It has been 1 year to the day...

Sep 12, 2010

Since I wrote on my own wall! Wow lets see, a lot has happened since this time last year. I graduated, passed my boards and I am now an LPN. I have been a Float Nurse with UHS Physician Practices. I have loved the expereinces I have gotten and most of the wonderful people I have worked with. I am hopefully going to work with an awesome NP in a school Based program next month.
Our oldest has graduated, and is hopefully going off to college in the near future. He is out on his own doing his own thing at this point. Has a job and being the man he wants. Youngest started middle school this year which made me feel older than dirt!
Hubby had bought me a 2007 PT Cruiser when I graduated, with taxes,  so I had a nice reliable vehicle for work. I didnt have it more than 6 months and had a scary accident in which it was totaled. My Cody and Austin were with me but other than some bumps and bruises we were all ok.
Health wise~~ I have always had anemia issues so I decided to finally do something about it. A little over a 10 days ago I had a Partial Hysterctomy done. They were able to drain the ovarian cysts I had causing me issues and hopefully no more periods will mean better Iron levels in the end.  Other than that I have been feeling alright.
Foods I like... hmmm Hard to tell. This summer I was on a fresh blueberry kick. If I had nothing else I could have lived off Fresh blueberries. I still watch my sugars and labels. I do have an occasional treat from time. Life is all about moderation right? In everything we do.. till later....

Over half way there!

Sep 13, 2009

It has been like, forever since I posted last. I have been one busy lady. I am just over 1/2 way through my LPN coursework. Clinicals start back up Monday and Weds this week and last the last 20 weeks of the 2nd semester.I am shadowing a heap in Family Care Centers in the 1st 10 weeks which I am stoked about! It will be a nice balance between the floor I work on, Nursing Home Care, and acute levels of care.

My family has finally found a place down in the village. A whole house that rents for the cost of where we were at. Love municipal electric rates! The kids can walk to school, friends and the park. I can take a walk around town for exercise and walk to the store instead of drive.... Just good stuff all the way around.

I have not reached my goal of 135.. I have lost 110 from my highest, 100 from surgery date. Dr Cole said he wants me no lower than 145.. So I have met his goal. I had labs drawn and everything major looked good.. iron was a little low but mine always has been really. My sugars do tend to drop pretty low sometimes. Cant get a firm grasp on that, I try complex carbs to hold me... but maybe my body is just burning them faster than ever. The other evening I dropped to 43 which hit fast and scared me to death. I was home at the time so it wasn't as bad.. but I fear having it drop when I am driving.
I think once kids get all settled into school and I finish school Feb 5th... I will get into a better routine. Right now it is school all day.. homework, housework, kids needs, and repeat. But the plus side... is I have the energy to do it!!

Fav foods.. still love yogurt.. I tend to opt for Oikos Greek yogurt with a little fresh fruit. Chili.. homemade more than Wendys now. Love my hubbys Halupki Stew (although cabbage has its effects...)


Lifes been pretty busy...

Mar 11, 2009

Ok so I haven't posted in awhile.. long while that is. Been getting things in line for some major me time. I have gotten thru with EVERYTHING I need to complete to go back to school to become a LPN. The paperwork was the worst but I might as well get used to it since it is going to be never ending once I get my License anyhow.
March 30th is my beginning date.. I will be attending a Vocational program for 10 months full time days... like 8-4ish to make this happen. I decided that I do not want to grow old as a CNA and even though I am healthier now than ever.. how much of that heavy lifting stuff can my body take in the future? I also cannot tell my kids they have to go on and have a college education if I really showed no ambition or drive to be the Nurse I always wanted to be. I may go on for my RN when I am done but at least I will be able to work as a LPN in the meantime.The best way to make sure my patients are being taken care of--- is to be the one who can handle that stuff.. which as an aide I can't. That bothers me worse than anything else.. since I am a control freak. I ask for something to happen I want to see it happen... right now I have no power there.

