Five weeks

Apr 01, 2009

Well after next week when I report on my 6 week check up I will probably go to posting every month instead of weekly. Things are settling down and weekly posts might become a little boring. Of course if something exciting happens like my belly flap disappears I will chime in here and let ya know.
Well I only lost 4 lbs last week....Think of it...4 lbs in one week! I don't know about the rest of you, but I surely haven't lost that kind of weight in a week since I was very young and going through my first divorce. Back then I dropped 70 lbs on a self imposed 500 calorie a day diet with no problems at all. It was like POOF! The weight came off, my skin shrank, and I looked great!  It wasn't a lot of work either. 28 years sure does a lot to your body and your ability to lose weight. Today I am eating about 5 or 6 hundred calories a day, but I had to have 2/3 of my stomach removed to do it. Skin...yep the old skin isn't going to snap back in place so easy this time. I can see a lower body lift in my distant future.
I started working out with a trainer. He's a nice guy, just a little too chipper for me at 6:30 am. After every exercise he looks at me with this big goofy grin and says "how's that feel?" Yesterday he went to town on my upper body. Whew...did he let me have it. I kept telling him "hey I have to be able to drive my truck's a standard!" of course he didn't listen to that he just kept having me pump those weights. I even said look its a Dodge truck, heavy and stiff...he didn't listen to that either. Today I sit here and I think I will be able the wrestle the beast to work, but if soreness continues to set in, I may have to switch vehicles with the DH tomorrow. Tomorrow is lower body; I wonder what that will bring...Thank goodness I am off the weekend so I can lick my wounds, hit the hot tub at the club and get ready to do it again on Monday. I want to swim this weekend...such good exercise, but I will probably only be able to float :)
Have a great week


One month

Mar 25, 2009

Well the 260's, 270's and 280's are gone forever. I'm am out of my size 26 clothes, my 24's are baggy, I can get in my 22's but they are just a little tight. Thank God I kept saying "I am going to lose weight and get back into these" and kept clothes all the way down to 18's, or I would be doing an Elly Mae and tying my britches up with rope.
I am feeling great, but I am a little concerned about my consumptions...It is still real low. I still supplement my diet everyday with a Gladiator from Smoothie King...other wise I would not even come close to getting in my nutrients.
I've been walking everyday...Boy am I starting to feel things jiggle. It kind of reminds me of the know the ones where they suddenly drink or eat a bunch, they get huge and they are walking and everything is swaying back and forth with their stride. The doctor has released me to start workouts and weight lifting so I am going to start that this weekend. I am not looking forward to the soreness I know I am going to feel starting a workout program, but I know it will be a worth it pain. Kind of like labor, it hurts like hell, but in the end you get a brand new baby and it is all worth it. This time I get a brand new me.
Hope I can move my fingers to post next week.


Three Weeks

Mar 20, 2009

Well I am sitting here eating pinto beans happy as a lark. Yes, I said pinto beans, which means my gas issues seemed to have passed (we'll see what happens after the beans, I may have to sleep on the couch again)
I have been having some issues with pain the last couple of days, the doctor said it is swelling and something about stitches and nerves, nothing to worry about unless it continues for another week.
I am down a total of 28 pounds and WOW! can I feel the difference. The pain in my knees is gone; I can now get out of the sitting position faster than my 91 year old dad. Other things I have noticed is I now fit in our SUV better, my belly doesn't touch the steering wheel in my truck anymore, my legs can almost completely cross, and when I am laying on the couch watching TV there is now room for my baby Buddy Dog, my 4 year old Shih Tzu. He's so happy about that. I have went down from size 26 to 24 and the 24's are loose. I am going to finish organizing my clothes this weekend. I have from size 26 down to 18 in my closet, and maybe even some 16's if they aren't dry rotted from just sitting in the closet.  All my 26 pants and 4X shirts are going out the door this weekend to Goodwill. Bye Bye forever!
I joined Bally Total Fitness today, and am looking forward to a good swimming workout this weekend. I like to walk, but this is Texas, soon it will be 100 degrees outside with 100% humidity during the day, and in the mornings and evenings the buzzard sized mosquito's will eat me the Bally I chose is about a mile from where I work, so lunch hour walks on the elliptical or tread mill will be in my routine, along with before or after work workouts. I am actually excited about being able to work out...a month ago I got excited just being able to get out of bed.
That's about it for today...Idgett

