Experience at the County Fair

Sep 13, 2011

Wow so what an odd trip that was to go to the county fair.  There were so many emotions and thoughts running through my head. 

What I ate: ox roast beef sandwich with cheese and onions.  Had like 3 bites - no bun.  Wrapped it up so my dad had left overs - he couldn't even tell I ate anything LOL.  I also got some of the German cinnamon/sugar roasted almonds - I know it has carbs but was so worth it - ate about 7 on the car ride home. 

Things I learned/thought about

1.) Head hunger - first real bought of it.  Just seeing everyone stuffing their faces and all the food vendors made me think I was hungry - I knew I wasn't and just kept chugging the water.  Man it felt like my snack couldn't come fast enough.

2.) Foods smell/look different now - for the most part all I could smell was the grease and that was not appetizing.

3.) I am more judgmental of others - of course it is the fair so everyone is eating bad foods - fried XXX you fill in the blank they probably sell it.  It feels like that is why people go to the fair anymore - just to eat crap food. 

4.) I walked a lot and was able to keep pace with the rest of the family- which was nice - I wasn't always the straggler. 

My sister posed two odd questions to me...
1.) do you chose to not eat because you fear that you won't lose? a: no I get frustrated because I want to eat more sometimes but my tummy won't let me.  Just the texture and density of food that determines how much of it I can actually eat.

2.) are you trying to keep me fat by passing your leftovers off on me? a: no I just hate wasting food and if there is only a few bites left it won't go to waste.  You can always say NO - starting to be OK with throwing away food - still a daily struggle.

That's it for now sports fans!

Seacrest Out!


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