Ok so my weight loss has all but stopped at this point. Not sure if I am just not getting in protien enough. Do not get me wrong--- I met my drs goals about 15lbs ago. and I hover between 153 and 157 at any given time of the month. * have about 8-10lbs to reach my goal of 100lbs lost. I did go ahead and finish up my back tattoo and add the 4th rose for the last 25lbs lost.. and if I do not lose the 8-10 I must .. then I will cope with it. It did not look right with 2 on one side and 1 on the other.It is bigger than I imagined.. but just looking at the pics I can see the difference in the contour of my back from the beginning to the end.  
I still have that newbie syndrome where people are asking me how much I have lost now. It drives me nuts because sometimes it feels like that is the only reason they notice me now. Heck since I am going back to school I only work per diem. So I have worked all 3 shifts within the last month or so.. but only because now my health will allow it. I think I average about 28-36 hrs a week or so. Not too shabby for being an on-call staff LOL.The most difficult part there is getting my family to support me in what hours I pick up. I know because I try to handle all of the bills... that we need that second paycheck of some sorts. Even if it is just enough to cover our gas needs. They like me home.. I am a control freak and tend to make sure everything gets done. Except when I am at work and I expect things of them. I am thinking they just need to get used to it though because in less than 2 weeks--- I will be a FT student and refusing to be that enabling person who does it all.I need to make this happen if the house crumbles around me.
Ok so I could soooo ramble on and on. I do need to go make a protein shake for some breakfast of sorts. I had some peanuts but thinking this would be a nice change..
1 comment

Made it through Thanksgiving well!

Dec 06, 2008

In fact it went so well.. I enjoyed a tiny slice of SF Pumpkin Pie! I have never been a Pumpkin fan but I guess it is just my ever changing tastebuds.Love Pumpkin Spice coffee.. I don't know why.I am hovering at like 159-158ish this week.. but it is my time of the month. I have been working more hours than usual and kicking up my exercise a touch so lets see if I make my amended goal of 150ish for New Years. Originally it was 160 but I licked that one.

Christmas will be just as easy I think seeing as it is not a food based gathering really.I have all my gifts wrapped and hidden so kids cannot peek. I do need to update my pic on here.I looked for the camera today to take it to Binghamton University for our Girl Scout trip but to no avail.

It felt so good to be able run up the stairs and help drag tired girls up the hills without getting winded.Or even out of breath for that matter!

Yesterday I was rushing into the grocery store for popcorn and the chicky from Produce was checking out stuff, and was hollering after me how I cant lose much more or she wouldnt see me when I walk in! She said I look great.. I kinda thanked her and kept moving. It was cool that she noticed but I was like...omg as she hollered through the store after me.

The other girl scout leader told me I should try on a pair of my daughters jeans. She did and she fit! Since I had wls she has kicked her dieting into gear and lost 30lbs. We looked back at last years Memorial Day Parade pic and were like--- WOW! Those women are gone forever.  

So now I a ready to get more added to my back tat. My original thought was a new flower for every 25lbs lost but I do not want an uneven number of flowers on my back, until I lose another 13ish lbs. So I am thinking one for every 20lbs instead! LOL I have time to decide since I am positive Chip is booking wayyyy out right now. I will go to work early one day, and stop in to talk to him.

My fav food right now seems to be some cottage cheese with fruit. Any kind of fruit that is fresh. or even a 1/2 mini bagel with cottage cheese on it. Co-workers are trying to feed me goodies left by patients and I have resisted.

Ok so I just tried on the girls size 16s.. NOT! Leo the dog is barking at me madly because of the struggle I put up. Same with a juniors size 7 but they were up around my tush. My daughter walked in and said "well mom it is a new goal for you to work on!" and we both started laughing. (as the dog continues to bark.)I think I will be very happy in my current size 8 womens. Never thought I could get there from a 20/22ish to an 8.

Heard  from Kim who traveled across the country with her family to live here in NY! This excites me hugely. I told hubby I would be traveling to Syracuse soon to meet up with her. We had surgery the same day... her in CA and I here in NY. She is so strong being able to pick up and move like that, with her kids during the holiday. I just cannot wait to meet her!

Ok.. nuff for now. Must get the kiddles off to bed. Tomorrow I am working an 11a-1130p for my friend Tricia..(and my pocketbook) so it is going to be a long one.

I am down by 81lbs!! Where did it go??

Nov 18, 2008

OK So I went to the Rheumatologist Monday and they are going to have me get a cervical spine and Lumbar Ct done to make sure there are no major issues and then I am free to go to the Chiropractor. They gave me a wonderful non drowsy muscle relaxer sample and script to try until I go back in 4 weeks. Also gave me cortisone injections in both hips for Bursitis.....