Week Two

Mar 12, 2009

Two weeks... boy does the time fly. Let's see what was this week like...well I lost 5 lbs this week, maybe a little more, I was for sure retaining water today. That puts me at a total of 16 pounds since surgery 24 pounds including the 8 lbs I lost during my pre op diet.
Currently I am looking forward to having something more than liquids...very much looking forward to it. I see the surgeon tomorrow and I am hoping he will bump my diet a little...I have had no vomiting, no problems what so ever, and I am getting very sick of protein shakes, so I am anxious to get on to some real food and find my protein there.
I went back to work this week too. I work for wonderful people,and when I told them last week I just wasn't ready to get back in there, they had no problem. I get  there early, work through lunch, and take off after about 6 hours...It helps because that way I don't get caught in traffic. Yes... I am driving...ya gotta do what ya gotta do sometimes. I have a standard transmission Dodge truck, so missing traffic is way good.  Less clutching and braking.
Only complaint I have now is a little case of the runs. Anytime I eat anything I am in the bathroom getting rid of what was before it in about 5 minutes. It's like I have been down in MX. drinking the water you aren't supposed to. I called the doctors office about it and they told me to get some liquid Imodium. We will see what tomorrow brings. Until next week...
Idgett....that is of course the doctor gives me some exciting news someone may need to hear. :)


The first week

Mar 04, 2009

Well I made it through my first week, and lost 8 lbs to boot. I weighed in at 271.9 this morning.
I have went from wondering how I was going to get everything that I need in to...Hey I have about got it!
No pain really to speak of other than some soreness.
Biggest complaint...gas...oh gasssssss. I burp and toot my way around the house, and when I am out walking I pray I don't run into some nice neighbor who just wants to talk, because I don't want to toot in front of them. When I am out walking I  sound like some kind of freakish musical instrument...burp, toot, pitter patter, repeat bar.

I'm home

Feb 28, 2009

Well I escaped the hospital yesterday, but have been to busy catching up on my rest to post. I tell ya those hospitals wear ya out. When the doctor came in yesterday, he said I could go home tomorrow, I said how about today...I feel great. So once I proved that I could keep stuff on my stomach...I was out of there. WHEW!!!!
Surgery was.... well..... eventful. I had a nissen fundoplication that had to come down before the doctor could do the sleeve, and apparently it gave him a hard time, because he expected surgery to take about  an hour and a half, and it took 2 1/2.
The worst part to me, was my surgeon requiring me not to drink ice chips...nothing until the next day after they tested me  for leaks. I had no idea that my first drink of something would taste like something that was filtered with...oh... I don't know...maybe liquid shoe polish. Anyway, thank God they only required me to take a couple of sips to do the test, which I passed with flying colors....they gave me some water before I left radiology, and I thought I had just been give nectar from the Garden of Eden Let me tell you I have been trying to catch up on my fluid intake every since. I have to stop myself with a mouthful of fluid and only let it go down in sips. SF Popsicles are a wonderful thing...they quench my thirst  better than anything.
Pain...very very little. Just kind of sore. I have liquid Lortab which tastes like the stuff they used for the leak test....and it is just sitting there. I will have to be in a lot of pain to drink that, let me tell you.
So far I would say I am doing great! I do have one little thing....I don't think he got my ghrenlin. I think I have been hungry. I certainly thought that a Whopper from Burger King would be nice, but it does seem like slowly but surly that is going away too, I do have a question for my surgeon...when I saw the pic of my new stomach it didn't look like a sleeve, it looked like a rounded pouch at the bottom. We'll see...maybe swelling, maybe problems with the nissen who knows.

Tune in next week

Feb 21, 2009

I will be joining the loosers bench next week, and will start my weight loss blog then. I imagine I will have some informative information, TMI, and probably some laughs. Keep tuned to this channel to see upcoming programs

About Me
Surgery Date
Jun 20, 2008
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