July 15, 2002

Well, my dietition appt is done and my mental stability has been check and I'm now waiting to get my Dr appt and schedule surgery. I use to think I was a patient person, but when you have thought about this for 3 years and finally decide to do it, who wants to wait? NOT ME!!!!!!!!

July 31, 2002

Well, I had my Dr. appt yesterday. I just love Dr. Carlson, wow, what a sense of humor. He made me feel so comfortable. I will be having an open Roux-en Y. He is not going to seperate my stomach as the other's do because he says it diminishes the chances of complications and that if I blew the staple line in this one, I would in the other also, but with the stomach seperated, I would end up in the hospital for a few months. Anyway, I am on pins and needles waiting now for my surgery date. Sniff, sniff, sniff....he is going on vacation for 2 months. Not fair!!!!! If my other doctor hadn't of wanted me to try just one more diet for a year, I would have already been 1year post-op. Oh well, I am still on my way. My mother in-law is in the process herself and we are so excited for each other. We get to help each other through it and watch each other shrink. I can't wait. That's it for now.

August 5, 2002

The Dr. Office called today and I have a surgery date. Wow, all of a sudden I am nervous yet excited. My date is Octover 4th, 2002. It works out great because it will not interfere with my school and as you can see by my spelling, I need school badly. :-)

August 26, 2002
Wow, 39 days and a wake up. Just a few weeks ago it seemed like it was going to be forever. I know it's less then 6 weeks away now because I had to give up smoking last Friday. Thats ok, I have been wanting to do that forever. I don't have alot to report because I am so lucky with the insurance and all. However, I do get a little nervous here and there. Mostly I am so excited. Made my Pre-op appt today for September 30th, one week exactly before my surgery. I read on the message board and see all the trouble people go through just to get here and I almost feel as if I'm cheating. My mom is flying up from Phoenix I believe on October 2nd to be here and help me out. Wow, I have my hubby, son, mom and mom in-law. I feel truely blessed. Well, that's it for now. Thank you Donna for this beautiful page!!!!!

September 5, 2002
Well, I am now at 29 days and a wake up. It seems to be going so slow, yet at times it seems to be going too quickly. I still have to go shopping for all the things I will need after the surgery. My hubby is pulling out the rocker recliner from the other room so I can sleep on it until I am ready for a bed. I seem to be focused more on when my Mom in-law will have her date. Man, she has been waiting for 3 weeks just for her doctor to send the info to the insurance Co. I am so glad at this point that I changed doctors. I think October 4th is a long way away, but she might be looking at December and we started on the exact same day with the same doctor. Sigh, I think the wait is killing me more then her. I don't understand why my taste are changing and I am just not in the mood for any kind of food. Heck, the smell of sea food makes me sick. Is this mentally preparing for post-op? We shall see. Will post in a few weeks.

September 30, 2002
Three days and a wake up. I have been so busy I have fogotten to be nervous. However, I have made sure I have taken care of thing just in case. I am not afraid for me, but for the family I would leave behind. I am a very strong determined woman and they depend on me. Anyway, I haven't even packed for the hospital yet. I say I'm not nervous, but I have been reading all the things people are writing on my surgery page and what my mom in-law wrote on the message board today and it makes me kind of misty. Well, my DH just walked in and I'm going to go eat the dinner that my wonderful son just made and enjoy my family. God Bless!!! I probably won't post until after my surgery the way my time is going.

October 29, 2002
I am now 25 days post-op and down 32#. It feels good knowing that the scale will just go down and not up as long as I do what I am suppose to do, which isn't hard when I dump everytime I eat something I'm not suppose to. My mother in-law will be having surgery on November 21, 2002 and I am so excited for her. I am not much of a regular poster because I have so many other things going on in my life, but will post as things progress. Would I do it all again? You are damn right I would.!

