So 3 days out...

Mar 06, 2010

I am three days out after surgery.  More pain than I expected but I have to keep reminding myself I just had major surgery.   Mostly just muscle pain, hard to get up and around.  Walking as much as possible.  The liquid pain killer is nasty so I have not taken it since yesterday, just powering through it at this point.  Feel what seems to be gas bubbles in my gut.  Just took a chewable Gas-x.  Have lost some weight but probably water weight, my surgeon did not require a pre-op diet.  Some heartburn but to be expected.  

Big Day is tomorrow!

Mar 02, 2010

 Surgery is tomorrow - full of nervous energy.  Cleaned the house, packed my bag, did all the grocery shopping for afterward.  
Have to put the negative thoughts out of my head - can I do it, will I fail like on every other diet?  Will I regret making this huge and life changing decision?  I am already a very happy and positive person - overall my chunkiness is my only complaint.  Will I become a cranky person when I can't enjoy eating the way I do now?  But really do I enjoy it?  It seems that I am on autopilot when it comes to food...
Been reading "French Women Don't Get Fat".  All about bringing pleasure back into eating.  Eating good food with the right balance of good fat and complex carbs and truly enjoying what you are eating.  Don't multi-task: if you having a meal, only have the meal.  No TV, computer, working (my worst habit).  
Some of the food suggestions in the book may not be feasible after bariatric surgery but the theories will.  


Almost scheduled!

Jan 31, 2010

My first post is a positive one!  Received the call from the surgeons office last Tuesday that I was approved by my insurance and will be scheduled for surgery by the end of February!  
Insurance requirements were pretty standard from what I have read - BMI over 40, 6 months medically supervised diet.  Did the first 2 diet visits with my family doctor, rest with the dietitian affiliated with the surgeon's office.  
So just waiting to hear back with a date for testing and a date for surgery.  I don't know all the specifics of the pre and post op diets but will report them here.  

Biggest concern is now that I have heard I have only a few weeks before my life changes forever, my appetite is in full force! And only for the worst of the worst - fast food.  I am indulging now but am afraid it will make it harder to stick to the pre op diet if I don't get myself in check.  One thing I have noticed is NONE of it tastes as good as i anticipated.
So that is it for now.  I am hoping to get good support from others in my area going through WLS - I live about an hour from the nearest support group and not sure how many meetings I will get to.  I also live alone and need a work out buddy.  Anyone out there in Racine, WI? 


About Me
Surgery Date
Aug 23, 2008
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