The fruits of the my doctors labor

Jun 05, 2009

On Tuesday (exactly 1 week after my surgery)  i weighed my self for the first time, and let me just say, "SHOCKER !!!". In one week i lost 25 lbs, that's freaking awesome. at first i  regretted getting the surgery, but now I'm happy and i cant wait to lose my first 100 lbs. i figure that if the weight loss keeps up like this by June 24 (my birthday) i would go down at least 35 to 40 more lbs. 

i feel like CRAP !!!

May 29, 2009

Well its been exactly 4 days since my surgery and i feel like crap !!!
i know its for the best, and that i wont feel like this for ever, so I'm OK with feeling like crap.
the surgery didn't go as smooth as i would of liked, from what the doctor told me there was a major problem and the surgery actually took longer than it normally does. he said that during the surgery i was doing great, but at the end, while they where trying to remove the breathing tube i stopped breathing. from my understanding it happened multiple time, both on the surgery table and in the ICU (intensive care unit). I'm OK now and the only problem I'm having is getting the med's they gave me to go down into my stomach.


My new life starts tomorrow

May 25, 2009

 It is May 25 2009, and  and I'm excited... why ? you ask, because tomorrow, May 26, 2009 i will be getting the gastric bypass surgery. I'm so happy, I've been wanting this for about 4 years and its now its finally going to happen. i like many of you have always wanted to do more with my,( travel, party, finish school, etc. ) but because of my weight i couldn't, now that's all going to change. thanks to this surgery i will be a new man, someone with no regrets, no negative thoughts, and no restrictions.

About Me
Surgery Date
Mar 31, 2009
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