Exciting part is that their scales comfirmed that I am down to 164! That thrilled me sooo much. I mean I can get on and off my scales all I want but when I see it on the dr's scales it just feels so much better! It is now in my chart.. hehe

They said I have good flexibility and range of motion for hearing all of the cracking and creaking going on with the movements she was doing. To which I responded  "I have 4 kids, a hubby, and a job.. I have to keep moving."

After going there I went to work and got the paperwork to enroll in the LPN tuition Program. They will pay 100% if I work for them as such after graduation for 2 years. Totally do-able. It is all filled out and I have 3 co-workers writing letters of referral for me ..(including my Nurse Manager). I got my application into the LPN Program today and it is good to go. I just finally feel that the timing is so right to do this.I will take my entrance exam in December and begin school in March. Session goes from March 2009 to Jan of 2010.

Hubby is working the job he wanted to in high school and slowly but surely I am getting there to the job I have always wanted. I kind of did it all backwards. I had my kids first, got married, made life happen and work and now--- it is time to finish off my dreams. I love my RNY!

Winter is coming.. feel it in my bones

Nov 12, 2008

I am settled for the winter. Christmas tree just came out. I am at 168 last week. My bones are creaking and settling in for the winter with me so I am going to see a Rheumatologist Monday morning for the first time like... ever. I did have a Dx of arthritis from the Primary with xrays years ago but now treating me is not so simple so he is shipping me off. Which makes me happy. I want to be comfy in my new skin. 

I have worked a few days since I went per-diem and been keeping busy as a mom the rest of the time. The play is wrapping up and Allison has had intense 4 hr rehearsals all week this week. Showtimes are Friday and Saturday at 7p and Sunday at 3p. Alice in Wonderland Jr. It is going to be Great. I will post pics after the weekend.

My new adventure is a big one. I am going back to school in March for my LPN.However I just got a callback on a very exciting job opportunity that I really wanted and think I need to make a major decision. My heart is leading me to LPN... the desire to try something new leads me to the callback. See... it is a callback to a wonderful chiropracters office to work as a Secretary. They will fully train me and the benefits are beyond description. They certainly are not typical in nature but the Dr is very nice and the staff I met is just amazing.

Simply opportunities I do not think I would have taken on without having had this surgery. Really. Whether it be the confidence to walk in there and group interview, or the ability to go out of my "norm" and apply for this different position. I love my RNY!

I feel changes.. coming on!

Sep 27, 2008

I am down to 181.. size 12. I have put my 2 weeks notice in at work and am almost settled in my new home. I take my Civil Service exam on Nov 8th and hope to be offered 1 of 2 open Secretary positions at our local school. I feel simply wonderful. If I do not get one of those 2 positions I will find something else or go back to school to become a Social Worker. I may even start online courses  to pursue furthering this career while working at the school. Who knows?!?

I just know that when I called and told hubby I was giving my 2 weeks and he said good... I was happy and shocked and sooooo ready for it. I do not want to be a Nurses Aide for the rest of my adult life. I want to work with a team who respects that we are all there to help people together and are all there for the same cause. I have had enough resistance in life--- I am sooo done with that.

I want to be the happy mom who comes home to her family at night, not the mom who spends her days alone cleaning and works the nights away while her family is home trying to do what they must and leaving her hubby to single parent.Simplicity I guess one would say I am getting back to.

Lets get back to the basics of family, and focus on what matters.The rest will fall into place.

My practically brand new bike is over here from the other house... so until I find gainful employment I am going to be riding to the next town over. About a short 3 mile jaunt... and back. I now have no excuse... my tush fits the seat comfortably! I had to have this bike. Rode it once and it was so uncomfy for my over 245 self, but I really wanted to be able to do it. I did. Now I can.

Lets see foods I like right now... hmm I love a wonderful Crock Pot Soup. It is fall in NY and the leaves are changing so walking in the door and knowing dinner is done and hot rocks on!
I like baked foods with sauce and ricotta cheese. It just goes down so easy and tastes yummy.
I still like my protein shakes when I am on the run. But I love my Kashi cereal!

Taking a few mins to myself...

Aug 27, 2008

I have not posted in a few weeks and think I need to get better about this. Lets see. Going back to work has thrown my body into a different tizzy. I am down to 193. I did have labs drawn thinking my iron was low, and all that came back was low sugar and some slight dehydration. So I am increasing my fluids and seriously making sure I try to increase my carb/ protein intake so they balance each other. Other than that I feel really good.
People at work are always telling me how good I look and complimenting me. Then saying things like.. but we thought you were fine the way you were LOL.
I am size Medium scrubs and can wear a size 14 jeans comfortably. I still wear a lot of my 16s though as it is what I have the most of and just belt em if need be. I find that I am making very frequent trips to the clothing bank to donate and sift through to change out my clothes. About every 2 weeks or so I go down.
It keeps the kids clothes thinned out as well.
I still love my protein shakes in the morning. Now eating about a 1/2 packet of sugar free apple and cinnamon oatmeal sometimes. Love it.

