
Feb 03, 2011

Hello all, I hope everyone is doing well.  I've been very busy at work over the past few months but thank God I have a job.  Just checking in.  Weight loss seems to be slowing a bit as I'm almost 10 months post op but I heard that was to be expected.  Let me know how you all are doing.

Hello Everyone

Oct 05, 2010

I pray all is going well with all of you.  I know it's been a while since I last posted and I really don't have an excuse.  I just wanted to post a quick update... I'm down 114 pounds and I feel GREAT!  It's been about 7 months since my surgery and it has not been all roses but thanks to God, I am doing fine today.  I give Him all the praise becaue He is so worthy!



Food/Protein Ideas

Jun 17, 2010

Hey everyone, I need help with different food ideas as well as ideas on how to get my protein in... I just don't like the protein shakes... I've tried many many different kinds/brands...

Peace and Blessings


Feet Swelling

Jun 07, 2010

Hi all.. Hope you all are doing well... I'm feeling MUCH better these days almost like old self again ALMOST I'm having problems with my feet swelling late in the day towards evening.  I'm getting in about 80 ounces of water a day so I don't think that is the problem.. Any and all comments/suggestions are welcomed!

Please and Blessings,




May 11, 2010

Hi all, I just wanted to give an update.. I was hospitalized on last Tuesday and was in for 6 days... I went in feeling light headed, vomiting and nausea... Turns out I was severely dehydrated and my potassium level was dangerously low.  I was so dehydrated they couldn't even find veins for a IV so I had to have a PICC line put in my right arm, boy was that uncomfortable. 

I'm happy to report that I'm feeling MUCH better today.. Trying to stay hydrated and maintain... I had no idea that WL surgery was going to be so hard.... Any-who, glad to be on the mend....

Hope you all are well

Peace and Blessings!

Hi Friends

Apr 28, 2010

Hello to all, I sure hope you all are doing well... I'm doing pretty good these days, although I have my ups and downs but so far so good.. I'm down 49 pounds and my clothes are starting to get big, it's a good thing I kept my "I'll get back into these one day" clothes, lol...  Since my surgery on March 9th, it has been a real struggle.. Thank God I haven't been in any pain since about a week out of surgery, but the nausea has really kicked my butt.. I also find it hard to find snacks that are high in protein so any and all suggestions are welcomed... I've had a hard time getting in my protein drinks until I found the Atkins Advantage shakes, those are YUMMY and I don't feel like I want to 'gag" after every sip.  they have 150 calories and 15 grams of protein and actually tastes pretty good. 

I'm now on a "full diet" so I can pretty much eat whatever I like although, I'm afraid to try new things.. I did try a salad for the first time since my surgery and I could feel my "tummy" trying to digest the raw veggies, it didn't hurt just felt strange.  Any suggestions on foods that are easy to digest?  Oh yeah and for some reason, I crave salty foods mostly, any idea why that is?

Ok, I just wanted to check in and get back into my daily habit of updates on here... Be Blessed

1 comment

Good Friday

Apr 01, 2010

Hello all, just a quick update.. I'M FEELING SOOOOOOOOOO MUCH BETTER THESE DAYS!  I just want to thank each and everyone of you for your kind words, they have meant more than you know!  Oh yeah I lost another 13 pounds, in two weeks for a grand total of 40 pounds (including post-op liquid diet), so that's 27 pounds since surgery (3/9/10).

Be Blessed!

1 comment

Feeling Down

Mar 29, 2010

Hi all, I know I haven't been posting much lately but I'm feeling so down these days

SOMEONE HELP ME!!!! I'm so ready to feel like "Fenile" again... What's going on with me?



Mar 22, 2010

Hi all, I hope you all are doing well... I have a question... I'm 13 days post op and I'm constantly thirsty and I have this awful taste in my mouth at all times which makes me feel queasy at time... Can someone give me some advice on what this is and what I can do to make this YUCKY taste go away?

Bad Experience

Mar 19, 2010

Hi all, so today I had a tiny piece of banana and about a teaspoon full of peanut butter for lunch.  Shortly after eating I started feeling REALLY bad, almost like I had a knot in my stomach  and it lasted for over a hour... Any ideas what could have caused that feeling?  When I think about I did eat faster than I usually do but I was hungry (no excuse) lol... I'm learning to slow down and chew, chew, chew, I think that takes a lot of concentrating especially since I was used to almost swallowing my food whole, lmbo!  I did buy some papaya enzymes to help with digestion, maybe next time I will try one to see if it helps... Any other ideas are welcome... You guys are the BEST

About Me
Dumfries, VA
Surgery Date
Oct 27, 2009
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