1 year out, 175 pounds gone

Apr 12, 2011

Hello my OH family,
You all have been so supportive throughout this journey.  Thank you so much to everyone on here.  I don't know how I would have made it without you.
I lost 30 before surgery and 145 since.  My one year anniversary is tomorrow.
I feel and look so much better.  From 397 to 222.  From 34 pants and 5X shirt to 18 (sometimes 16) pants and 2X shirts.  From having diabetes and high blood pressure to NADA.  From not being able to sit in a chair for more then five minutes and having to lay down from such severe back pain to being able to (did this today) bike 35 minutes on my stationary (8 miles), do my bowflex workout (8 exercises).  From hating life to loving it.  My only regret.......I wish I did this sooner.
God Bless All Of You....