November 25, 2002
Now that Pam, my Mother in-law is home and doing well after her surgery on the 21st, I now have two WLS sisters close at hand. I am also getting to know Jennifer E. and think that she is going to be a great friend. We all love being able to discuss or progress and all the little things that go on daily and we can empathize and understand what the other is going through. Well, I have hit my first goal. I am 7-weeks out and have lost 52 lbs. I am so excited, I can't contain myself. My next goal is to weigh what my driver's license says. 30 more lbs and I will reach that goal. Then comes the century club. I'm not in a hurry because I know it will come. I just make sure I get in all my water and protien. Ok, I struggle with both daily, but I make it a priority. Even when the scale doesn't budge for a week, I don't panic because I at least know it's not going to go up. I have spent my whole life since the age of 8 watching the scale go a little down then up again no matter what diet I tried. I would do this again in a heart beat. One of the guys at work stopped me to say that WOW I am just melting away and that he was impressed. It is ironic that he be the one to incourage me, because prior to my surgery, someone over heard him make a very negative comment about me. A girl at work was going to lunch and he asked her where she was going. She stated McDonalds and he said, you had better stop eating that stuff or you're going to look like Ginger. I was very hurt by that comment, for I had never been anything but kind to him. I don't know how to talk to someone like that. My first instinct was to say sooo, you are short baled and live with 3 cats. But, thank goodness I kept my mouth shut, for we all have our problems and well, I just didn't wish to bring myself openly down to his level. Well, that's all I have for now, will post when I have any new updates.

February 2, 2003
Funny thing happend this morning. I was just sitting here reading the message board, when I got an itch on my shoulder. I went to scratch it and low and behold I can feel my shoulder bones. Wow, I haven't known what they felt like in ages. Well, I am down 87lbs now and will be out 4 months in two days. Wow, I feel great. Just waiting to be a member of the century club and with only 13lbs to get there, I think it will be soon unless I hit a platue. Love to all and possitive attitudes rule!!!!!

March 8, 2003
WoooooooooHooooooo!!!! I got on the scale this afternoon and lost 4 lbs. I have now officially joined the CENTURY CLUB!!!! I didn't think it would ever get there. I am 5 months and 4 days out and down 101 lbs. Whewww. Ok, my next goal is to get under 200, and I am sure that is going to take awhile. Now I just have to talk my hair in to not falling out. Well, back to house cleaning.

March 27, 2003
Sigh, the weight it still coming off, but at a snails pace it seems I have lost 108 lbs which is only 7 lbs in 20 days. I have to really get serious about excersise and just do it as Nike says. Well, I can't eat eggs for sure. Everytime I have eaten eggs since my surgery I have been sick. Three times was enough for me to know...yep...can't do eggs. I seem to only be able to eat less then 1/2 cup of food and that is on a good hungry day, otherwise it will be 1/4-1/3 cup of food if I'm lucky. I wonder if maybe I am not getting enough calories in. Not much else to report other then my old stomach has started rumbling and until I spoke with other people in the chat, and found out that theirs does the same thing, I was freaked out for a couple of days. I hate this preperation for failure feeling that comes over me when ever I hit a stop in the weight loss, but I will keep plugging along. Would I do this again? In a Heart Beat.

April 8, 2003
I'm cryin in my protien shake today. I have been on a plateau for almost a month and have been bouncing around the same few lbs. I have finally started working out as of yesterday, so hopefully I can get this weight loss started again. My mom in-law is doing great and has only 42# until she reaches goal. Now I know how she felt when I was just zippin off the weight and she would be on a plateau for a month. However, she does lose 10# at a time. Mine is usually 3-4. Sigh. Ok, kind of in a funk about this. I keeping worrying that this is it. The weight loss has stopped at 6 months out. I'm being silly right? I do eat right for the most part. If I said I would be happy if I didn't lose another pound, I would be lying. I want to lose more, I want to get to goal, but as all of us know, it is hard to think you aren't going to fail at this too. I think it's time to leave things in Gods hands.....I sure do hope he wants me to lose more weight. Ok, I'm done whinning.......for today that is... :-) POSITIVE ATTITUDE!!!!!

May 5, 2003
OMG..OMG my NEW PICTURES are up on my profile and on the Before and After pictures as well. I hope everyone recognizes me…LOL I have gone from Blonde to Brunette, ok, kind of a red head. So, now everyone can see what I really looked like prior to surgery. Uggghhh. I was bigger than the fridge. Well, now I am smaller than the fridge. I must say THANK YOU to the photo team and all the other volunteers here at AMOS, I know you are all so busy and we appreciate everything you do.
I posted last night that I was finally eating the way I am supposed to and it really is working. Actually all I am doing different is making sure I get my 60grms of protein in. I lost another 2 lbs last night for a total of –120#, with 8# to go and not be obese ….WoooHoooo!!!! Who says Mondays are bad days. I am walking on cloud nine.

