Lapband Surgery TOMORROW!!

Oct 31, 2012

I'm getting my lapband surgery tomorrow.. I'm so excited and nervous! I feel like a dream is finally coming true and I can't believe it! I've been going at this for 3 yrs now having 2 babies during that time and finally I'm ready to commit to taking better care of myself! I have faith in the band and in myself and I know I can do this! Hope it all goes well!! I'll update whenever I can!


Back again.. hoping to have WLS soon!!

Sep 04, 2012

So I have 4 children of my own now, 5 total lil boys at home ages 8, almost 7, 4, 2, and 8 weeks. I am currenty 271 lbs at 5`0. I am going to a seminar on Sept 10th and hopefully my first preop appointment on sept 19th if all goes well. I am set on having lap band. I have read all the horror stories about failed bands but I have decided to give it a go before going to something more permanent and irreversible. I have several friends that have it and are doing great with it after years.

I need all the support I can get. I thought about getting the sleeve but decided against it. My surgeon does both procedures and my medicaid will pay for either but I am only 26 years old and I feel like lap band is the best choice for me right now. I was thinking, if I get the band and it doesnt work for me then I can have it taken off and try the sleeve later on. If I get the sleeve, lose the weight, then gain it back later by overeating and stretching my stomach back out then theres nothing else I can do. The thing that scares me with the sleeve is infection or leaking of the staples and me dieing.  I am young, my children are young, i just lost my mom jan 31st and I feel I was too young to lose her so they are definetly too young to lose me. I don't want to chance that at all!

I have GERD right now and I read that lap band can sometimes help it. I have a lot of back problems and my feet and ankles hurt when I walk around a long time. My shoulders/neck/head hurts also on a daily basis because I have something called frozen shoulder. Its not a permanent thing although it feels like it, I have had it since 2008 and it gets better then bad again. I have been to physical therapy several different times because of it. I bet my big boobs dont help either! I am in size 24 right now and I want to be in a size 11 again. Thats what I was before I got married or pregnant. I was that size in high school and I looked great!!

I need the support of friends who will help me get through this and support me with the decision I make no matter what the outcome. I'll be needing advice on what to eat and what exercises to do.
I really hope I can achieve my goal weight with the band and I am really excited to get started on this journey.

Wooo.. It's been a long time but I'm back!!

Apr 06, 2011

So here I am yet again.. Can't believe I been gone this long but a lot has happened since August 2008!! So I lost 35 lbs on the adipex as I recall.. Shit happens tho!! Right?! So in Feb 2009 my husband started cheating on me..... yeah happens to the most of us.. We split up and got back together then again in July he started cheating again... Wow what a surprise right?! Yeah I know.. but after 6 1/2 yrs of "being faithful" (Yea right) I really thought that March was the first time.. Well only the first time he got caught of course! So finally in July he just didn't come home from work.. I was in such disbelief I called the police and turned him in for missing.. LOL.. wow such an idiot!! His friend, the police officer, came out and talked to me and finally made me realize he was probably cheating again.. which I knew in my heart before he even left me but tried to not believe. So anyways... best thing that could ever happen to me though! I finally got rid of the asshole that made me feel so lonely and depressed!!
So at the end of August/Beginning of Sept. I met the new love of my life Ramon! This guy makes me feel like I'm on top of the world! I swear I thought being ignored and what made me feel like I was an embarassment was because I was fat.. No way girlfriends.. It was because I had a jerk for a husband. Ramon is the type of guy who doesn't walk in front of his fat woman with her kids in the buggy but walks beside of pushing the bugging and every time we stop putting his arm around me or doing something that lets everyone know I belong to him.. He makes me feel like he is so proud to be with me! He treats me like I am the most beautiful woman in the world and doesn't even attempt to look at a pretty woman in front of me.. even if I am the one saying "Wow look at her I wish I looked like that she is beautiful!" He doesn't even pay attention.. he just says "baby you are beautiful." So sweet, I know! Anyways.. so around Halloween I decide that I want to try for a baby girl that I had wanted with my husband who didn't want anymore kids.. I already had to boys with my husband.. Wow.. 2 months after I meet the guy, I know! LOL So we get pregnant first try... Turns out its another boy.. Whoopdy dooo! I'm over it now and I love my Joseph but I have 3 kids and still can't get the thoughts of a baby girl out of my head! So Joseph is now almost 10 months old.. He was born a bit early but in the end he was okay.. At 35 weeks he weighed 7 lbs 12 oz! After my 6 weeks time frame to heal after having Joseph I went for the paperwork for my diet where I took adipex and my dr had left the office for a new job.. couldn't get all the required paperwork so I had to start a whole new diet!! Made me sooo frickin mad! I went to my new regular doctor almost a month ago and had some blood work done.. My blood pressure has been high since before my last pregnancy but not horrid high so no medication.. Test Results.. well I have high Triglycerides and I have Fatty Liver or whatever that is.. So after two weeks of trying to talk Ramon into having another baby (I know.. LOL) I get this news and I change my mind.. Of course!! So I decide if I ever want to have another baby or live a normal life, which to me is not being lazy and being able to play and wrestle with my kids and do stuff that skinny or fit women can do I have to lose weight!! I am now at 265!! My highest weight when I was pregnant with Joseph was 281. I never lose much after having a baby but I have to do this now!!
I want to get married to Ramon and we were going to have our wedding this year but oh boy would I love it if I was fit on my wedding day!! So I'm not sure yet cuz I was soo excited but I might wait a while to see how things go...I saw a dietician today and I am starting a 2000 calorie diet... I also got some good tips for the after lapband diet from a very good friend of mine who told me what her diet was like and I'm going to fit these protein shakes and fat free foods into my diet right now so that I'll be prepared and it will help me to lose weight faster instead of my regular foods which I had no idea how I was going to cut back on and still enjoy.. lol.. I CAN DO THIS!! I keep telling myself.. So I switched from Pepsi to Diet Dr Pepper soda and I'm determined!! I am thinking about trying the adipex again but not sure yet.. Wish me luck! Love to you all!!!

