Over half way there!

Sep 13, 2009

It has been like, forever since I posted last. I have been one busy lady. I am just over 1/2 way through my LPN coursework. Clinicals start back up Monday and Weds this week and last the last 20 weeks of the 2nd semester.I am shadowing a heap in Family Care Centers in the 1st 10 weeks which I am stoked about! It will be a nice balance between the floor I work on, Nursing Home Care, and acute levels of care.

My family has finally found a place down in the village. A whole house that rents for the cost of where we were at. Love municipal electric rates! The kids can walk to school, friends and the park. I can take a walk around town for exercise and walk to the store instead of drive.... Just good stuff all the way around.

I have not reached my goal of 135.. I have lost 110 from my highest, 100 from surgery date. Dr Cole said he wants me no lower than 145.. So I have met his goal. I had labs drawn and everything major looked good.. iron was a little low but mine always has been really. My sugars do tend to drop pretty low sometimes. Cant get a firm grasp on that, I try complex carbs to hold me... but maybe my body is just burning them faster than ever. The other evening I dropped to 43 which hit fast and scared me to death. I was home at the time so it wasn't as bad.. but I fear having it drop when I am driving.
I think once kids get all settled into school and I finish school Feb 5th... I will get into a better routine. Right now it is school all day.. homework, housework, kids needs, and repeat. But the plus side... is I have the energy to do it!!

Fav foods.. still love yogurt.. I tend to opt for Oikos Greek yogurt with a little fresh fruit. Chili.. homemade more than Wendys now. Love my hubbys Halupki Stew (although cabbage has its effects...)


About Me
greene, NY
Surgery Date
Jan 15, 2008
Member Since

Friends 42

Latest Blog 19
Made it through Thanksgiving well!
I am down by 81lbs!! Where did it go??
Winter is coming.. feel it in my bones
I feel changes.. coming on!
Taking a few mins to myself...
6 weeks out yesterday
1 month surgiversary!