May 12, 2003
Here I am on a Monday again, only one week since my last post, but I have to shout with happiness. I started drinking Rocamojo last week and have been drinking it faithfully every morning, getting all my protien in and I have lost 6# in one week, for a total loss now of #126. I went and checked on the Your BMI and Goal Weight Results and I am ahead of schedule for losing 100% of my excess weight....I am so excited. I hope they never take Rocamojo off the market as it seems to be the only protein I can stomach. Wow, what a mothers day when I got up Sunday morning and I had lost 3#. Ok, nothing else to report other than my angellette Kamy has her surgery date finally for August 11, 2003. I am so excited for her. She is the sweetest thing and I want her to feel all the excitement I have going through this process. Would I do it again? In a heart beat!!!!!

May 23, 2003
WOOOOOOHOOOOOO!!!!!! I got on the scale this morning and my weight was 214. What this means is that I am no longer considered obese. I am now just considered overweight. Next goal is to get under 200. Then after that is to go from overweight to normal, and then to 160, my final goal weight. So, 54 lbs left to lose total. Life is so good. I just thank God for helping me become healthy.

June 16, 2003
Got on the scale this morning and weighed 206, leaving 46 lbs left to lose total. Went to my in-laws boat this weekend and their boat friends hadn't seen me since last summer and were like, WOW!!! you look great. That was so cool. Protein, protein, protein, WOW does it make a difference. I think I might actually make it to goal now.

July  7, 2003
Well, with all the advice I received on how to jump-start my weight loss again, it worked. I realized after going to fitday.com that I was only eating between 300-500 calories a day. Not even enough. So, I have added a protein drink into the day along with yogurt, which brings me up to between 600-900 a day. I am still trying to figure out something else to add in there for more good healthy calories. Anyway, I lost 3 lbs this weekend, so at 202# it puts me at –140 at 9 months out. I have 3 more lbs to lose to get under 200, 18 more lbs after that to lose to be normal weight, and then 21 more lbs after that to reach my ultimate goal of 160 @ 5’11” even if everyone says it is to thin for my height, we shall see. Doesn’t the small little goals sound better then 42 lbs left to lose? I love these little goals. I think there is a light at the end of this tunnel. Ok, so I finally had someone tell me that they hoped I was almost done losing weight because I was getting too skinny. I gave her a big hug for that one. Oh, and this weekend, I went shopping in the normal section and bought some adorable sun dresses in a 16 regular. Can you believe it? Me? Oh, and when you sit down in these dresses, they come up to mid thigh and my thighs actually look ok up to that point…LOL…no farther though. I will talk to the PS about that..LOL I sure hope it doesn't take 3 more weeks to lose another 3#'s. Oh well, I will take it where I can get it.

August 14, 2003

Well, I have had a very bad day. I was hurting for my angelette and posted on the board about it. It was one of those "If the shoe fits, wear it" Almost instantly I started receiving mean nasty emails about it. Yes, I did spell her name wrong and I take responsibility for that, however I was only speaking about the messages I had posted from her surgery page on Monday and Wednesday with no response. The part that saddens me the most is that the meanest and nastiest emails were from volunteers at this site. I did receive a few kind ones from 2 members after I posted that I was sorry and that I was getting bashed, and I love them for that. I just need to stay away and deal with my own life for awhile. I'm just too sensative for this stuff.

God bless all of you, and I wish the best of everything for you during your journey. Never forget….POSITIVE ATTITUDE!!! Hugs, Ginger


August 21, 2003 HAPPY DANCE – ESTATIC DANCE – ERATIC DANCE !!!!!!! Ok, I am very excited as I got on the scale this morning and weighed 192#, which means that I have now lost 150# since my Open RNY 10/4/02.

