This is about ridiculous!!!!

Oct 29, 2009

Hey,  This is about ridiculous!!  Gotta laugh instead of cry.....It seems like every time I get to the doorway....the door gets slammed in my face??????     I went to my scheduled appt today to bariatric doc office....afterwards they reminded me of going to hospital immediately before noon today to do my Blood work for surgery tomorrow (Oct.30th)....I proceeded to the hospital, did the blood work, and they placed a bracelet on me and told me how important it was to keep this bracelet on for arrival in the morning.  I agreed I would leave it on and they wished me well.....I drove home.   Upon arriving at home, I checked my voice mail and had 3 calls from the doc office.   I returned the call and was informed that my surgery was not going to be in the morning!!!!   Instead, back when they cancelled my operation on Oct. 14th until I could get other specialist appts completed,.....the scheduler never marked my file as being when I went back after seeing Allergy Specialist, my Bariatric Surgeon looked at my file....and saw my surgery date of Oct. told me that my date was the same as before....I followed up today as I was directed.....all was well..........after I left the office today, my surgeon asked scheduler for my file since he was preparing for tomorrow's surgeries......the scheduler told him I was not on schedule for tomorrow......she failed to mark my surgery date as "Cancelled"  in my file....and everyone in the office read according to what the file we all got shocked................scheduler was able to put me in surgery slot on November 4th due to a cancellation........(left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing is how I feel at this point.)..................  not the surgeon's fault......the scheduler dropped the ball on my file by not appropriately notating  my file.  So now..........I have to go back Tuesday again  to the hospital and have the tubes of blood drawn for the Blood Typing before Wednesday's surgery all over again.  Not to mention, this meant that my friends & family that had ask off from work had to be notified of my surgery cancellation at last minute, and some could not the new date is a real problem for my husband's employer...........but they have waited so long now that if I postpone it to another week, I would have to do the Cardiology and chest xrays again?????   Wow.....I never dreamed this would be such a long and winding road just to get to the operation room.    I'm tired.................   So many bumps in the road.....   So now....if all goes as new plans call for....I go for surgery on November 4, 2009 at 6AM......


About Me
Danville, KY
Surgery Date
Apr 11, 2008
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