baby tummy to handle.  This went on for about 6 hours last night at its worst and the rest of the night no foamies, just lots of discomfort.  This morning, I am tired, week and dehydrated.  So, mission for today......drink water in the morning to hydrate......add something easy to digest in afternoon, maybe some broth or something.  I think I will add one new thing a day to my diet so I don't have to go through this agan.  My tummy apparently wants to take things very slow!  I guess I need to listen to it!  Anyway.....found a few tips to help avoid the foamies........

Eat and Drink slooooow
Chew all your food lots and lots and lots
Do not overwhelm your stomach
Don't eat too much
Listen to your tummy and if it says NO.....back off and introduce foods slower

Anyway.....hope this isn't too graffic for you all!  Hope none of you get the pleasure to experience it!  Hope you are all doing well!


Follow my BLOG for more fun stuff

Feb 29, 2012


WEEK 1 follow up!

Feb 29, 2012

 Just got home from my week 1 follow-up apt!  It went very well, and I finally got my last drain out!  YAY, it was getting rather uncomfortable!  I also am down 13 pounds from day of surgery and 23 pounds from pre-op diet!  YAAAY!  I am way out of the 300's and well on my way to meeting some goals!  I was also given the go ahead to start my full liquid diet which includes oatmeal,so happy for some texture on my tongue!  Also, given the go ahead for low impact exercise 10 mintues a day 5 days a week, plus some strength moves.  I am going to give myself another day so I am full week post-op, then, I will start with my exercise routine! I am also starting to feel more human, and getting excited and moving past the first week blur and brain fog!  Anyway....guess thats about it!  Hope you are all doing great!  
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Headed home

Feb 27, 2012

 Goal to get surgery-complete!  Yay feels good to see one of my goals getting checked off already! I'm waiting for check out, then off to he next stage of my journey!  I feel pretty good, pain is minimal, and hunger is none-it is hard work getting my liquids in.  Hope everyone is doing well!



Feb 21, 2012

 I have no idea WHY...but out of the blue, I got very emotional.  I am not an emotional person, I dont cry at movies, funerals, or even on a regular basis.  
I guess I was thinking of the path I have taken to get to this point.   All the very, very exhausting HARD work....blood sweat and tears for so long.  

I think about the things in life that I have let pass by me because I wasn't where I wanted to be physically.  
I think of people that I have pushed away, marriage that I lost, how I have felt about myself for sooo long.....it is all coming to the surface, and I am remembering....I feel such a loss of the past, but also such relief for beautiful things coming my way!

It is unimaginable for me to think of being able to set goals, and actually be able to achieve them!  I still cannot wrap my mind around how I might look, what size I may get down to, or the fact that physically, I will be able to do so many of the things I have set aside due to my weight!  I sit here with tear-stained cheeks, in both regret for the lost years, and anticipation of the years still to come!  
My load I have carried for so many years seems lifted....finally, finally, finally, I am getting the much needed help to become the person I truly am!  I know the road is still going to be hard, it will come with it's own challenges, but I KNOW this road will take me where I want and need to be!  
I can honestly say, I am ready...I am ready to turn my head away from the memories, regrets and sorrows, and look with joy and anticipation toward the future!  

I feel so blessed!!!
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About Me
Surgery Date
Jan 01, 2012
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Before & After
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310 lbslbs
180 lbslbs

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