Is finding it hard.

Jun 14, 2010

I am finding it hard to stay positive and on track when my world is so messed up and falling apart around me..... My husband is distant we recently went through a change in our business at home and I think he blames me for the change in his life. I know that he wants things and the only way to get them was to clean the yard and make the money so that he could build his shop.... but now he is unhappy and in turn that makes me unhappy. We are not talking so things are stressed. uuuuugggghhhhhh!!!!!!!!!1 Why did no one ever tell us growing up that there is no such thing as happily ever after? I used to think we could get through anything together but I am starting to think maybe I am wrong.

Well thanks for listening I appreciate all your support and advice.


About Me
Athabasca, AB
Feb 22, 2010
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