Let's see...where to start with my story...I guess I'll just start from the beginning. All my life I've been overweight and taller than all my friends. I'm only 5'9, but I guess that's tall for girls, so I always stood out in the crowd. Through high school I tried diets, starvation, weight loss programs, and sports...none of them help me lose any weight. After I graduated I went to college and decided to study nutrition since I'd never been taught it, and I also figured it might be a way to help me lose weight as well as get a job. Well it did help me. I lost like 70 pounds my senior year, and oh how I was getting compliments all around, but then college ended. I gained all the weight back plus even more. Now since I studied nutrition, I was always on this mindset that only the super obese should have weight loss surgery, but as my weight kept increasing and my back pain kept increasing I starting thinking more and more about the surgery. I forgot to mention that I'm only 26 years old so for me to have chronic back pain all the time wasn't really making me feel good about myself, neither did my doctor prescribing blood pressure pills. Anyway, I started researching gastric bypass and talking with people who's had the surgery and feeling like a hypocrite I called the doctor and started the process to have the surgery. I know I'm not a hypocrite really I was just wrong in my thinking. So now here I am...my surgery date is 2/2/09, eight days before my 27th birthday. I wanted myself to have the greatest present ever giving to any person...the gift of life...and I plan on having a long, wonderful one without limitations.

About Me
Fayetteville, NC
Surgery Date
Oct 30, 2008
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