Mar 05, 2011

It's finally time to get excited! I got my letter of approval from the insurance today!!!!!!!!! WOOOHOOO!!!!!!!!!=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]

I had been watching the mail since Tuesday. And finally today it came in the mail. My mom went to get the mail and came in the house screaming, "WE GOT THE LETTER!"  She threw it at me and I opened it. It said that they have determined that I am eligible for the RNY surgery. I think my mom is more excited than I am! lol. She started jumping up and down and screaming and crying. My family is so supportive of me. My dad is worried for me, but he still wants me to go through with this. My brother and my sister-in-law (who are both twigs) are EXTREMELY happy for me. The thought that so many people love and support me makes my heart so full. I am crying just writing about it! 

My friends try to act happy for me, but I know some of them really aren't (even though they want to be so bad). The other day I was talking to a friend about it and she said, "You know I am REALLY happy for you but you know me I'm still gonna be jealous and be like 'You look better than me?! Aww hell no!'" I told her that I looked better than her anyway. Lol. I am worried that I will lose some friends in this process. But I have already made some. Granted, they aren't in person..I met them on OH. But I still consider them friends!  

It's weird to look back and realize that when I was younger, I thought I would be obese my entire life. Now, I know I won't be..and that is the most exciting thing EVER. I feel like I finally have hope now. Not hope that my life will get better, I am very happy with my life right now. I am happy with the people in it, and the direction that it is going in. But I have hope that FINALLY my body will fit my person. All my life, it has been like I was this nice, beautiful person stuck in a fat person's body. I know I have a ways to go...but I am actually looking forward to the ride. I am looking forward to the knowledge about myself and the world that I will obtain, as well as the new experiences I will have and the people I will meet. Oh, the places I will go!

I AM SO FREAKIN EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


About Me
Grove City, OH
Surgery Date
Sep 02, 2010
Member Since

Before & After
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427 poundslbs
212 pounds down
215 poundslbs

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