Two Years on the 14th

Dec 18, 2006

Well I hit the two year mark, and my weight is about 170. About 7 pounds above my lowest weight. I am really trying to maintain this weight, or even lose some more. I still want to get to my ultimate goal of 145, but truly that is just a number on the scale. I have alot of stress with family things in my life, and I find I turn to food for comfort. The holidays are also not really an easy time for me, because there are so many treats and sweets around. But, I had the surgery in December, and made it through one Christmas with treats everywhere, and I didn't eat them, I can make through another. I use to keep track of what I eat, most days. I also keep track of my exercise that way. I haven't done it for the last couple of weeks, because there are too many lunches out, and too many things going on. I still am exercising almost everyday, and I am not going to stop doing that. As much as I can't stand getting on that machine everymorning, I sure feel good once I am done. I am going to add some kind of weight training in January, and also thinking of maybe Pilates or Yoga. I would like to avoid the plastic surgery, but it is also my sore point on my body.  I think I will make it a reward if I can lose this 20lbs that has eluded me thus far. I think that is a great goal, and then I will deserve the expense. You never know, if I can get that goal, I may find I don't even need it, as my skin has been amazing to me thus far. If the folks on The Biggest Loser can do it, so can I. Off to therapy tomorrow, it really helps with working through some of the issues, so then I don't feel like eating treats. Damn this maintaining is hard. Why can't this just be easy. I refuse to gain back this weight though. Just refuse and will do whatever it takes to not gain it back.

2 Years coming up

Dec 09, 2006

Well it has been two year in a couple of days. It is hard to believe. I can eat just about anything. That kind of ticks me off. Especially chocolate and sweets. I would rather not be able to eat them. Certian things make me dump still, like ice cream and anything high in fat. Over all, I am maintaining my weight. I never made it to my ultimate goal, but that doesn't stop me from trying. I exercise just about everyday, and try to keep my calories under 1300. I drink at least 85 ozs of fluid a day. I just got all my labs back, and they are still all great. My cholesteral is well under 200, and my triclycerides are a whopping 53. This surgery is amazing. But it is a tool, and now it is my responsibility to maintain what this tool has given me. Not that the weightloss was a cake walk, because it was far from that. But I am learning to understand my emotions and why I am eating, which is helping me get a handle on it all. I am thinking about plastics. It costs about $12000. I am not sure I can afford that at this point, but I don't know another time that I will want to do it. So I am still in the thinking stage.

About Me
Seattle, WA
Surgery Date
Oct 24, 2003
Member Since

Before & After
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Me and Andy, when I was first thinking about surgery

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Two Years on the 14th
2 Years coming up