For anyone having that feeling of OK, this is it, I’m not going to lose anymore and I’m going to fail yet again. Trust me, I have felt it many times over. But it can work for all of us if we follow the program and use this exceptional tool. Trust me, I am not perfect, and I don’t always eat 100% the way I am supposed to. When I don’t eat the way I am supposed to, I don’t lose but maybe 1-2 lbs during that month. However, when I do eat the way I am supposed to, at 10+ months out, I average a loss of 9# per month. I have finally gotten to the point of not worrying about continuing to lose. I worry about hmmmmm…. did I eat the way I’m supposed to today? If not, I make it better tomorrow.

I now have 5# left to be normal weight, 27# left to be at the “ideal weight” for my height, and 32# left to be at my personal goal weight.

I wish I had great words of wisdom for anyone struggling, but alas, I am only one person with my own experiences that work for me, but may not work for someone else. We are all so different in so many ways. All I can say is keep trying different things until you find the one that works for you.

GOD BLESS EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU WONDERFUL PEOPLE ON THIS SITE. I pray that everyone struggling with insurance may find a way to reach their dream, everyone about to embark on this new exciting journey to have much success, and those of you currently on, or struggling in your journey to have continued success. HUGS….

October 4, 2003

ONE-YEAR ANNIVERSARY!!! One year ago today, I stood at 5’11” and weighed in at 342 before excitedly going off to the hospital to start my brand new life. On October 4, 2002, I had Open RNY.

I have been overweight since the age of 8, feeling different, never being accepted, and being made fun of constantly. I would run home from school to drown my hurt in any food I could find that mom might not notice was missing. I always felt like an embarrassment to my parents as I ruined their picture perfect family when we went to church each Sunday. I remember constantly having dreams that I would unzip my large body and out would step the real skinny me, however, I always woke up and cried because it was only a dream. I grew up in the country with my two older brothers and because of my size, I could not keep up with them roaming around the mountains behind our house, so I spent most of my time alone and ate. I use to pray to God to take me to heaven or make me normal, neither happened. I met my X husband at 17 and spent the next 19 years in a mentally abusive marriage with an unfaithful man, and he would tell me that I was ugly, disgusting, and that when he looked at other women, he wished I looked like them. I never had friends because when I did, he would sleep with them. I use to have horrible dreams of me on the ground with him standing over me with his arms around another woman where he would then spit on me. I remember taking out his gun many evenings when he was at the bar doing who knows what and deciding whether to use it or not, but thank God I had a child who needed me. Well, I finally went to weight watchers at the suggestion of a wonderful doctor, lost 95 lbs, gained self-esteem, and kicked him to the curb even though I was still obese. Several months later I met a wonderful man who loved me for me even after I showed him a picture of before I had lost some weight and told him that I might look like that again some day. I married him 3 years later and did gain all the weight plus more back again. I couldn’t stand for more than 5 minutes without massive back pain. I was up to 4 separate blood pressure medications, cholesterol medication, and acid reflux medication per day. I realized that if I didn’t do something drastic, I would die of a heart attack as my father had 3 years prior on Easter morning. So, I went for it one year ago today and would do it again every year if I had too.

This wonderful tool has enabled me to lose 156 lbs so far. I can now, cross my legs, fit into any chair or booth there is, run up 3 flights of stairs with out becoming winded, look people in the eye and smile without fear of seeing that look in their eyes, and have my DH carry me to bed. It has been an incredible journey so far, and while I have not done everything perfectly, this blessed tool has made it possible to continue on and not give up. I still have 21 lbs to lose to reach my goal, but I’m ok with that.

I do have some advice for pre-ops. Do not have the last suppers as I did, because you see, I would be at goal today had I not done that. Go into this with open eyes, rather than looking through rose-colored glasses, and keep a positive attitude. New post-ops, do not compare your weight loss to others, as everyone loses differently, forgive your errors, and always love yourself as you can’t love others until you love yourself. I now look excitedly towards the future that is out there for me. I pray that all of you beautiful people on this sight have all your good dreams come true, as I know mine are. Hugs to all!!!

