The Deed is Done!

Mar 12, 2011

         A little later than my original plan but a date that really worked out quite nicely.  I went on the two week  Liver Shrinking Diet or Liquid Shake Diet (LSD) on Feb 20th.
       On 2/19 my husband and I went out for a nice dinner steak, lobster and a big ol dirty Martini as my final splurge.  He also took before photos that night; I measured myself (gasp)! and recorded the beginning of the metamorphosis!  
      The next day I was officially on the weight loss wagon! Yee Haw!!  It was challenging.  The first few days were the roughest.  I did not do it entirely perfectly but all in all I feel that I did my best and managed to shed 18 lbs in that 2 weeks, even with Flo in tow!      
      I was nervous, excited, anxious, happy just a gamut of emotion but the day before I just found serenity.  I humbly got on my knees and ask the Lord to watch over me and the team that will be working on me and I just placed it all in his hands.  I had done everything that I could humanly do to this point I am not to proud to ask for his Divine Intervention.  He has been there for me in other life struggles as well.
     March 8 finally arrived! I needed to be at the hospital at 7:30.  My middle name is Lynne however I always say that the "L" stands for late!  (another lifelong struggle that I will not go into here).  I was as cool as a cucumber.  I slept well the night before, didn't oversleep, a few tears of worry from my son and I was on my way.  Traffic!!!  Ah, no big deal, doctors are notoriously late at least the ones that I work with.  I arrived 15 minutes late, nothing was said, went back into the pre-op area changed into the latest Victoria Secret Hospital attire, IV, blood draw, signing of consents numerous verifications of my papers and procedure then wait! A few tears were shed but I really think that they were tears of joy.  The day was finally here and I was going to get the tool that I desperately wanted to help me shed this burden that has plagued my life for so long.  Finally it was my turn!  My limo stretcher arrived and off I went.  I was met by my doctor and my bartender aka anesthesiologist!  A few quick introductions and I faded out to black ahhhhh.... 

"Come on Holly breath for me." "Holly? Holly? Can you hear me? Your surgery is over"  "Take some deep breaths! Your all done Holly" Take some deep Breaths!"  (Should I have warned them that I was a cheap date?)  Waking up from anesthesia is so weird,  its like your in a vacuum or something. Oh I new that surgery had occurred I could feel it with each and every deep breath but it was expected and thank you Jesus for PCA pumps!  Mine was Dilaudid flavor, a first for me, and that worked quite well.  I slept most of the day.  Opened my eyes briefly to a few faces of well wishers and nurses.  I think my doc was in there too?  Around midnight I really became cognizant of my surroundings and started to think I need to get up and move.  I don't want a blood clot, pneumonia ect, besides my ass was getting numb!  The sweetest nurses worked on the barriatric floor where I was.  Most of them had no idea that I was a nurse either.  They helped me up to a chair, let me swab my mouth with some ice water. "Do Not Swallow!"   
   The next morning I was whisked down to the XRay dept to drink some contrast material (Nasty) to check for the leak.  Its all good!  The ride back was not so nice!  Nausea had found me.  Thankfully my nurse was equipped with a magic syringe of Phenergan and nausea was gone.  Ok for clear liquids! Get out of bed and strut the halls a few times a day. Resting in between and coughing (that sucks but a necessary evil).  
    Day 2 doc in early.  Everything looks great!  Drain out!   Discharged to home!  Next blog will have some cool pics!  

I am on my way!  


About Me
Surgery Date
Nov 11, 2010
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