2 months down!!

May 22, 2010

So it's a chilly morning and I'm sitting in bed with the electric blanket on eating my breakfast, egg and avocado mayonnaise on wholegrain toast.  Eating it slowly, v -e-r-y slowly.  Now I'm not a complete slug!! I did get up at about 7.30am on a Sunday morning (it's Sunday morning here in New Zealand) and do my monthly anniversary weigh-in and my measurements.... more about that later.  Then I got dressed and took my hooligan springer spaniels for a long walk, about 5km (3 miles) up hill, down dale and through the reserve and back along the beach.  They had a wonderful time, swimming in muddy streams and chasing the seagulls who taunt them.  THEN I made my breakfast and climbed back into bed.

Now onto the more important matters - my monthly weigh in... not that I only weigh in once a month...but that I weigh on the week and month anniversary of my surgery.  The good news is that I have lost 15.5kgs (34 lbs) in the 2 months since surgery and about 20.5kgs (45  lbs) since I started this journey with optifast at the beginning of March.

My size 20 jeans are getting too loose for me; the size 18 were a bit tight last week, maybe they will fit a bit better today.  Luckily I had two suitcases of clothes, for seasonal and weight changes.  I sorted through those a couple of weeks ago and have a range of size 18 pants in a variety of colours (mainly black, of course... but also dark brown and navy, with a couple of other colours thrown in for good measure) that hopefully I will soon be shrinking into.  All s-t-r-e-t-c-h... what other kind would I buy?!?  And as I have said in other posts, boy! do I work that stretch.  I have thrown away a bag of clothes that are now too big, but too tatty to give away and I have another bag of better quality clothes that I need to give away.  And I still have some clothes in a suitcase that are size 16 or too summery. (We are heading into winter, here in the Southern Hemisphere).

So I haven't gone clothes shopping, but I have bought new gym shoes and socks.  I tried on some boots, but they wouldn't fit over my calves... damn!  I have always had this problem, even when I was thin, under 60 kgs.  I have had heavy legs, calves and ankles.  But I thought this time I might have had more success as these were bigger women boots!  But no such luck.  I hope this won't stop me from trying out skiing next winter when I am thinner.  I have never skied, but it looks such fun.

I see my surgeon again on Tueday, 9 weeks post-surgery.  Such a nice guy, really professional and listens.  I'll be glad to show off how much I've lost in the last 6 weeks.

My other challenge is going to be continuing to walk every morning even through winter.  It is hard getting out of bed when it is black outside, cold and windy is off-putting too... But when it is tipping down with rain like it was on Friday...it was tooo much.  So just had a 15 min workout with a DVD, not quite the same thing...especially as far as the dogs are concerned   But I am enjoying my zumba classes.  Will aim to do 2 of those a week... as well as a work out at the gym another twice a week.  I think that will be pretty good - 3.5km (2mi) walk Mon - Fri am and a 5km (3mi) walk on a Sun.

As far as eating goes, I'm not doing too badly.  I struggle with some foods, even if I chop it up finely and chew, chew, chew.  But all in all, I'm doing ok.  I try and eat normal food, rather than pureeing everything into baby food mush.  It's certainly cheaper, on Fri night we got Thai takeaway... I ordered a chicken satay starter and ate half... the other half was my lunch yesterday... with a few scraps as dog treats.  Which reminds me, I met a friend for lunch on Wed, as she has a toddler we decided to picnic in a park where Abby could play on playground equipment.  Kathryn bought herself a subway and I had ordered a side of smoked salmon and avocado as my lunch from a local cafe.  Kathryn looked at what I had brought and said, "That's not lunch", meaning that's not enough to eat.  My reply was, "No, it's not lunch... it's TWO lunches"...I only ate half and had the rest later in the week.

Well, I think that's enough from me...catch ya'll later.


About Me
Auckland, XX
Surgery Date
Mar 26, 2010
Member Since

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