
Back at work today for the first time since my surgery on April 11th. I went to the doctor yesterday for my 2nd post op visit and have lost 24 pounds already! FINALLY off the stupid clear liquids and on blended food now. I had no idea that I would ever be this excited about blended food!!!


Who knew that life was going to be this good??? I'm 3 months post op today and have lost 61 pounds! 308 to 247 in 3 months 'aint bad at all! :-) I can pretty much eat whatever I want...(other than sugar) and I've not been sick EVEN ONCE since surgery. I am wearing the first pair of "real" jeans that I've worn in 5 years today! It's so cool to go into a store and try on 5 things and have to sit and decide which one to buy because they ALL fit instead of being stuck getting the one that you really didn't like all that much because it was the only one that fit. I started packing up some of my big clothes this weekend so I'll be taking them to the Battered Women's shelter soon.


I know that I've been really bad about updating but things are just really crazy right now. A good kind of crazy though! My husband and I just bought some land and we're about to put the house up for sale so we've been painting and cleaning like crazy! As of today...a few days past 4 months post op...I've lost 77 pounds! I bought my first 14/16 today! I haven't worn one of THOSE since highschool! Life is good!!!


Can you believe that I weigh less than 200 pounds??? The last time I was less than 200 was when I was a senior in high school. That was 1987...14 years ago! I can't believe how great I feel. I had to start taking B12 shots, but if that's the worst thing that comes out of all of this...I can deal! Pre-ops or new post-ops that are reading this...life is good...it's WORTH it!!!


Well, yesterday was 8 months post op and I'M AT GOAL!!!! 175 pounds and a size 14. I just can't believe it! I look so much different...and feel so healthy. I'm on a few vitamin supllements, but hey...if that's the worst post op effect that I have to endure...who cares????? :-)


Holy crap! I went shopping today at lunchtime to spend some of the Xmas "new clothing" money that I got yesterday and bought a size 12! The smallest that I ever remember being in adult sizes was the 13/14 that I wore for about 5 minutes in my senior year of high school in 1987. I also bought a new sweater to go with the pants and the sweater was a size medium! I could just hug everyone that I see right about now! I just calculated my BMI and am a 25...that's in the IDEAL section. Watch me while I do the happy dance!!!!!!


One year post op...and what a year it's been!
I have lost a total of 160 pounds! Yes...I've lost more than what I currently weigh! I went from a size 26/28 to an 8.....308 to 148....in a semi-moderate marriage to happily single and looking! This year has been such a whirlwind but it was so worth it. I was one of the lucky people who never had one complication with the surgery. My skin seems to be going back to where it needs to so I don't think that there will be any plastic surgery in my future. I go to the gym several times a week and have endurance that I never knew existed. I love the reactions from people who "knew me when". I am so thankful for this gift and for this new life. Yaaaaahoooo for WLS!!!!

Happy Valentine's Day everyone! I am just a little over 4 weeks post op from my tummy tuck and thigh lifts. My surgeon said that 4 pounds of skin was removed. The pain was a little tough for the first couple of weeks but now it just feels like I've done about a kazillion too many crunches! All in all, with the way my clothes are already looking, I've VERY satisfied. I can't WAIT till summer!!!

It's my two year anniversary! I can't believe what a change my life is. I had my tummy tuck and thigh lifts done on 1/13/03 and the swelling is pretty much gone, though it's still a tiny bit tender sometimes. I'm still in a size 8, but now I just look REALLY good in them! :-) I still eat between 8 and 12 times a day....concentrate on protein and try to stay on to of my supplements. I ran a 5K last weekend and came in 3rd place in my age catagory! Two years ago, I wouldn't have run to get out of the rain, much less actually ran on purpose! I met a really great guy and I think that I'm hearing those magic bells ringing for the not too distant future. I wouldn't trade this experience for anything. Much love to all my brothers and sisters in WLS!!!

Wow! Three years???? How did THAT happen??? :-) Everything is still going great with my health. I think that I might have a vitamin deficiency of some sort because I am ALWAYS thirsty, but I have an appointment next week to get some bloodwork done. I've gained the normal 10-15 pounds back that everyone told me that I would and I'm totally fine with it. I'm still in a size 8-10 and couldn't be happier. Well...I take that back....I HATE the ends of my tummy tuck scar that kinda stick out where I can't wear any thing that rides too low...but other than that, it's still good. I've spoken to insurance companies on behalf of my surgeon's office, who either don't cover the surgery or have too strict approval guidelines, about my success. I have also been featured on the local hospital's website and bariatric brochure as a "before/after" patient. Still don't have a decent boyfriend to speak of, but I guess that is normal when your standards change. My friends think it's a little strange though that at 300 pounds, I always had boyfriends...now I couldn't find a decent guy if he was standing right behind me! I guess what they don't realize is that back then, the guys that I was dating were plentiful....just not decent. I'll hold out till I find one. :-) I hope that all my "birthday brothers and sisters" have had a great year and that you all had a Happy and Wonderful Easter! Love you guys!

04/11/05 Four years??? Now that's just crazy! Everything is going very well. The only bit of advice that I can give that I wish that I had followed is this. No matter how great you feel, DO NOT...under ANY circumstances...slack off on taking your vitamins. I did and am now critically anemic. I'm working on trying to get my iron built back up and am tired all the time but other than that...anything that has come from this surgery is nothing short of a miracle. I met a great guy recently...been seeing him for about a month and a half and things seem to be working out really well with him. I'm still going through a few "mental" adjustments but life is overall, just wonderful! Happy Anniversary guys!

About Me
Suffolk, VA
Surgery Date
Mar 04, 2001
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
3 days before surgery...April 2001
A little over 5 years post op....July 2006

Friends 4

Latest Blog 3
Six Year Anniversary!!!
