Hi,   I'm going by the name of Bariatric Contessa....  My husband, Daniel & I live in Central Kentucky.  I have one son and 3 beautiful grandchildren.  My husband is from Romania and I brought him to the US almost 3 years ago.  My husband, Daniel, has an employer that provides insurance covering the RNY.  I feel so blessed to have this opportunity.

As for my career field, ......I have had a personal interest for over 25 years in Hypnosis and this led me into the field of Hypnotherapy.  I recently became a  Certified Master Clinical Hypnotherapist .  In addition, I'm currently enrolled in advanced hypnotherapy courses and will graduate in California in Sept. 2010, at which time I will actually open my practice.  I previously studied Psychology and PreMed Biology at EKU.   Before training as a hypnotherapist,  I worked as a U.S. Merchant Marine (certified through the US Coast Guard) for the cruise industry until my marriage in Europe in 2006.    I have fought this weight thing since my Hysterectomy at 23 years old,.....(although I have never weighed as much as I weigh today.)   I will be 46 on Sept. 23rd. ....so thats a battle spanning 23 years of which the last 3 have been the worst.   Although while working on the ships, I had lost quite a bit of  weight & toned up rather well.  I felt great then.......I was still overweight but totally proportioned well enough to carry my weight in a very disguised manner.  I was proud of my weight the day of my wedding.....(April 2006).....although, today (August 2009), I am a totally different person and sometimes don't recognize myself when I stand in the mirror..  I feel so embarrassed about the way my body has become so overweight, yet regardless of my efforts, I have not been able to lose these extra pounds.  

I  have put on an additional 80+ lbs  over the past 3 years and there is NO disguising it now..  I am offically considered "morbid obese"....and I can't believe I am at that status.... I have had so many health issues during this time as well.  My nervous system was attacked by Aspartame for the second time in my life...(the first being about 12 years ago)...too much Crystal Lite, Slim Fast, Diet drinks, etc....and was informed by a retired Cardiologist, "If it doesn't grow on a vine...don't eat it bcs there are so many chemicals in our foods today that even though some are on the labels, tthere are those that if under a certain amount..... are not required to be listed on the label...yet ....they still exist in the product"........so I make a point to not eat ANYTHING with artificial sugars and I try to eat only organic foods when possible.    I totally avoid carbonated drinks ...  My kidneys react to carbonation, or even too much real sugar for that matter......so I stick to Water (No Lemon due to the hernia) & Cranberry Juice.........and that even includes protein shakes, which cause my feet & legs  to swell enormously.  I try to eat a Casein free diet as well.....and also try to stick with a Diverticulitis diet..........that leaves Green Beans * Pinto Beans..LOL...or Pinto Beans and Green Beans......LOL.........and water of course......................and you tell me why I continue to GAIN weight?????????  Thats why I worry if the surgery will do me any good.  I'm already restricted so much on my diet........

Last year, I had some gastric situations going on that my M.D..... nor my Gastro Surgeon.... could not find reasons for ...even after multiple tests.......so....I took my own situation into my own hands (I DON'T RECOMMEND THIS TO ANYONE!) and started taking 6000 I.U. of Vitamin D a day and started eliminating and reintroducing one at a time... glucose, wheat, dairy products, eggs, nut, etcs........I found that I must have been having allergic reactions to all of them except the eggs and nuts.........to the point of causing such severe pain that I couldn't walk or even get up or put myself to bed...(My husband would even have to take the covers off of me of the morning...the pain in my lower left side was excruciating and the docs still don't know what was causing this and didn't suggest further testing..????).......In the meantime, after being on Vit. D and eliminating the foods, my side stopped having any pain within a week or so, I had increased ability to move and energy......yet, my weight continued to increase and I had no understanding why.........I'm not a big eater & understand portion control. I try to eat healthy.......yet, it continues to increase.???   My hiatel hernia is a constant painful issue..........I have sleep apnea......the health issues have been difficult. 

Recently, my Chiropractor informed that the bottom disk and vertebrae of my spine is slipping forward due to a bone broken or cracked that holds that vertebrae in place...and my hips are out of place.......(I think its bcs of the weight bcs I have no significant occurence that I know of to cause this and I was going to my Chiropractor for adjustments on the hips during this time it started hurting so badly so I ask for xrays and after xrays she showed me this situation.).  My BMI is now 51.............(and to think that Aetna actually DENIED me the first time on a BMI of 51 with sleep apnea and history of obesity for more than 15 years??).    I only hope that this surgery actually will help me to lose.....I'm in such a physical shape that this RNY will be a miracle for me.  I realize I need more exercise, yet its difficult with this vertebrae thing going on...........Hopefully it will be relieved after the  surgery and weight loss......

The years prior to the past 3, I was always active......I have alot of interest..........Hypnotherapy being the foremost, and also Travel, Photography (I was a Glamour Photographer at one time ), Psychology & Hypnotherapy research, Hispanic Culture, Language, and People, Geneology, Cake Decorating & Design, Home Decor & Design, Landscape Design, Belly Dance, Candlemaking, Craft Making such as gourmet potpourri pies, Swarovski crystal designs, fashion, self help seminars, DVD's, and books, shopaholic, etc...........  I was raised on a rural tobacco & cattle farm in central KY.    My parents are very loving, (just celebrated their 51st Anniversary this year) and I have one brother.  My family is a close knit family and when one goes to the hospital, there will be 20 literally in the waiting room....lol.    I'm very outspoken, caring, considerate, and especially try to always be kind.  I believe in the "Boomerang Effect" as I have named it...........what you project out......will come back to you...........even if its years later......

I hope and pray that after the surgery, I can have the strength to TAKE MY L:IFE BACK to the way I was before....and to be active and passionate about  my daily life.  I miss participating in so many activities .......I realize....the surgery is a tool and I must use it as a tool continually being aware of the psychological aspects of weight gain/loss.  Its been a rough 3 years for me......I wish it on NO ONE......

I want to vlog on You Tube about my monthly updates of my WLS journey.  I have already opened up an account under BariatricContessa, however, not posted anything at this point..  You are welcome to follow my updates.   I'm just thankful my husband has this insurance that will help me to become ME again.  I want to be able to run, walk, and play with my grandchildren and to enjoy an ACTIVE life myself......  I hope, as a Hypnotherapist, to put together a testimony that I can share with others after my WLS.(weight loss surgery).  I feel for others out there in my situation that are enduring the things that the last 3 years have brought me.........By having the actual procedure myself,  I am designing a program for PreOp & PostOp WLS patients where Hypnotherapy can improve their daily lives.....and to build a bigger awareness of  WLS patients  in our local churches, as well as, business and medical communities.  I even plan on writing a book about my 3 year journey leading up to the morbid obesity and thru the surgery itself and the beneficial aspects for me afterwards including the psychological changes that take place due to the weight loss.

I wish all of you the best and may I ask prayers for my journey. 

Bariatric Contessa

About Me
Danville, KY
Surgery Date
Apr 11, 2008
Member Since

Friends 20

Latest Blog 13
