
The Vessel

Nov 18, 2007


I found this wonderful poem. I hope that it will bring you some encouragement in times when you need it! Lord bless you my new friends....



A vessel tarnished, broken, useless,
Was thrown on the trash heap one night.
And was found by the Master Potter,
Searching through the 'rejects of life.'

When He found this dirty old vessel,
He looked at it closely, and saw
It contained an inherent beauty,
In spite of it's obvious flaw.

He carried it back to His workshop,
His trained eye could already see,
An object of beauty and honour,
That it was intended to be.

He repaired and cleaned the old vessel.
Polished to it's natural shine
Became once more a thing of beauty,
Was truly, 'one of a kind.'

My life was that broken old vessel,
Battered, ruined, thrown away.
I lay there, no hope of recovery,
Till the Master found me that day.

He loved me, He cleansed me, redeemed me;
Adopted me as His own.
Gave to my life a brand new meaning,
Brought peace, where once there was none

by Gertrude Jefferies


New Friends

Nov 17, 2007

I have met some really wonderful people on this site. They are full of love, joy, acceptance, encouragement and hope! I am so looking forward to getting to know each and everyone of my new friends on here. I pray to soon be traveling that road of better health too, the first of the year. Please pray that everything goes smoothly and I get that definate date instead of "around" the first of the year. Have a blessed Sunday in the Lord, I'm off to church..... Lord bless

Doctor Visits

Nov 15, 2007

I saw my family doctor and my Cardiologist this last week. Both my respitory and heart tests have given me the green flag to proceed on with the surgery. I will be more at peace when I actually get the date for the surgery. The first of the year is better than no time frame at all, but would rather have a definate date! Please pray for me that everything goes smoothly and I will get that date soon....Lord bless you all...


Nov 15, 2007

My daughter Ashley named her son Damien Alexander!

He is Here!!!!!

Nov 15, 2007

I became a grandma for the sixth time last night at 11;54 pm (11-14-07)! He is absolutely gorgeous! My youngest daughter Ashley has not named him yet, she is trying to decide on which name. He was 7lbs 1oz, 19 3/4 ins and head of coal black hair! Thank You Jesus for another precious gift to our family! God is sooooo good! Amen!

I'm On My Way

Nov 13, 2007

I first applied for Bariatric Surgery back in 2005. While waiting for approval I got engaged and got married in August 2006. I was approved to have the surgery, that is until my insurance was cancelled! (I cried!) Well now it is 2007 and the hospital that my surgeon Dr Clark practices at is a Center of Excellency, which means that my insurance will now pay for it! Yay!!!!!!! I am thrilled! My surgery is exspected to happen around the first of the year! I am sooooooo excited and so happy that I will finally get the surgery I have waited so very long for!  Thank You  Jesus!!

About Me
shelbyville, IN
Surgery Date
Jan 10, 2006
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