October 5, 2003

Good morning everyone. Well, yesterday was my one-year anniversary and I had planned on sitting at home doing my homework while my DH and son went to play paintball wars. As they were about to leave I decided heck, I want to celebrate. So, I threw on my paintball cloths, which were huge, and went. The last time I went was almost 50 lbs ago. At that time all I could do was sit in a bunker and hope no one found me while I tried to shoot at people. I got killed every time. Well, this time I was able to bob, weave, and dive for cover. I received several kills and it was awesome. Mind you, I am the only woman out of 30 guys and it was too funny to walk up out of the field and see all these boys and men with PINK paint splatters all over them…tee-hee-hee. They all wanted my son and I on their team. It was the first time I can ever remember anyone wanting me on his or her team. WOW, what a way to celebrate my anniversary.

PAM GERMAN your post yesterday was excellent and to the point. I myself, try not to remember the bad stuff, almost like having a baby. However, it was and still is there. Those rose colored glasses that most of us had pre-op can cause a lot of discouragement, disappointment, and depression. I was very lucky and didn’t have any complications, but it was still many weeks before I didn’t wonder what the heck I had done to myself.

I wish everyone peace and happiness in their lives. Hugs to all!!!!

October 9, 2003

Good Morning All!!!!

I thought this would be a good time to post some things I found on the OA website. I think they describe what this website is all about, along with all the wonderful information for research and insurance approval. I hope it helps everyone understand what the members of this site are all about.

”Our personal recovery stories remind us that we are not alone. Through another’s experience, strength and hope, we can know recovery for ourselves”.

I put my hand in yours, and together we can do what we could never do alone. No longer is there a sense of hopelessness, no longer must we each depend upon our own unsteady willpower. We are all together now, reaching out our hands for power and strength greater than ours, and as we join hands, we find love and understanding beyond our wildest dreams.

I love the fact that we have each other as no one else who has not walked in our shoes could ever understand. I for one have found such open, honest, and loving support from the wonderful people on this site. I feel that it would be such a great loss for anyone who might turn his or her back on it. Hang in there all as I honestly believe that you will receive the same wonderful support we all have if you open your heart to it.

Anyone want to go play splat ball Saturday? You know I will be coloring as many men as possible PINK!!! (SMILE) So, if I lost only one pound, does that constitute breaking the plateau?

Everyone have a wonderful day!!!! Hugs for all!!

December 3, 2003


I never thought that I would ever be able to say this. My BMI is below 25...WooooHoooo!!!!! Next step is Plastic Surgery to remove all the excess skin. I am just waiting for a letter of necessity from my second Dr. and I have great pictures of a Bad rash, so we shall see. I sure hope the insurance approves the surgery. I will update when I can. 178 lbs today. Total loss is 164 lbs in 14 months. Everytime I think the weight loss has stopped, I lose another pound. 13 more lbs until my ideal weight for my height. I actually think I'm going to make it. Who knows how much the PS will take off. Hugs to all!!!!

December 31, 2003

I've been approved!!!!!

I have been approved for my TT which will be on January 22, 2004. I am excited, yet, trying to get everything done at work prior. I am in accounting so I have a lot of work to finish up for year end. The insurance said that the other proceedures I want done don't need pre-approval but that they don't always pay for them, yet if my Dr. says it is medically necessary, which she has, then they should pay for them. Oh well, I am now at 175# and 4 more lbs lost will make me half of my former self. Too cool. Well, that's all for now. Everyone have a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!

January 19, 2004

Two days and a wake up for my TT surgery on January 22, 2004.

I have been blessed to have Melody(Biking One) as my angel. I weighed in at 173 this morning and according to my PS...my TT should remove around 4 lbs of fat and skin. This should put me at 169 leaving 4 lbs to reach my personal goal. While I have not been trying to lose weight, I still seem to be losing. However, I won't worry until I get below 139 which is the bottom of my height acceptable weight. i am just so excited about my TT and have my thigh and breast lift in for review. I sure hope they approve them. If not, I will be talking to other on how they got theirs approved through appeal. The next time I write, I should be hanging stomach free. Hugs to All!!!!

March 11, 2004

I am so excited!!! My PS's office called today to tell me that they just got a letter from my insurance company approving all of my PS proceedures. I was on my way to a hearing on the 23rd of this month for that very reason. I am so excited that I can't stop screaming!!!

Below is the appeal letter I sent in that got me my approval. However, remember I also had Dr's visits and 8x11 color pictures of all the rashes along with dates.