Just an update!

Nov 04, 2008

I haven't been on much lately with school and all keeping me busy and my two baby boys but I was checking in today and someone said I needed to update so here I am.. LOL..
I got my blood tests back and I have no medical problems that can be detected by blood. I have medicaid so that doesn't help me at all. I decided to try Adipex first. I have never tried prescription diet pills before only ones you can buy from Walmart. I been on them now for 4 days and I'm on 1 a day but so far I've been taking 1/2 a day and I haven't been hungry at all. I eat once a day and when I do its small. I am going to get some low calorie soups and try to eat 2 or 3 times a day one can at a time so it will be better for me. I can't go into starvation mode or yet my body will store extra fat when I quit taking the pills. I need to workout more. Don't have time to walk cuz I'm always at home with the kids. If anyone knows some exercises that I could do that wouldn't be that hard on me right now let me know. I could use a good routine. I would like to do something that wouldn't wear me out so fast being as big as I am right now. I want a gazelle really bad. If anyone out there has tried loosing weight with them let me know how good they work for ya. Well good luck to everyone out there! I will write again later on. Thanks for reading!

Just Starting

Aug 31, 2008

So here I sit thinking about all this weight loss stuff. I don't know for sure what I'm doing. I want to get the surgery but I'm scared. I have 6 months to think about it and I know I will make the right decision in the long run. I have a lot of things on my mind. Both my kids are asleep right now and I can't believe it. Peace and quiet! My husband is upstairs studying for a big exam for Nursing school. I am just sitting here listening to music and thinking about all this stuff.. I have been reading everything. I have to diet for 6 months so I want to really do it and stick to it and see what happens. I have never been able to stick to a diet before and thats why I'm not sure if I should get the Lap Band or not. I mean.. I think maybe I should try diet pills like Adipex or something. My mother tried it when she was younger and she gained more back than she was before she took it. I have tried things like Hoodia and Trimspa but they never even suppressed my hunger. I would never or could never starve myself. I count on food too much when I get stressed out. I haven't baked a chocolate cake in a while so thats good. I always do that when I want to feel better.. and then eat about 4 pieces of it at once.. WOW.. thats bad... I want to buy better foods to eat and cook. I buy general foods that anyone would eat but for someone who is trying to loose weight I don't know what to buy. My husband suggested nutrisystem and I checked into that and who the hell could afford it?! I am thinking about starting to drink some sort of protein shake or something. Since I only eat usually twice a day maybe I could eat one good meal a day and drink shakes twice a day and maybe a protein bar or something for a snack. Could work I guess.. I never really thought those protein shakes would work and my husband drank them all the time when he lifted weights. I been reading the forums here and I guess maybe they work after all.
Anyways... I guess thats enough thinking out loud for now. I'll write more as I progress. My first doctors appointment to my PCP is Sept. 2nd. I'll let you all know what they say.

About Me
east bernstadt, KY
Aug 25, 2008
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Just an update!
Just Starting