I did dump on bread one day. Made a slice of toast for breakfast, went down sooo nice, kicked my butt! Knocked me out until 1230 in the afternoon. Bread no more for me. Maybe later out.

So thats where I am at right now.Hopefully all is well with everyone!

6 weeks out yesterday

Aug 07, 2008

Well today I am weighing in at about 202lbs. I went back to work yesterday evening and wowser did it kick my tush. I did ok until about 1030pm and then I just got whooped. I expected it though for a first day back.I also couldn't get people to shut up about the "new Jessica Parker" on the floor and how much have I lost and on and on. I mean I kind of knew it would all be there waiting to greet me but I work on a very busy floor.I had a lot of work to be done. I really appreciated the fact they took notice but I really did it for my health more than anything.However... there is this one nurse who took it as a competition of sorts. At one point offhandedly someone told me how great I looked and she threw out into the air "Well I have lost more than that!" Thats when I started to get annoyed with it all. I just wanted to move on.I was not there to compete with anyone else or overshadow. The only reason I told them why I went out in the 1st place is they all have big mouths and were wondering why the protein shakes and such.
Ok.. on to the good news. Today I went to see Dr. Cole. I love going to see him. He sat down beside me and said look at this, the form with my pre-op and post-op stats on it. Look at what you have accomplished! He was sitting next to me on the bench in his office and put his hand on my shoulder and said "I am proud of you. I knew you could do this." He had me stand up and he took a look and told me what to work on as far as trouble spots go. Reminding me he can and would take care of extra skin if I end up with a rash and/or issues.. just remember to take it to the primary ASAP and have it documented.
He reccommended 2 meals a day as opposed to the 3 of the nutritionist with a nice snack. He said since really my belly is so tiny I do not need all that much yet. Maybe eventually. He will see me in December for a 6 month follow up.
But he did say that obviously something is working right for me.Just pay attention and eat smart.He always makes me feel like I am in such control when I leave there. Next visit I go off Prilosec too... and I haven't taken any arthritis meds since surgery.Colleen has given me so much to work with for nutrition info I cannot even begin to give the Center all of the positive praise they deserve.

1 month surgiversary!

Jul 18, 2008

I cannot grasp that 1 full month ago I had such wonderful surgery! As of a couple days ago I was weighing in at 33lbs down and only hop on the scales once a week. I can start to feel the difference though. I am easily sliding into size 16 jeans where all of my old size 18s were barely fitting me anymore. I did dig out an old pair of 14s and try them on but I am just not there yet. Oh well LOL. I am soooo very happy for the room to spare 16s!

I go to Nutritionist on Monday and move on up to the next stage of foods.Kind of excited, but not so much. I have been playing with different foods and getting an idea of which ones might work for me and which ones might not so much.

I did get in a first "dump"experience totally on accident. Kids threw a freezer pop thinking it had landed on top shelf and cleared the ice storage.Well it went un noticed and made it through the frozen ice and the crusher and evento my nice dark water bottle. It wasn't noticed until the water was consumed, and the dumping happened and the water consumed again, and I spent a whole day drinking sips of this ICKY water only.. and vomiting. The next morning.. I looked at the bottle with clear eyes, and my glasses... and there was a piece of plastic from the freeze pop that had defrosted from the ice. So.. knowing what sugar does to me.... will keep me far away from it!
And the freeze pops are in the chest freezer now..LOL

In less than 2 weeks I go back to work. Mixed emotions there. I am sooo ready to get out of this house. Yet I am not certain I am fully ready. I still get tired early in the evening and I work until 1130pm. Thats going to be difficult.I have applied for a different position though on days. We shall see. 

About Me
greene, NY
Surgery Date
Jan 15, 2008
Member Since

Friends 42

Latest Blog 19
Made it through Thanksgiving well!
I am down by 81lbs!! Where did it go??
Winter is coming.. feel it in my bones
I feel changes.. coming on!
Taking a few mins to myself...
6 weeks out yesterday
1 month surgiversary!