Letter::::::::I had Gastric Bypass surgery on October 4, 2002 and have lost 172 lbs. I am 5’11” and weigh 170 lbs with a 23.7 BMI. I have constant yeast rashes under the folds of skin on my inner thighs, under my breast, and under my right arm due to excess skin. These rashes cause infections, blisters, and extreme pain. These rashes, even with medication, cause constant itching and burning, and finally result to a visit to my physician when infected. These rashes affect my concentration in my daily work because of the constant itching and burning. They affect my daily living and normal daily function. The excess skin on my thighs is so extreme that it causes me to walk abnormally, and the skin to fold across each other. I am unable to exercise properly due to the rashes as well as the excess skin between my thighs making it impossible to walk normally, let alone exercise. This also causes lower back pain as well as yeast rashes and infections. I am required to walk up and down the equivalent of 5 flights of stairs several times during my workday and the excess skin impairs normal walking function at work as well as normal day-to-day walking function. Wearing nylons, required by my position, causes excruciating pain in various ways. They hold in the heat, causing the yeast rashes to accelerate into painful infections, as well as the nylon grips the excess saggy skin making the basic act of walking a cause of open sores between the thighs as they rub together. A medial thigh excision or lift would restore and improve physiologic function in this area. Wearing any bra is painful as both the rashes under the breast and under the arm are in this area. However, it would be impossible to go braless at work or in my daily life. It is extremely painful and I must constantly adjust the position of my bra in order to try and relieve the itching and severe pain caused by these rashes. Because of the excess skin hanging down on my breast, it pulls and causes pinching pain as well as severe back pains between my shoulder blades. The direct excision of the right axillary excess tissue, and the Bilateral Mastopexy would restore and improve physiologic function in these areas. All of this excess skin affects my daily living and normal daily functions and two of my primary physicians deemed it medically necessary to be removed. I was seen for rashes again on 2/4/04 with medication prescribed by Dr. XXXXX. These reasons, due to medical necessity, based on physician documentation and medical history are why Medica is required to cover the following three procedures recommended by my primary physicians, Dr. XXXXXX and Dr. XXXXXX. Direct excision of the right axillary excess tissue, Bilateral Mastopexy, and Medial thigh excision or lift.

May 10, 2004

Well, Wednesday will be three weeks since my thigh excision and lift. Wow, what a difference it makes in how my cloths fit. One more proceedure (breast lift), and then I never want to see an operating room again in my lifetime...LOL However, with each surgery, I get rid of one more rash and look and feel so much better. I just can't wait until Wednesday when I can take this darn girdle off!!!!! I feel so blessed to be able to have WLS and the PS afterwards to remove the excess skin. All I can say is to wait until you have lost all of the weight you are going to lose prior to PS, as you will be much happier in the end. I know I am. I will do a final after piture sometime this summer when more swelling has gone down. Hugs to all!!!!!

September 8, 2004

I’m not sure when my body image will catch up to my actual body size. I keep looking at pictures and myself in the mirror and they don’t look the same. In the mirror, I think, OK….I’m where I want to be, all I need to do now is actually exercise and tone up. Then I see a picture of myself and think, WOW!!! I need to lose another 15-20 lbs. My friends, bless their hearts, say OH NO you don’t need to lose anymore. Then that little man on my shoulder says….psstttt….they love you and don’t want to hurt your feelings….GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. In less than a month I will be 2 years out and think, now is the time to lose those additional lbs before it is too late. Who am I kidding…LOL. It’s never too late if you put your mind to it. When I was overweight, I thought that the medical boards ideal weight was way under what someone should actually be, and now when I look at a picture of myself, I think that it is over.

I have now had all three plastic surgery procedures I am planning to have. I don’t want to go crazy, as PS will not make your body perfect, and I will never be a swimsuit model, however, I do look so much better in cloths, well, at least I think I do until I see a picture…LOL.

All I can say is just remember that they operate on your stomach and not your head.

Hugs to All!!!




Morning of Surgery 10-04-02

About Me
Twin Cities, MN
Surgery Date
Jul 06, 2002
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
Morning of Surgery 10-04-02
23 Months Post-op at goal WoooHooo!!!!!

Friends 16
