Liquid Diet - Day 2

Oct 04, 2011

It's OK.  Actually at lunch today, I am lucky I didn't have my wallet with me...I wanted to walk over to the Sonic next door and get a burger.  The soup I warmed up though did hit the spot and I didn't have that overwhelming urge anymore.  I did pretty OK today but I'm still a little daunted by the fact that I have 12 more days left.

I'm also being a bit consumed by the added cost of vitamins, protein shakes/powders and all that jazz that you need post surgery.  Our recent move ended up taking a larger bite out of my budget than anticipated and one of the things I've done in the past is skimp on the grocery budget when this happens and now I gotta get a bit "stocked up".  I know a lot of people say that your taste changes post-op but I'm not exactly going to be in the shopping mood right after surgery so I do have to have some stuff on hand at the house.  Maybe I'm the only one daunted a bit by the cost of the post-surgery care/needs.  Don't get me wrong, I knew this going into the surgery, it's just one of my "oh my gosh" moments that reoccurs for me.  I can't be the only one that feels this way but maybe one of the few that admits it. 

Protein don't come cheap, my friends!

Yes, yes I know the cost of being obese on my overall health is much worse and I'm doing the surgery, I'm just saying... copay/deductible from the surgery + vitamins + protein shakes/powers + feeding, housing 2 kids on a single mom's salary = overwhelming at moments.

